Health insurance VS Mortgage


VIP Member
Oct 3, 2009
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?

Wow...are you really THIS uninformed when it comes to healthcare reform? Or just this completely STUPID? Do not ask questions about complex issues you are too lazy and/or stupid to understand. It just makes you look like a partisan hack.
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?

Wow...are you really THIS uninformed when it comes to healthcare reform? Or just this completely STUPID? Do not ask questions about complex issues you are too lazy and/or stupid to understand. It just makes you look like a partisan hack.

He maybe really that stupid. I tend to think he's simply a troll, willfully ignorant and of dull normal intelligence (measured by his inablity to even parrot talking points well).
Of course I may be giving him too much credit.
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?

Wow...are you really THIS uninformed when it comes to healthcare reform? Or just this completely STUPID? Do not ask questions about complex issues you are too lazy and/or stupid to understand. It just makes you look like a partisan hack.

He maybe really that stupid. I tend to think he's simply a troll, willfully ignorant and of dull normal intelligence (measured by his inablity to even parrot talking points well).
Of course I may be giving him too much credit.

It scares me more to think ANYONE could actually be THIS uninformed on the topic at this point. If he were just a troll, that is one thing...but, come on, people!
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?

"Under the House bill those who can afford to buy insurance and don’t’ pay a fine. If the refuse to pay that fine there’s a threat – as with a lot of tax fines – of jail time."
Interview with the President: Jail Time for Those without Health Care Insurance? - Political Punch

Can you force those who choose not to be insured to get health insurance?
“Even in good times, many Americans drive without insurance. The Insurance Research Council's previous study, released in 2006, found that nearly 15% of drivers nationally were uninsured in 2004, up from about 13% in 1999. In some states, including Mississippi, California and Arizona, roughly a quarter of drivers weren't insured.”
And this is even though auto insurance is required in 48 states, costs less than health insurance, and jail time is possible!
Road Risks Rise as More Drivers Drop Insurance -
I wonder if all those unemployed people who voted for Obama and thought they were going to get free health insurance now fear being thrown in jail for not having any. They have no job and struggle to keep their homes and now Obama demands they get health insurance that they can't afford? What if they have to decide between paying for health insurance and paying the mortgage? How can anyone make that decision when losing their home to avoid jail means that there kids won't have a place to stay. I think a lot of people will opt to break the law in order to make sure that there kids have a home. This means a lot of good parents who simply can't afford health insurance are going to be put in jail simply because they want to keep a roof over there children's head.

How compassionate is this policy going to be when enacted when people opt to go to jail simply because they chose to keep paying their mortgage?

Has anyone wondered what would happen to the home when a working parent is in jail?

Now I guess we will have a bunch of people jumping up and down wanting free health care and free mortgages too... I'd like the government to make my car payment too - Oh, wait, they already do that in MA if you are unemployeed. They also give you a cell phone if you're homeless. That's our government for you.
What part of can afford to and don't is hard to understand?

Who gets to dictate what one can, or can not afford?

When I was shopping for a house, banks told me I could "afford" a $750,000+ house. :doubt:

Lucky for me, I'm smarter than that.
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What part of can afford to and don't is hard to understand?

Who, pray tell, determines whether or not I can afford to pay for health insurance when by employer decides it is cheaper for him to pay the 8% penalty and let me fend for myself?

If you can't afford health insurance, you go on medicaid. The medicaid people don't seem to have a problem figuring out who is eligible. I fail to see how this would be different.
Like Dis already asked, who gets to decide who can afford it and who can't?

What if the "Affordability Czar" decides you don't "need" the kind of home you live in?
What part of my post on medicaid didn't you understand?
The language is in the bill as it stands. Ravi and VaYank5150 apparently like the provision or think it is very funny. Where is your compassion and the bleeding hearts? Fines are usually payable within two weeks to a month of the penalty. With no cash reserves or good credit, jail is a very real possibility.

Of course, this information is to be gleaned from your tax return, so the IRS can just seize your property without a court hearing. None of this is very comforting now is it?
If you can't afford health insurance, you go on medicaid. The medicaid people don't seem to have a problem figuring out who is eligible. I fail to see how this would be different.

Again, who determines whether or not I can afford my own health insurance? Nancy Pelosi?

With the amount of money I make, I won't qualify for Medicaid.

How to Qualify for Medicaid |

So, if my employer decides to dump this in my lap, I'm screwed.


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