He/She arrested for mural vandalism is voting for Trump

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
Three people were arrested and a fourth was issued a summons after a Black Lives Matter mural on Manhattan's Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower was vandalized with blue paint Friday afternoon, police said.

The incident, which happened about 4:00 p.m., marks the second in a week that someone threw paint on the mural, which the city painted July 9.

Morgan and Germanotta said that their actions were in part motivated by anger at Mayor Bill de Blasio. Morgan, who is Black, said she has members of law enforcement in her family. "Basically, I'm just sick and tired of the disrespect that our law enforcement is getting under de Blasio and Cuomo," Morgan said, referring to the mayor and Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Germanotta was seen being arrested while wearing an "All Lives Matter" shirt and wearing a rainbow-colored flag with the words "LGBT for Trump" on it. She said she wants people to know she is transgender, HIV positive and a registered Democrat who plans to vote for Trump in November.

While the media tries to portray that most people are against the police in general, they are exercising a plan that may backfire. At least according to these suspects, BLM is a signature of anti-police, and I'm sure many in the country view them the same way.

The left tells us the Walk Away movement is nothing but a propaganda machine created by the right. It doesn't exist, and only there to placate conservatives for this upcoming election. While people switch parties all the time, this movement only highlights one side and is nothing out of the ordinary.

However if voters are going to associate Trump as pro-police, and Democrats as anti-police, those who are concerned about support for our law enforcement may just vote for President Trump on that issue alone, even if (like Germanotta) they are Democrats.
Vandalism on top of vandalism. But due to racism, only one vandalism is considered a crime.

Which brings up the question of a constitutional violation of equal protection under the law. Why is it okay by government to allow one group of citizens to paint the streets, but penalize anther group for expressing their freedom of expression?

They did the exact same in Cleveland with the same results. People went over to that thing with a can of spray paint. The Mayor had 24/7 police protection of that mural, while citizens were getting gunned down in other parts of town.

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