He May Not Speak Softly.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....but he sure did carry a big stick.

1. Of course, the educated folks know the reference is to Teddy Roosevelt, Republican, and to Trump, a sort-of Republican.
But the 'big stick' applies to both. Just ask Soleimani.....oh, wait.....you can't ask him because Trump big-sticked him.
And the fact about Trump spot-lights how Democrats lie about everything.

2. The issue is that now that Biden and the Democrats have made a terrible mess out of leaving Afghanistan, and proven once more the terrible mistake of allowing the Democrats to steal the election, the game is to blame Trump:

"In recent days, Biden has repeatedly attempted to blame-shift his AFG failure to Trump.
Asked last week who was responsible for the Kabul bombing and AFG cluster, Biden correctly said, "I bear responsibility for, fundamentally, all that's happened of late."

Predictably, he qualified that response: "But here's the deal: You know — I wish you'd one day say these things — you know as well as I do that the former president made a deal with the Taliban..."

That was a lie. Trump's exit plan was with the Afghan government but included terms that the Taliban had to meet."

3. And the savages knew what the result would be if they infracted a deal with Trump.
They knew that Biden had voted "no" when it came to killing Bin Laden.

4. This is not to say that the Democrats are opposed to killing.....they just draw the line at killing folks who think the way the do.

Based on numbers reported by the Guttmacher Institute 1973-2014, with projections of 926,190 for 2015-16. GI estimates a possible 3 percent under reporting rate, which is factored into the overall total. [1/17]U.S. Abortion Statistics By Year (1973-Current) - Christian Life Resources statistics-by-year-1973-current-10

"Nancy Pelosi CRIES about Texas abortion ban going into effect today... The Texas abortion ban is the law now and Nancy Pelosi is not happy about it. She and some of her leftist colleagues are crying on Twitter about what a travesty this law is or something,...." Nancy Pelosi CRIES about Texas abortion ban going into effect today

5. And, of course.....the reason you Biden voters claimed you voted against Trump....

Bet you're proud proud of the work of the guy whose soft-speak you voted for.
We should have left Afghanistan 15 years ago

Biden finally said enough is enough
Biden's unforced, Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan is the worst thing I've seen a President do in my lifetime.

He needs to be removed from office ASAP
Biden's unforced, Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan is the worst thing I've seen a President do in my lifetime.

He needs to be removed from office ASAP

That's why they forced Kamala Harris on Biden. No one wants her as POTUS.

View attachment 533773

Will the average United States citizen ever be given a full accounting of the military equipment left behind or will some of that equipment turned over to the Taliban be classified Top Secret?



"UPDATE: Biden’s Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers"



UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...

"UPDATE: Biden’s Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers"

View attachment 533782

View attachment 533781

UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...


That's just the stuff they're willing to tell us about.

What about the military equipment left behind... accidently that they won't tell us about?


"UPDATE: Biden’s Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers"

View attachment 533782

View attachment 533781

UPDATE: Biden's Gift to Taliban Included 110 Helicopters, 20 Light Attack Airplanes, 42,000 Light Attack Vehicles, 25,000 Grenade Launchers

If you thought the Joe Biden Afghanistan disaster was bad now – things are going to get much worse. Joe Biden supplied the Taliban terrorist organization and their Islamist accomplices with billions of dollars worth of US armaments. Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the...


That’s what we get for giving military equipment over a 20 year period to an Army that dropped them and ran.

Blame Bush, Obama and Trump
None of that equipment came from Biden
6. "Political analyst Rich Lowry describes Biden’s remarks last week as “the arsonist bragging about how many fires he has put out,” and notes, “Honor has always had an enormous influence on human affairs and the conduct of governments — until, evidently, the advent of President Joe Biden in the year 2021.”

Biden and his cadre spent the last month speaking of the Taliban as if they were some trustworthy and legitimate government entity, rather than the amalgam of violent Sunni Islamist terrorists who invaded Afghanistan from Pakistan after the Soviet retreat — and have now rapidly reconstituted. There is virtually NO degree of ideological separation between the so-called “Taliban government” thugs and their surrogate terrorist groups, just doctrinal differences. And there is now no doubt that the more violent Sunni ISK Islamists (also from Pakistan) and Sunni al-Qa'ida Islamists have risen just as rapidly as surrogates under the Sunni Taliban protectorate. To insist that ISK and al-Qa'ida are not under the Taliban umbrella is a distinction without a difference.

Then yesterday, defending his decision to abandon Americans behind enemy lines, Biden again blamed Trump while taking credit for “the extraordinary success of this mission.” “Extraordinary success”?"
Op. Cit.

For those on the Left......wanna claim you're proud of the great job your stolen election bought????

For those on the Right: neither impeachment nor the 25th amendment are the answer: Biden's policies are the policies of the Democrat Party.
The entire party need be removed.
Biden was the only President with the guts to get us out of Afghanistan
7. "To be clear, as I noted in “Biden’s Afghan Blowup,” Trump’s drawdown plan had two primary and finite conditions: First, that the Taliban had demonstrably cut their ties with al-Qa'ida, ISK, and other terror groups, and second, that they successfully negotiate and maintain peace with the AFG government.

With Trump gone, the Taliban summarily discarded those conditions and ousted the AFG government. And why wouldn’t they? Obviously, they had no fear of Biden enforcing those terms. Former Director of National Intelligence Rick Grenell concurs: “The Taliban onslaught started coming once Joe Biden got into the White House. The Taliban knew they couldn’t make the move when Trump was in office.”

This is the difference:

8. Why would anyone pull the troops out before the civilians, the equipment, the data that fell into enemy hands?

I don't believe it was any more an accident than the earlier Democrat President who insisted that the 7th century savages of Iran be guaranteed nuclear weapons.

And the Democrats who said the Trump deal made it mandatory.....they simply lied.

"According to seasoned political analyst Brit Hume, “If you believe the Biden administration’s claim it was bound by the Trump-Taliban deal and thus had to get out fast,” you need to get your facts straight.

Referencing an investigative report published a week earlier, “Was Biden handcuffed by Trump’s Taliban deal in Doha?” the authors concluded: “U.S. officials made clear at the time that the agreement was conditions-based and the failure of intra-Afghan peace talks to reach a negotiated settlement would have nullified the requirement to withdraw. One day before the Doha deal, a top aide to chief U.S. negotiator Zalmay Khalilzad said the agreement was not irreversible, and ‘there is no obligation for the United States to withdraw troops if the Afghan parties are unable to reach agreement or if the Taliban show bad faith’ during negotiations.”

Hume noted: “The president is fond of saying, ‘Well, we were bound by the Trump administration’s deal with the Taliban.’ In fact, when that deal was struck in February 2020 [our negotiators] made it very clear that this was conditions-based and if the Taliban did not [meet those conditions] we were under no obligation to remove our troops. One of the key provisions of that deal was that the Taliban and the Afghan government would negotiate a [peace agreement]. They never did that.”

Hume concludes, “On that score alone, Biden was not obligated to pull our troops out.”
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