Having many problems with New Yorkers at work


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

Jews just complain but the Italians get violent and one tried to fight me last week

They truly think they’re better than anyone else lol
The truth is most are white trash ignoramuses

He wanted to fight me lol
I am 99 percent sure I would have obliterated him lol
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They’re omniscient morons and I am laughing as NYC becomes destroyed
They’re so cacophonous and irritating
Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

Jews just complain but the Italians get violent and one tried to fight me last week

They truly think they’re better than anyone else lol
The truth is most are white trash ignoramuses

He wanted to fight me lol
I am 99 percent sure I would have obliterated him lol

Mostly drama queens. A lot of my extended family is there or from there. The New Yorker attitude works FOR Trump tho.. It's New Yorkers who hate him.. Pushy loud people get folks attention when they're 'in charge'.. NYorkers THINK they're ALL in charge all the time..
Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

Jews just complain but the Italians get violent and one tried to fight me last week

They truly think they’re better than anyone else lol
The truth is most are white trash ignoramuses

He wanted to fight me lol
I am 99 percent sure I would have obliterated him lol
Some of them New Yorkers ain't right in the head, are they? Their attitude and behavior is very sad. But highly preventable.
Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

It's kind of interesting to hear someone from Las Vegas accusing anyone of being loud mouth, pushy anything.

Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

Jews just complain but the Italians get violent and one tried to fight me last week

They truly think they’re better than anyone else lol
The truth is most are white trash ignoramuses

He wanted to fight me lol
I am 99 percent sure I would have obliterated him lol

Vegas meth head tweaker and scabby face white trash cqpital of the world
Parisians think the world revolves around them while New Yorkers think its the universe that revolves around them ....

I dont think I'm better than anyone ...3xcept maybe blacks :p......and every progressive to ever walk the earth ...derp

I am an elitist snob in many ways...but they're just goofy
We're not all complete douche bags
And in my defense I've been sticking up for fly over and Christians...who are much more Christian than I am ...not only on this board but even out in meatspace for many a years now

Let delazios utopia burn to the friggin ground

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Vegas has a big NYC population
I cannot freakin stand them !! Just loud mouth, brusque and pushy a-holes

Jews just complain but the Italians get violent and one tried to fight me last week

They truly think they’re better than anyone else lol
The truth is most are white trash ignoramuses

He wanted to fight me lol
I am 99 percent sure I would have obliterated him lol
Trouble just seems to follow you around.

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