Have you ever seen a ufo? Or alien.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
So I was sitting on my porch last summer, I live in a triple deccka.
It’s dark out, I’m looking in to the dark distance skies, and this bright object not big, because it’s far away shoots to the right, comes to a stop and fires off in the to sky and disappears.

I hear stories or aliens stalking ppl. When do you think we will make contact? These are obvious super beings from a far distant land that God created how come he doesn’t bring us together?
So I was sitting on my porch last summer, I live in a triple deccka.
It’s dark out, I’m looking in to the dark distance skies, and this bright object not big, because it’s far away shoots to the right, comes to a stop and fires off in the to sky and disappears.

I hear stories or aliens stalking ppl. When do you think we will make contact? These are obvious super beings from a far distant land that God created how come he doesn’t bring us together?
Do you live near any Liberals???

If the aliens spotted them, it might explain their sudden departure!!!
Once in the everglades. Triangle like you've seen in recent vids. FAST. Called Tamiami airport. Nothing on their radar. Once in VA while illegally hunting. 3 am. BRIGHT "spotlight" up about 2000 feet. No sound. Hovered for 5 plus minutes then went black.It was shining on the 2 of us so we went for cover. I had an 8mm Mauser but decided capping "it" might be a bad idea.
Clarify. It wasnt a drone. This was about 1973

When I was 14, I was on a 10-day backpacking trip at the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. It's in the northwest section of New Mexico.

When you get up into the mountains out there, it gets dark. Really dark. We'd hiked out to a ridge near our campsight that night. If I were to guess, I'd say it was around 9:30pm or so.

One of the guys suddenly said "HOLY SHIT!" and pointed up into the sky. We all looked in the direction he was pointing and saw nothing. Then, almost as if it was on a dimmer switch, a light in the sky started to glow and become more intense. It glowed pretty bright, and then dimmed, glowed bright again and moved quickly away as it dimmed again.

It was weird, and there were a whole bunch of 14 year old kids who didn't sleep a wink that night.

The second time was when I was in the Navy. I didn't actually see it with my eyes but, rather, as a return on a radar display. Now, radar returns can look enormous when, in fact, the item producing the return is very small. That could've been the case here, but it doesn't explain the speed with which the item moved. We were able to estimate it at around 1600 knots. That's greater than the speed of sound, and anything moving at that speed will be heard (eventually). The lookouts out on deck reported nothing.

It stayed around our ship for about ten minutes, and then just went away...
Thought I did once. Turns out they were artillery fired white phosphorus parachute flairs that hang in the air for a very long time and seem to hover.
I've never seen an alien and neither has anyone else.

I saw a UFO once

It turned out to be a bug I had never seen before
I was captured by aliens once. They made me stay out all night and play poker and drink beer.

At least that is what I told my wife
My wife saw a UFO in 1991. I was in the car but was asleep in the front seat (it was her turn to drive). We were driving through Colorado. It was about 5:00 AM. When she realized what she was seeing, she slammed her hand into my chest to wake me up, but the UFO flew off before I was awake enough to notice anything. She was very shaken up and excited.

She said it looked like your typical UFO in a Hollywood movie in that it was shaped like a saucer. She said it had no visible exhaust, made no sound, and was about 60 feet in diameter about and 12 feet high in the middle. She said that when it flew off, it flew so fast that it was out of sight in barely 1 second, like it was shot out of a cannon.
August 1969

I lived with my Uncle and his family in San Fernando Valley for the month. One night I woke the house up as I ran screaming out of the room I shared with my cousin who was a year older. I was shaken, white and told them that there was a big bug with almond eyes on the pillow in my bed. My cousin who shared the room stayed asleep. They checked the room - no bug. They said it was probably an elephant. I slept on the living room couch that night.

Much later, I recalled what happened.

My cousin and I had 3 visitors in the room with us. I watched as two of them swept their hands, or instruments or both, over my cousin. I turned to see why I wasn't able to move and saw the big black almond eyes staring back at me.
A friend of mine his dad said he saw one when he was flying a Cessna.was hovering there in the sky in one spot then zoomed upwards towards space within seconds. Same as what mike griffin said,he said it was gone totally out of sight within one second.Definitely alien aircraft,he said it was nothing that was humanly possible that could be done. People will laugh at this but I don’t care,he was the most honest person in the world you could meet,incapable of lying. He won’t talk about it with just anybody knowing they are too closed minded to accept there is alien life out there.

Plus my friend said when his dad first talked about it and people laughed at him saying he was lying.he got angry as hell. He wouldn’t get angry like that if he was making it up.plus he NEVER lies,so before he decided to keep his mouth shut about it years ago,that was why he got angry when people laughed at him accusing him of lying back then cause that is the one thing he does not do in life is ever lie.
So I was sitting on my porch last summer, I live in a triple deccka.
It’s dark out, I’m looking in to the dark distance skies, and this bright object not big, because it’s far away shoots to the right, comes to a stop and fires off in the to sky and disappears.

I hear stories or aliens stalking ppl. When do you think we will make contact? These are obvious super beings from a far distant land that God created how come he doesn’t bring us together?
Just so you know I put the laughing smiley there not because of your story of a UFO obviously as you can see from my posts,There is too much evidence of alien life forms out there,I put the smiley there because you still believe in a higher power.there is no god.

people want to cling on to a belief that there is a god out there that will end all this evil in the world someday but they always go to their graves disappointed all the time and always will because the sad reality is there is no higher power and evil will Always remain.the world is too fucked for there to be a god. My entire family still clings to that belief as I did growing up because you think your parents know everything and are never wrong.

but again the sad truth is there is no god out there and evil,will always remain an it will always be a fucked savage barbaric world of murders that go on forever.its not the kind of world it should be but that’s the realty of it,it is what it is and won’t change.
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So I was sitting on my porch last summer, I live in a triple deccka.
It’s dark out, I’m looking in to the dark distance skies, and this bright object not big, because it’s far away shoots to the right, comes to a stop and fires off in the to sky and disappears.

I hear stories or aliens stalking ppl. When do you think we will make contact? These are obvious super beings from a far distant land that God created how come he doesn’t bring us together?
Just so you know I put the laughing smiley there not because of your story of a UFO obviously as you can see from my posts,There is too much evidence of alien life forms out there,I put the smiley there because you still believe in a higher power.there is no god.

people want to cling on to a belief that there is a god out there that will end all this evil in the world someday but they always go to their graves disappointed all the time and always will because the sad reality is there is no higher power and evil will Always remain.the world is too fucked for there to be a god. My entire family still clings to that belief as I did growing up because you think your parents know everything and are never wrong.

but again the sad truth is there is no god out there and evil,will always remain an it will always be a fucked savage barbaric world of murders that go on forever.its not the kind of world it should be but that’s the realty of it,it is what it is and won’t change.
There is def a god have you ever seen an exorcism?
I saw a strange object one night on the mountains, where a kind of dense cloud down the hill was solitary but notorious under the moon light. It was a curiosity to see it standing floating over the floor. From our perspective, the dense cloud wasn't supposed to be there, it was something rare.

Suddenly the cloud turned On by itself, it became a source of light. I myself didn't believe that sh*t. How in the world...?

And worst, that light moved a litle bit to one side, a little bit to the other side and pump! it came straight in our direction!

Holy sh*t!

We hid under the window, what the heck was that?!

I said, "I'll bring the camera", the other dude said: "No!, the picture will become blank."

We took valor and first watched down the hill and later the night sky. And there it was, far, very far from us the light was moving slowly and surrounding another mountain. And from it a beam of light started to illuminate pointing a small area of the surface of that mountain, like trying to find something over there. It appears like if they were looking for something.

To make things worst, another light came later and following what the first one was doing, also started to illuminate with a light beam a certain area of that mountain.

I told my friend, "it looks like those are helicopters", my friend told me,"helicopters make noise like hell, and we didn't hear sh*t".

Those lights traveled to the other side of that mountain and never reappeared again.

I still have doubts those were spaceships or similar. But from a cloud to become a super shinning light, that, that is something that until today I still can't find a reasonable explanation.
So I was sitting on my porch last summer, I live in a triple deccka.
It’s dark out, I’m looking in to the dark distance skies, and this bright object not big, because it’s far away shoots to the right, comes to a stop and fires off in the to sky and disappears.

I hear stories or aliens stalking ppl. When do you think we will make contact? These are obvious super beings from a far distant land that God created how come he doesn’t bring us together?
Have you ever tried to communicate with a squirrel in the woods ?
I will assume no ?
Why would an alien civilization view us any differently

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