Have you been 'Trumped'?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.
LOL I love it when people that defend and vote for a corrupt, lying, racist trailer strash POS that showered with his own daughter and contributed to her sex addiction, acts like they have some sort of political morality over the peaches-n-chief and his supporters.
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.

So, what Gore did in 2000 and what Hillary did in 2016.

Got it.
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.
There is nothing against the law in making false statements.

But, how about these false statements:
Media and FBI being held responsible for changing the result of the election? They did even if the 'vote' was accurate (it wasn't)
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.
I am not going to listen to what some half-assed, affirmative action politician (the DA), whose father was a Black Panther and whose campaign was funded by a Soro-linked entity, concludes that Trump did. We all know - ALL of us, including the Dem trash - that this is a political prosecution. She clearly made up her mind to indict long ago. She has spent the last 2 years wasting taxpayer money concocting this turd.
LOL I love it when people that defend and vote for a corrupt, lying, racist trailer strash POS that showered with his own daughter and contributed to her sex addiction, acts like they have some sort of political morality over the peaches-n-chief and his supporters.
Dont get me wrong, I cant stand trump. He loved abusing hsi power, eroding our rights, he lied, he is immature and appeased people for votes. Like when he gave all that money to black communities. But he isnt half a trashy as biden. Its not even close.
Wonder how many grandkids trump acts like doesnt exist?
Okay, Trump fans, if you read the GA indictment, it chronicles all of the false statements regarding election fraud, just about every claim of election fraud is listed in that indictment. The lies are 'acts in furtherance of a conspiracy to overthrow Biden's legitimate election'.

Now, the first amendment doesn't protect speech done in the furtherance of a criminal conspiracy, so, it seems to me, the only defense for Trump, et al, will be to prove that all of the false statements in the indictment alleged to be false, his defense will be to prove that they are actually true.

If he can prove his false statements as fact, there is no crime. All of this will come out in trial, and we shall find out if he was lying. I know that he was lying, because no proof of any kind has been produced. I've seen it all. Irregularities, isolated instances, sure, they exist in all elections, but a vast conspiracy to steal the election? No way. It's not even logistically possible, if you would take the time to scrutinize exactly what you are alleging.

See. what I think you Trump fans don't realize is that Trump, what he did was, first he planted the idea into the minds of his base by declaring, months before the first ballot was cast 'the only way Democrats can win is if they rig the election', and when the election came, given that all elections have irregularities, he exploited those irregularities, the kind of which occur in every election, the kind of which are not made a big stink about in past elections, but, alas, Trump could 'trump them up' so to speak, make them seem like the 'fraud' he was talking about when he first told the big lie.

And then the scheme (the conspiracy listed in the GA indictment) unfolded to bolster the lie.

Don't you see what Trump has done? You've been a victim of his treachery, all along, and you don't even know it.

Everything about Trump, his defrauding thousands out of millions for a fake university, his fake charity he was fined $2 million for 'illegal activities', I mean, his paying hush money to a porn star, I could go on and on about his crimes, frauds, all the folks in his entourage indicted, convicted, the man is rife with criminality, it oozes from every pore of his being, he poisons everyone he comes into contact with, and they wind up being indicted, convicted and now 6 more of his lawyer's are being indicted, all of the folks who tried to help in in GA, are being indicted, and trying to steal an election, while accusing dems of doing it, is consistent with who Trump is.

And who is Trump?

It's really simple.

He's the biggest criminal, con man America has ever experienced, and you've been Trumped.

Vote for someone else, Chris Christy, or someone like that, you know, someone who IS NOT A CRIMINAL. I mean, after the crimes of NIxon, Agnew, Reagan, you'd think you guys would have learned your lesson by now, but, I guess not . Oh, I know you think his popularity is rising, yes, with his hard core base. But, when the trials begin, your boy is going to be sitting in court, day after day, revelations, details of his crimes will come to light, the scheme will be front and center, that Biden actually won and that Trump is, indeed, who the prosecution claims him to be, the biggest con man criminal this country has ever seen in the White House and we shall see if his numbers hold during the general elections.
You Brits just don't understand US Law. Every indictment against Trump will be thrown out on appeal after the 2024 election.
No, i have not been Trumped, because my brain works perfectly and there was zero chance such a charlatan and semi-literate con artist would, or could, fool me about anything. He is a demigod to his base because they are not politically astute and are easy to dupe.

Not this kid.
No, i have not been Trumped, because my brain works perfectly and there was zero chance such a charlatan and semi-literate con artist would, or could, fool me about anything. He is a demigod to his base because they are not politically astute and are easy to dupe.

Not this kid.

Here you are, a Biden voter. :auiqs.jpg:
His former chief of staff already filed such a motion. And Trump’s legal team will surely join that application.
Not only that, but did the STATE Attorney General give the DA the authority to pursue STATE charges?

Charging Giuliani with RICO is like challenging Tom Brady to a passing contest.

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