Hating "Obamacare"........but loving the A.C.A.

If you're looking for one of the main reasons (among several others) that the Trumpster won the oval office and giving right wingers the majority in congress, look no further than the abject stupidity (and latent racism) of SOME (not all) our fellow citizens, especially in red-leaning states.

Of course, as the thread's title implies, THIS is the reason why elected right wingers insisted in calling the ACA, Obamacare, and the bottom line, ironically, will be that after SEVEN years in trying to "repeal" this important legislation that has helped million, republicans will ultimately and simply just alter the name of the HC insurance law.
I have no problem with Obamacare as long as it's not mandated, and it's no longer a mandate to have health insurance so…
Then you are fine in supporting it with your taxes.
No, nothing like that. People should take care of their own shit. Not expect other people to pay for their shit. I have no right To healthcare, but I do have a right to earn healthcare...
We are not a libertarian nation, and we will not become one. The ACA will continue in one fashion or form, and I hope the GOP makes a better one.
Obamacare Will fail just like every other socialist entitlement program… I say let it flounder under its own weight. As long as it's not mandated to have insurance by The average American. U.S. tax agency no longer enforcing Obamacare individual mandate -report

^^ He said "socialist" without having the slightest idea what it means. ACA has twenty million enrolled, so the GOP will not throw them overboard.
I have no problem with Obamacare as long as it's not mandated, and it's no longer a mandate to have health insurance so…
Then you are fine in supporting it with your taxes.
No, nothing like that. People should take care of their own shit. Not expect other people to pay for their shit. I have no right To healthcare, but I do have a right to earn healthcare...
We are not a libertarian nation, and we will not become one. The ACA will continue in one fashion or form, and I hope the GOP makes a better one.
Obamacare Will fail just like every other socialist entitlement program… I say let it flounder under its own weight. As long as it's not mandated to have insurance by The average American. U.S. tax agency no longer enforcing Obamacare individual mandate -report

^^ He said "socialist" without having the slightest idea what it means. ACA has twenty million enrolled, so the GOP will not throw them overboard.
Vandal nailed it. It's the proverbial dog catches car story. The solution is not difficult ... unless you're a former tea partier/free market ideologue. You see guys like Cotton and Chaffiz just squirming because at the heart they think their underlings should pay out of pocket, when in fact they've been on public employee healthcare virtually their entire lives. Ayn Rand Syndrome
If you're looking for one of the main reasons (among several others) that the Trumpster won the oval office and giving right wingers the majority in congress, look no further than the abject stupidity (and latent racism) of SOME (not all) our fellow citizens, especially in red-leaning states.

Of course, as the thread's title implies, THIS is the reason why elected right wingers insisted in calling the ACA, Obamacare, and the bottom line, ironically, will be that after SEVEN years in trying to "repeal" this important legislation that has helped million, republicans will ultimately and simply just alter the name of the HC insurance law.

/---- Obama calls It Obamacare making him a right wing racist--- using your logic. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Earlier today I responded on a thread you started and where you claimed and guaranteed the EC would put Clinton in the White House....why should anyone belive anything you spew?

Don't be the usual eternal idiot........On this forum we ALL express opinions, and with opinions there may be claims but NOT guarantees.........This thread is just another opinion of mine....

You don't like it? Fine.....Move on......Or do what you and a few other right wing nitwits do;go back and find OLD threads and get sexually aroused over rehashing your last "victory" with the Trumpster.

Wel, not liking it means we should point out that you are rarely, if ever, right.
If you're looking for one of the main reasons (among several others) that the Trumpster won the oval office and giving right wingers the majority in congress, look no further than the abject stupidity (and latent racism) of SOME (not all) our fellow citizens, especially in red-leaning states.

Of course, as the thread's title implies, THIS is the reason why elected right wingers insisted in calling the ACA, Obamacare, and the bottom line, ironically, will be that after SEVEN years in trying to "repeal" this important legislation that has helped million, republicans will ultimately and simply just alter the name of the HC insurance law.

Hating "Obamacare"........but loving the A.C.A."""

Trump voters are so fucking stupid they didn't realize that they are the same damn thing.

Yes they are.

Obama liked the name "Obamacare" until people started hating it.

Then they went to the ACA.

Was he selling it to the right....No.

He was selling it to the left.

What does that tell you about how easily his administration thought you stupid left wingers could be manipulated ?
Actually the RW blogosphere started the Obamacare thing, since his name so offended them, and he went with it .... as it is his legacy ... along with getting out of deflation.

It's had a troubled history, both with the polls and implementation. It's based on a hard mandate that is still unpopular. It's funding mechanism is flawed. And those two are tied together.

However, 8 years ago, the gop's rallying cry was "govt has no business in providing private care." Of course that was patently false since the largest tax exemption other than home mortgage interest WAS and IS employer sponsored healthcare. Govts been in this since the late 40s or 50s. Now the GOP is standing on it's ear realizing that Americans are going to want "affordable" care for all .... or at least all who want it. So, they are struggling to adapt their ideology.
Obama liked the name "Obamacare" until people started hating it.

Excellent point, nitwit.....have you seen the latest town hall meetings with all those NON-PEOPLE pissed off at elected right wingers for threatening to repeal the ACA??? Its a sight to behold.
America hates Fascistcare.

Call it Obamacare or the ACA, America fucking hates it.

Its more like trailer park and ignorant morons “hate” the name Obama on anything….Most of these morons ARE on the ACA since the law has helped mostly red states…..Stop speaking for “the people” idiot, you don’t represent but a small minority of clueless folks like yourself
If you're looking for one of the main reasons (among several others) that the Trumpster won the oval office and giving right wingers the majority in congress, look no further than the abject stupidity (and latent racism) of SOME (not all) our fellow citizens, especially in red-leaning states.

Of course, as the thread's title implies, THIS is the reason why elected right wingers insisted in calling the ACA, Obamacare, and the bottom line, ironically, will be that after SEVEN years in trying to "repeal" this important legislation that has helped million, republicans will ultimately and simply just alter the name of the HC insurance law.
Why didn't you post the actual link to jimmy Kemmel's 'Man on the street' segment in which he asked a bunch of young(er) snowflakes which they preferred - Obamacare or the ACA?!

Despite demonstrating they did not the two were the same thing, they still demonstrated they kno more about the bill than the Democrats who voted for it!

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Obama liked the name "Obamacare" until people started hating it.

Excellent point, nitwit.....have you seen the latest town hall meetings with all those NON-PEOPLE pissed off at elected right wingers for threatening to repeal the ACA??? Its a sight to behold.

Certainly admire your ability to call people names when you have all kinds of threads bragging about Hillary's sure victory (and basically making a fool of yourself...as always).

And, of course, the point went right over your short pointy head that the left is so easily manipulated by the rebranding that has gone on.

But you can keep thinking those townhalls are worth crap.

Those pols know that if they don't do something....they'll be feeling a lot more wrath from the other side (you know the one that wins elections).
My plan that was $2500 a year went to $8500a year, making me instantly broke. What the fuck happened? Seriously What. The. Fuck? Why is it a good thing that I can't save for my kids college? Buy a new car? Make improvements to my house? Take a vacation? Save for retirement?
Trump has been in office a little more than a month, give him and congress time...I mean we all see what happens when a bill is rushed through...we end up with a useless healthcare plan that is imploding upon itself

So both congress AND Trump have no damn idea on how to replace the ACA?....What was the GOP congress doing for SEVEN years while bitching about the HC law......was 7 years NOT enough to come up with a "wonderful" alternative?
.....and what about Trump running his campaign with the bullshit that he would REPLACE the ACA on day one?

A law this worthless would be easy to fix but you have spineless, scared repubs afraid to do anything when the vote matters. Sure....they talk big and will vote down ocare for weeks when they know the vote won't matter.
My plan that was $2500 a year went to $8500a year, making me instantly broke. What the fuck happened? Seriously What. The. Fuck? Why is it a good thing that I can't save for my kids college? Buy a new car? Make improvements to my house? Take a vacation? Save for retirement?

Yep, my premiums went from 600 to 1700 a month and deductible went to 10k. I quit paying, created an exemption to avoid the penalty, and a health saving money market acct. I will not participate in this scheme that rewards leeches.
If you're looking for one of the main reasons (among several others) that the Trumpster won the oval office and giving right wingers the majority in congress, look no further than the abject stupidity (and latent racism) of SOME (not all) our fellow citizens, especially in red-leaning states.

Of course, as the thread's title implies, THIS is the reason why elected right wingers insisted in calling the ACA, Obamacare, and the bottom line, ironically, will be that after SEVEN years in trying to "repeal" this important legislation that has helped million, republicans will ultimately and simply just alter the name of the HC insurance law.
Trump care???
Earlier today I responded on a thread you started and where you claimed and guaranteed the EC would put Clinton in the White House....why should anyone belive anything you spew?

Don't be the usual eternal idiot........On this forum we ALL express opinions, and with opinions there may be claims but NOT guarantees.........This thread is just another opinion of mine....

You don't like it? Fine.....Move on......Or do what you and a few other right wing nitwits do;go back and find OLD threads and get sexually aroused over rehashing your last "victory" with the Trumpster.
I dont take direction from you...by now you most certainly know that.

You guranteed the EC would go to Clinton. You got snotty (which is typical for you) when people dared to disagree with your "opinion". Your trouble is you spew, get mad when not everybody pats your little head and then derail your own thread.

Trump has been in office a little more than a month, give him and congress time...I mean we all see what happens when a bill is rushed through...we end up with a useless healthcare plan that is imploding upon itself.
Your pos had 8 years + to come up with changes and your congress sat on their hands Face it, your ah's have NO CLUE
Earlier today I responded on a thread you started and where you claimed and guaranteed the EC would put Clinton in the White House....why should anyone belive anything you spew?

Don't be the usual eternal idiot........On this forum we ALL express opinions, and with opinions there may be claims but NOT guarantees.........This thread is just another opinion of mine....

You don't like it? Fine.....Move on......Or do what you and a few other right wing nitwits do;go back and find OLD threads and get sexually aroused over rehashing your last "victory" with the Trumpster.
I dont take direction from you...by now you most certainly know that.

You guranteed the EC would go to Clinton. You got snotty (which is typical for you) when people dared to disagree with your "opinion". Your trouble is you spew, get mad when not everybody pats your little head and then derail your own thread.

Trump has been in office a little more than a month, give him and congress time...I mean we all see what happens when a bill is rushed through...we end up with a useless healthcare plan that is imploding upon itself.
Your pos had 8 years + to come up with changes and your congress sat on their hands Face it, your ah's have NO CLUE
Your pos passed a useless bill that is imploding, dumb fuck. Don't try and put it on the right ya little dick
Earlier today I responded on a thread you started and where you claimed and guaranteed the EC would put Clinton in the White House....why should anyone belive anything you spew?

Don't be the usual eternal idiot........On this forum we ALL express opinions, and with opinions there may be claims but NOT guarantees.........This thread is just another opinion of mine....

You don't like it? Fine.....Move on......Or do what you and a few other right wing nitwits do;go back and find OLD threads and get sexually aroused over rehashing your last "victory" with the Trumpster.
I dont take direction from you...by now you most certainly know that.

You guranteed the EC would go to Clinton. You got snotty (which is typical for you) when people dared to disagree with your "opinion". Your trouble is you spew, get mad when not everybody pats your little head and then derail your own thread.

Trump has been in office a little more than a month, give him and congress time...I mean we all see what happens when a bill is rushed through...we end up with a useless healthcare plan that is imploding upon itself.
Your pos had 8 years + to come up with changes and your congress sat on their hands Face it, your ah's have NO CLUE
Your pos passed a useless bill that is imploding, dumb fuck. Don't try and put it on the right ya little dick
lets see your morons change it ,,,they're scared shitless

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