Hate is the Fuel of American Politics

two years is not a lifetime. He said...two years he studied and collected data on these Christian fascists. I see the hate....it is in him. THIS is the kind of man that will bring on the persecution and deaths of christians in the US for lies such as in the OP.
Why do Christian fascists support wars of aggression if they practice a religion of peace?

Listen to this Article: "Jesus, Endless War, and the Rise of American Fascism"

"The war industry loves the Christian fascists who turn every conflict from Iraq to Ukraine into a holy crusade to crush the latest iteration of Satan.

"The Christian fascists believe military power, and the 'manly' virtues that come with it, are blessed by God, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary.

"No military budget is too big.

"No war waged by America is evil."
So you support what this guy believes?
I think Hedges understands the threat to democracy posed by the corporate state and the billionaire class it creates and nurtures:

Listen to this Article: "Jesus, Endless War, and the Rise of American Fascism"

"This is not a battle over democracy, but the spoils of power waged by billionaires against billionaires. No one intends to dismantle the corporate state.

"The ruling class in both parties told lies about NAFTA, trade deals, 'reforming' welfare, abolishing financial regulations, austerity, the Iraq war, and neoliberalism that did far more damage to the American public than any lie told by Trump."
I'm pretty sure this is not a novel claim to many of you:

"Hate is the fuel of American politics.
No one votes for who they want.
They vote against those they hate."

Chris Hedges, the author of my link, contends this is a bipartisan policy:

"The ruling class in both parties told lies about NAFTA, trade deals, 'reforming' welfare, abolishing financial regulations, austerity, the Iraq war, and neoliberalism that did far more damage to the American public than any lie told by Trump.

"The reptilian slime oozes out of every pore of these politicians, from Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to Biden, who backed the 1976 Hyde Amendment banning federal funding of abortions and in 1982 voted to support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to overturn Roe v Wade.

"Their hypocrisy is not lost on the public, even with their armies of consultants, pollsters, courtiers in the press, public relations teams and advertising agencies.

"Marjorie Taylor Greene is clueless and unhinged.

"She claims Hillary Clinton was involved in a child mutilation and a pedophilia ring and several high-profile school shootings were staged.

"But weaponized, like Trump, she is a political cruise missile aimed straight at the heart of the discredited centers of traditional power."

Listen to this Article: "Jesus, Endless War, and the Rise of American Fascism"

Here's one possible antidote to bipartisan hatred: stop "choosing" Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

What would you be thinking/feeling if you woke the morning after midterms to discover a majority (50%-90%) of incumbents in the US Congress running for another term, were FLUSHED from DC in a single news cycle?

Whether such a Radical solution is desirable or not, the Internet makes it possible.

I'm looking at my ballot right now for an upcoming local election.
There are established third party candidates available for the choosing in almost every contest.
Greens, Libertarians, AIP, Peace and Freedom:eek:
A space for a write-in candidate is also provided.

Next November 8th remind the Rich why they fear Democracy.
The reason for that is because Americans are full of hate.

Our politicians are nothing but a reflection of the public. We get the politicians we deserve.
You’re making a big assumption. That being that the people pick the politicians who rule them. This couldn’t be more wrong.
No they let other people pick them.

They are still making that choice.
No they let other people pick them.

They are still making that choice.
When the choice is between two idiots of the duopoly who are purposely very much alike, it’s not a real choice.

Any politician who comes forward with plans to rock the boat, is immediately slandered by the billionaire owned corporate media. So, we get a perpetual shit show of duopoly politicians.
When the choice is between two idiots of the duopoly who are purposely very much alike, it’s not a real choice.

Any politician who comes forward with plans to rock the boat, is immediately slandered by the billionaire owned media. So, we get a perpetual shit show of duopoly politicians.
That's a cop out.

There are almost always third party candidates.

If you keep voting for the duopoly then that's all you'll ever get.
That's a cop out.

There are almost always third party candidates.

If you keep voting for the duopoly then that's all you'll ever get.
Yeah there’s third parties, but the fact is they have little impact. Americans have accepted the two party system. Yeah it’s dumb but they aren’t going to overcome this delusion, when forces aligned to prevent such a thing are much too strong.
Yeah there’s third parties, but the fact is they have little impact. Americans have accepted the two party system. Yeah it’s dumb but they aren’t going to overcome this delusion, when forces aligned to prevent such a thing are much too strong.

Then you have conceded and all hope is lost.

I refuse to vote for any RNC or DNC backed candidates.
There is no both sides here. The right wing is a front. It motivates scared imbeciles through fear to vote against their best interests because … Marxist, brown people, commies or whatever they want you to be scared of. I wish we had a smarter populous.
Would you agree both sides believe that war is the chief occupation of the state?

Democrats had fifty years to write Roe v Wade into law with Carter, Clinton, and Obama in full control of the White House and Congress at the inception of their presidencies, yet they collaborated with Republicans to lie about NAFTA, welfare "reform", abolish financial regulations, inflict austerity and the Iraq War, and now they are both advocating more for-profit killing in Ukraine. Perhaps in addition to a smarter population we need fewer Republicans and Democrats in Congress?
or perhaps the ever falling level of people we are stuck voting for. When you are stuck picking between syphilis or gonorrhea it is hard to get excited about doing so
Democrats and Republicans may come into public service as "outsiders" (AOC, for example). but they quickly discover they risk very well-funded primary opponents if they stray far from the Party Line.

I don't believe there is any way to change our corporate status-quo by choosing between Democrats or Republicans; there are established 3rd party candidates on California ballots (I don't know if that applies nationwide). If a majority of US voters select their congressional Representatives and Senators from third parties, there will be a "Great Reset" the outcome of which would be very hard (impossible) to predict in advance. Never-the-less any other option is indeed a "choice" between political syphilis or gonorrhea, imho.
Then you have conceded and all hope is lost.

I refuse to vote for any RNC or DNC backed candidates.
I refuse to vote period. It clearly is a waste of time.

My hope is though I know it’s unreasonable, they hold an election and no one votes. So much for obtaining the consent of the governed.
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Would you agree both sides believe that war is the chief occupation of the state?

Democrats had fifty years to write Roe v Wade into law with Carter, Clinton, and Obama in full control of the White House and Congress at the inception of their presidencies, yet they collaborated with Republicans to lie about NAFTA, welfare "reform", abolish financial regulations, inflict austerity and the Iraq War, and now they are both advocating more for-profit killing in Ukraine. Perhaps in addition to a smarter population we need fewer Republicans and Democrats in Congress?
Excellent post. Thanks.
Pogo said it best:

I have met the enemy and he is us….
Bluesman said:
No they let other people pick them.

They are still making that choice.

WE the people made that choice in 2016 and you see how the left behaved. We broke from the deep state politicians who are only interested in their own fortunes. We put a man, NOT a politician, not an attorney, into the white house and he DID VERY WELL. and look what the left did to him. Nice of you to blame the american people. You say we're full of hate now? well i wonder why that may be??
there are plenty of ordained ministers who are apostate. as i said. NO ONE is a christian who can support a party who encourages and demands the killing of the unborn and newborn. THAT Is not tolerance, It is not love, it is not women's rights, body autonomy or God acceptable. IT. IS. MURDER and if i'm not mistaken i think God had something to say about that IN HIS WORD.
Can Christians support contraception?

The Greatest Threat to Choice

"The denial of contraception, as is well documented, increases the number of unwanted pregnancies and abortions.

"And abortion is never going to go away.

"If it again becomes illegal, the rich, as in the past, will find ways to provide abortions for their wives, mistresses and girlfriends, and the poor will die in unhygienic back rooms.

"But since this is a war with a wider agenda, abortion statistics and facts do not count.

"The Christian right fears pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, which it sees as degrading, corrupting and tainted.

"For many, their own experiences with sex — coupled with their descent into addictions and often sexual and domestic abuse before they found Christ — have led them to build a movement that creates an external rigidity to cope with the chaos of human existence, a chaos that overwhelmed them.

"They do not trust their own urges, their capacity for self-restraint or judgment.

"The Christian right permits its followers to project evil outward, a convenient escape for people unable to face the darkness and the psychological torments within them."
There is a good percentage of evangelicals that have twisted Jesus' preachings to fit their own views. No doubt about it. It's all about $ for them. As a lifelong Christian I'm calling each last one of them out.
Hedges' fourth book examined radical Christianity including its prosperity gospel:

Chris Hedges: American Fascists | WYSU

"Hedges tells us that the radical religious right takes its cue from R. J. Rushdoony who published The Institutes of Biblical Law in 1973. According to Hedges, Rushdoony argues that:

"Christians are the new chosen people of God and are called to do what Adam and Eve failed to do: create a godly, Christian state.

"The Jews, who neglected to fulfill God's commands in the Hebrew scriptures, have, in this belief system, forfeited their place as God's chosen people and been replaced by Christians...

"The world is to be subdued and ruled by a Christian United States. (2)

"Further, Hedges says, Rushdoony proposes to strip the federal government of all its functions save national defense, to turn over education and social welfare to Christian churches, and to replace the secular legal code with 'Biblical law.' (3"

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