Hate Crime Follies - A Kang Gets Crowned


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
These sucka's are a laugh a minute. Yet the MSM keeps falling for these stories. :(


Make a note that he walks dogs, and he trains dogs. But he does not, however, train dogs to walk. If your dog does not know how to walk, Romeyā€™s Rascals is not the place to take it, because proper walking is not Kangā€™s forte. Thatā€™ll make more sense shortly.

Last month, Romey Kang was the victim of the most horrific racist hate crime in the recorded history of the known universe (at least thatā€™s how the papers portrayed it). He had been visiting nearby Folsom (the city, not the prison), and three (or two, or one) evil Nazi racists gave him a terrible case of the black ā€™nā€™ blues.

ā€œManā€™s Face is Broken in ā€˜Hate Attackā€™ Near Sacramento,ā€ bellowed Yahoo News. Kang, who was found bloody and unconscious by cops on a city street, told police that as heā€™d been skipping merrily from a local drinking establishment, a ā€œCaucasian man in a white shirtā€ beat him up for no other reason than ā€œhe didnā€™t like the color of my skin.ā€ Kang later told cops it was actually two Caucasian white-shirted racists. Then it became three, because Nazis are shape-shifters who reproduce by fission.


The heavy drinking and the magical multiplying racists didnā€™t tip anyone off that the story might have holes. After all, Kang, who was oddly cagey in interviews regarding his ethnicity (he appears Indian, and Romey as a male given name, and Kang as a surname, can be Punjabi), pointed out that the attacker(s) stole nothing. So if robbery had not been the motive, what else could it have been? Sure, if he were some comically clumsy Hrundi V. Bakshi caricature, one might suggest that he drunkenly face-planted onto the pavement, rendering his visage bruised, bloated, and birdie-numbā€“numbed.


With the publicity provided by the breathless Yahoo and CBS News coverage, Kang launched a GoFundMe, which quickly spread online. By the beginning of February, heā€™d made over $20,000. But last week, police checked nearby home and business surveillance videos, and while they didnā€™t see a hate crime, they were treated to a wacky drunken solo face-first fall video worthy of Bob Saget.

The local CBS affiliate broke the terrible news that Kangā€™s face was self-broken.


A ā€œrascalā€ indeed. And considering that thereā€™s likely not much future in being a dog walker who canā€™t walk, it looks like once Kang is free of his legal entanglements and looking for employment, heā€™ll have to hit the road and pound the pavement.



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