Has Trump breached his duty?

No doubt I was spot on in the OP:

"Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law".

How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

No one above has the ability to answer these two questions, and needed to default to the logical fallacy, ad hominem.
Says the dick smoker who carried the water for the previous regime that held all of it's criminal toadies above the law.

If you fifth columnist chumps didn't have double standards, you'd have no standards at all.
No doubt I was spot on in the OP:

"Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law".

How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

No one above has the ability to answer these two questions, and needed to default to the logical fallacy, ad hominem.

Sure kid, you're a legend in your own mind. Ask Barry kid.
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

So the House is not doing its duty by not writing articles of impeachment. Maybe we should throw out all the House and Senate and start over.
they are a bunch of 20 percenters....some of the worst people ever in congress....what would one expect?.....
Ain't it funny how the same moonbats who had no concern whatsoever with constitutional constraints and lawfulness of politicians for the previous regime (including the OP), now pull the Constitution out like their magical blanket of righteousness?

Not funny as in ha-ha...Funny as in disingenuously pathetic.

With obama deciding which laws he would and wouldn't enforce, liberals are some stupid ass hypocrites acting like they give a rats ass about the constitution. The last administration used it as toilet paper.
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?
Yanno, calling you a MORON doesn't quite express the INSIPIDNESS of the OP but it aptly described the BRAIN-DEAD FOOL who found it to be a "WINNER" and "that is without a doubt."

So the House is not doing its duty by not writing articles of impeachment. Maybe we should throw out all the House and Senate and start over.

Don't be stupid. Of course that may be like leading a whore to water and can't making her think.
So you can't say why both McConnell and Trump are guilty but are certain "that is without a doubt." Meanwhile your Hysterical House Dems have still not voted to impeach thereby leaving in the White House a man you claim is a criminal yet you don't find that to be dereliction of their oaths and duty? Very strange.

BTW, I found "leading a whore to water and can't making her think" to be a very common Russian-English language mistake. Is Russian your first language?
McConnell has breached his duty to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. That is without a doubt.

I also believe Trump has put himself above the people, as well as the oath he swore to support and defend the Constitution.

McConnell's nonfeasance and misfeasance border on malfeasance, and his behavior is sufficient to hold him in contempt. Unfortunately, a Senator seems to be above the law (and spirit of democracy) unless expelled by the other Senators.

However, the President is culpable for Malfeasance, Misfeasance and Nonfeasance, IMO, and yet based on the votes in the Senate, he cannot be Convicted if impeached.

No where in COTUS is the policy of the DOJ, that a POTUS cannot be indicted for a crime, exists. Not withstanding Mr. Mueller's written comment, and no where in case law does this exemption occur.

Instead of calling me a moron, an idiot or stupid, as most of Trump Supporter will want to do, why not explain how one man can be above the law. How one man order his underlings and former underlings to ignore a subpoena and get away with obstruction of justice?

So the House is not doing its duty by not writing articles of impeachment. Maybe we should throw out all the House and Senate and start over.

Don't be stupid. Of course that may be like leading a whore to water and can't making her think.

Well if there are reasons to impeach and they don't, then it is on the shoulders of the House. The Senate may not convict, however that doesn't excuse the House if they really wanted to do the right thing. All I seem to hear are the excuses that the left gives for not doing what they believe is right. LOL! Some moral compass!
Well, the OP could start by citing the exact language in the Constitution that he believes is under assault, explain how it is being breached, and then maybe we could talk (write) about it.

Q. Did President Trump take the oath of office (do you need me to spell that out to you)?
A. Yes he did.

Q. Has President Trump directed American's to ignore subpoenas?
A. Yes he has.

Q. What is there to talk about?
What is pathetic is people who seem to think the law only applies when the results are what you want. You wanted a special prosecutor you got one you wanted an investigation you got one what you didn't get was the outcome you wanted so you bitch, piss and moan about it non stop. You go on and on about how Mueller didn't exonerate Trump on obstruction news flash it is not the job of a prosecutor to exonerate someone they are presumed innocent if the prosecutor has the evidence they file charges if they don't it's over case closed. When you don't get your way that is when the adults among us understand that is the way life goes sometimes and you move on.

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