Has anyone considered that Mueller may be working on a charge of treason against Trump?

If Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians, someone in the White House would have blown the whistle.
Not if the only people in the white house who know for sure are his closest relatives.
The people that would know or least would be very suspicious are his National Security Adviser and Chief of Staff. Just about everything that would involve Russia would pass through them. However, there is also the matter of leaks. The White House has been as leaky as old rusty bucket.
If Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians, someone in the White House would have blown the whistle.
Not if the only people in the white house who know for sure are his closest relatives.
The people that would know or least would be very suspicious are his National Security Adviser and Chief of Staff. Just about everything that would involve Russia would pass through them. However, there is also the matter of leaks. The White House has been as leaky as old rusty bucket.

Once Comey was fired the leaks became a drip..
or least would be very suspicious
That seems toninclude much more than his staff. But to what benefit would it be to voice such suspicions, in an environment of white noise of these suspicions which already exists?
Just about everything that would involve Russia would pass through them.
And yet we already know Trump tried to establish a back channel line of communication with the Kremlin.
An American President convicted of treason would be quite a spectacle. Imagine the ratings!

The Constitution says you are barking up the wrong tree!
The Constitution prohibits broadcasting treason trials?

No, the Constitution prevents trials because no treason has occurred by the definition contained in the document itself.
If ever there were a treason trial, the Constitution certainly does not forbid broadcasting it.
Talking about a treason trial is not necessarily talking about the current occupant of the White House. It was clearly a comment about a category of news, not a comment about a news event. It must be admitted that, were there irrefutable proof of treason on the part of the present POTUS, it would immeasurably ironic and funny on a cosmic level.
Read the indictments, loser.

The "server" is irrelevant.
There is no investigation. Having reading comprehension problems ?

Russia is nothing but big deflection, to take attention away from Mexico, Guatemala, China, and millions of illegal alien voters, where the real election damage is being done.

And you're participating in that deflection right now, by all your yammering about Russia. Not doing much good though. At least according to polls. In a left-slanted poll (USA Today Suffolk University poll), out of 20 choices of issues considered to be most important to affect the vote, Russia/Election meddling came in DEAD LAST, with only 5 choices out of 1000 people polled.

The top choices were >>

1. Immigration/Border Security (123 choices)

2. Gun Control/Second Amendment (119 choices)

3. Taxes/Fees (103 choices)

The categories of Integrity/Character and Oppose/Get Rid of/Impeach Trump also came in near the bottom with only 14 and 12 choices.


Rambling conspiracies isn't helping you, fool.
If Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians, someone in the White House would have blown the whistle.
Not if the only people in the white house who know for sure are his closest relatives.
The people that would know or least would be very suspicious are his National Security Adviser and Chief of Staff. Just about everything that would involve Russia would pass through them. However, there is also the matter of leaks. The White House has been as leaky as old rusty bucket.

Once Comey was fired the leaks became a drip..
I'm speaking of the White House. John Kelly was able cut some leaks but they are still there. Now, it looks like Kelly will joint the long line coming thru the White House revolving door.
Rambling conspiracies isn't helping you, fool.
No conspiracies, asshole. Just true life, and you know it, even if you're too much of a gutless coward to admit it, so you just keep lying , like all the other leftist gooneybirds. And I don't NEED help, LOSER boy.

When we talk about Mueller, were talking about the 2016 election and rigging. OK let's talk about that. So if you had an ounce of decency-honesty you would talk about how Democrats encourage and boost illegal immigration, and stack ballot boxes all over the country with millions of illegal votes (99% for Democrats),

Then they go around pretending it's not happening. >>> while they do everything they can to rig the election in other ways as well, as I've already posted.

Forgot ? Post 316, DODGE boy.
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Rambling conspiracies isn't helping you, fool.
No conspiracies, asshole. Just true life, and you know it, even if you're too much of a gutless coward to admit it, so you just keep lying , like all the other leftist gooneybirds. And I don't NEED help, LOSER boy.

When we talk about Mueller, were talking about the 2016 election and rigging. OK let's talk about that. So if you had an ounce of decency-honesty you would talk about how Democrats encourage and boost illegal immigration, and stack ballot boxes all over the country with millions of illegal votes (99% for Democrats),

Then they go around pretending it's not happening. >>> while they do everything they can to rig the election in other ways as well, as I've already posted.

Forgot ? Post 316, DODGE boy.

You've lost it, fool. :cuckoo:
If Trump was being blackmailed by the Russians, someone in the White House would have blown the whistle.
Not if the only people in the white house who know for sure are his closest relatives.
The people that would know or least would be very suspicious are his National Security Adviser and Chief of Staff. Just about everything that would involve Russia would pass through them. However, there is also the matter of leaks. The White House has been as leaky as old rusty bucket.

Once Comey was fired the leaks became a drip..
I'm speaking of the White House. John Kelly was able cut some leaks but they are still there. Now, it looks like Kelly will joint the long line coming thru the White House revolving door.

There is no doubt that the white house still has a leak problem, but a lot of those leaks disappeared when Comey did.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?
/——/, Why would a 70 year old billionaire need or want to launder money? You’re just making stuff up as you go along.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

I have considered that he'd like to. he won't though. He can't even get him on collusion.
People keep talking about collusion despite the fact that collusion is not a crime. However, conspiracy to hack into the DNC email system AND obstruction of justice are both crimes and would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors for the purposes of impeachment.

But what if that's not the least of it?

After all, isn't it strange that Trump never says anything bad or negative about Putin? Isn't it also extremely odd that Trump keeps denying Russian interference in the 2016 election despite overwhelming evidence provided by numerous intelligence agencies? And why hasn't Trump enacted the sanctions that congress overwhelmingly voted on last year?

Let me propose a possible theory of what happened in the past and what's happening behind the scenes now: Years ago, Trump struck a bargain with the devil (so to speak). He agreed to help Russians launder money (which is, of course, illegal) in exchange for payment. For the most part, these transactions mostly flew under the radar. However, the Russians would certainly have evidence of all of these transactions although they would certainly have no incentive to blow the whistle on Trump. But once Trump ran for president and WON the election, the Russians would now have leverage over Trump. That leverage would give the Russians the power to blackmail Trump. At this point, Trump had a choice. One choice was the choice of a patriot: refuse to give in to the blackmail and risk the possibility that the money laundering scheme would go public. The other choice is the choice of a traitor who would place his own personal interest above the interests of the USA while also betraying his oath of office. In other words, Trump is quite possibly putting the interests of Putin and Russia above that of his own country and is essentially a foreign agent, and a turncoat. More plainly, it's quite possible that President Trump is a traitor.

What say you?

Because Trump has not only NOT reduced the sanctions on Russia, he placed more. Trump bombed the Russian backed Syrians, and he chastised the Germans for making deals with Russia. According to your "logic", Putin saved his leverage for forcing Trump to say it wasn't Russia. That's some high comedy there moron.
Back on topic:

A charge of treason is not in the cards, because such a charge is reserved for wartime.
I posted this thread over 4 months ago. It's more relevant now than it was then.

But before I comment further, I want to ask a rhetorical question that is considerably less provocative than it is a simple common sense inquiry.

If you're a president with nothing to hide, and you know that you and your campaign are both not guilty of any kind of collusion (conspiracy) with the Russians to affect the 2016 election, but you also understand that optics and your behavior could either bolster your argument or weaken it considerably in the eyes of people who still have an open mind about what happened (and why) in 2016, then I can't help but ask the following question:

With your countrymen and the world watching (from afar), why would you choose to meet Putin in private for 2 hours with no high-ranking American aides present, no stenographer, and no one other than an American translator? Why shouldn't reasonable, rational people be suspicious of what happened in that meeting room.under such circumstances?

President Trump, why would you do that if you have nothing to hide?

Let me elaborate. Not a chance in hell. I know it's the dream of every Lefty, but IT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. And yes, I will be more than willing to post an apology and an admission that I was totally wrong.

It's not a dream. Dreams are pleasant. This is an American nightmare!

You're a fucking idiot. A guy leaves his cushy lifestyle to try to do good for the America he loves, and here you are being an asshat. I'd like to kick you right in your ass, you piece of shit! What have you done for America? Fuck right the hell off. I'm tired of bullshit like this.

"Leaves his cushy lifestyle"? You need a reality check. Trump's "lifestyle" is cushier than it ever was before, and WE, the American people, are paying for it now!

Remember when Trump said he wouldn't have time for golf as he criticized Obama for golfing so much? Well, Trump's playing golf more often than Obama did, and the American taxpayers are footing the bill for all his trips to FL on AF1.

Just because someone owns a golf course does not mean they are playing golf 24/7. He lives there!

I once lived on a country club golf course. I never played a round there.

Squirrels live ON a golf course. People live on a golf course only if they're homeless transients. Were you a homeless transient?.

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