Harry Truman, Antisemitism, And Israel


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
If you know anything about Israel, you almost certainly know that the Jewish nation relies on the United States for economic and military support. This is in no small part because the U.S. has the largest Jewish population of any nation outside Israel and because American politicians of both parties hope to win over Jewish voters (and Jewish political donors) by taking Israel's side. When Israel is accused of human rights violations, it can usually rely on American presidents and other major political leaders to have its back. (In that respect, even Donald Trump and Joe Biden are united.) This reality has long frustrated advocates for the Palestinian cause, especially at a moment like this, when the Israeli government is effectively waging war against Palestinians in Gaza.

No, Israel is not a monolith, and neither are Israeli Arabs. Who also happen to be Semites. The sheer ignorance of how Israel was formed, and the oppressive war that has been wage the Palestinians, which ironically has created it's own camps they have been forced to live in after having their homes, and shops taken from them, and even have to have special permits to even fish in the sea they live by, is as astonishing, as it is embarrassing.
If you know anything about Israel, you almost certainly know that the Jewish nation relies on the United States for economic and military support. This is in no small part because the U.S. has the largest Jewish population of any nation outside Israel and because American politicians of both parties hope to win over Jewish voters (and Jewish political donors) by taking Israel's side. When Israel is accused of human rights violations, it can usually rely on American presidents and other major political leaders to have its back. (In that respect, even Donald Trump and Joe Biden are united.) This reality has long frustrated advocates for the Palestinian cause, especially at a moment like this, when the Israeli government is effectively waging war against Palestinians in Gaza.

No, Israel is not a monolith, and neither are Israeli Arabs. Who also happen to be Semites. The sheer ignorance of how Israel was formed, and the oppressive war that has been wage the Palestinians, which ironically has created it's own camps they have been forced to live in after having their homes, and shops taken from them, and even have to have special permits to even fish in the sea they live by, is as astonishing, as it is embarrassing.

The Palestinians have rejected every two-state solution. Their only goal is to genocide all the Israelis.

There are dozens of Muslim nations, only one Jewish nation.

You keep complaining that Israel couldn’t stand without US military support, yet fail to mention that the resistance against Israel is bankrolled by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and every other Islamic state. Then of course there is the Biden regime itself, which ended the President Trump policy of not paying Palestinian terrorists.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,
The Semites are bombing the Semites and somehow that is anti-Semitic..
Its a dumb ass tactic to silence dissent. And it works in many cases. Nobody wants to be associated with nazis. What kind of miserable shit would weaponise the death camps ?
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,
The Semites are bombing the Semites and somehow that is anti-Semitic..
Its a dumb ass tactic to silence dissent. And it works in many cases. Nobody wants to be associated with nazis. What kind of miserable shit would weaponise the death camps ?
It's a religious bias thingy to those that claim their God is a God of love and peace...
If you know anything about Israel, you almost certainly know that the Jewish nation relies on the United States for economic and military support. This is in no small part because the U.S. has the largest Jewish population of any nation outside Israel and because American politicians of both parties hope to win over Jewish voters (and Jewish political donors) by taking Israel's side. When Israel is accused of human rights violations, it can usually rely on American presidents and other major political leaders to have its back. (In that respect, even Donald Trump and Joe Biden are united.) This reality has long frustrated advocates for the Palestinian cause, especially at a moment like this, when the Israeli government is effectively waging war against Palestinians in Gaza.

No, Israel is not a monolith, and neither are Israeli Arabs. Who also happen to be Semites. The sheer ignorance of how Israel was formed, and the oppressive war that has been wage the Palestinians, which ironically has created it's own camps they have been forced to live in after having their homes, and shops taken from them, and even have to have special permits to even fish in the sea they live by, is as astonishing, as it is embarrassing.
Why have the rich arab nations.....aka those with much oil wealth always refused to help the so called Palestinians?
There was never a people called "Palestinian" until the Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat (Nephew to the famous Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al Husseini) told the localized Arabs in and around Israel to call themselves such.

The ridiculous leftist fools pedaling their propaganda are just repeating the themes Arabs created for useful idiots in the west, and yes, these ARE antisemites. Their history of rhetoric proves they are beyond any doubt.
If you know anything about Israel, you almost certainly know that the Jewish nation relies on the United States for economic and military support. This is in no small part because the U.S. has the largest Jewish population of any nation outside Israel and because American politicians of both parties hope to win over Jewish voters (and Jewish political donors) by taking Israel's side. When Israel is accused of human rights violations, it can usually rely on American presidents and other major political leaders to have its back. (In that respect, even Donald Trump and Joe Biden are united.) This reality has long frustrated advocates for the Palestinian cause, especially at a moment like this, when the Israeli government is effectively waging war against Palestinians in Gaza.

No, Israel is not a monolith, and neither are Israeli Arabs. Who also happen to be Semites. The sheer ignorance of how Israel was formed, and the oppressive war that has been wage the Palestinians, which ironically has created it's own camps they have been forced to live in after having their homes, and shops taken from them, and even have to have special permits to even fish in the sea they live by, is as astonishing, as it is embarrassing.

The Palestinians have rejected every two-state solution. Their only goal is to genocide all the Israelis.

There are dozens of Muslim nations, only one Jewish nation.

You keep complaining that Israel couldn’t stand without US military support, yet fail to mention that the resistance against Israel is bankrolled by Iran, Saudi Arabia, and every other Islamic state. Then of course there is the Biden regime itself, which ended the President Trump policy of not paying Palestinian terrorists.

That is just lies.
The Palestinians accepted several 2 state solution, but Israel went back to illegally confiscating Arab homes to build more illegal Jewish settlements.
So the fault has ALWAYS ONLY been violations by Israel.

Moslems have never attacked Jews, it is forbidden to attack Jews except in defense, and if Moslems wanted to harm Jews, then Jews would have been exterminated in the 1500 years when Jews lived under Islamic rule.

The only countries ever at war with Israel have been Egypt, Jordan and Syria.
Nor has anyone ever started any conflict except Israel.
For example, they started the 1948 war by massacring Arab villages inside Palestine, like Dier Yassin.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
There was never a people called "Palestinian" until the Egyptian terrorist Yasser Arafat (Nephew to the famous Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al Husseini) told the localized Arabs in and around Israel to call themselves such.

The ridiculous leftist fools pedaling their propaganda are just repeating the themes Arabs created for useful idiots in the west, and yes, these ARE antisemites. Their history of rhetoric proves they are beyond any doubt.

That is ridiculously silly.
The word Palestine goes back over 5000 years in Greek and Egyptian references, and Palestine was officially declared an independent country by the Allies in 1920.
It was a reward for their help defeating the Ottoman Empire.
Go look up the Treaty of San Remo and the Treaty of Sevres, in 1920.

It is only Israel that has no legal, historic, or ethical reason to exist.

You don't even know what words mean, because the word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", so in no way could the word "anti-Semitic" refer to an Arab.
It is only Jews who are "anti-Semitic" because the Ashkenazi speak Yiddish as their native language, and that is not of an Arab language group. It is of Germanic origins.
The history of Palestine is well known.
It was originally just Canaanites, but later included Akkadians, Urites, Amorites, Chaldeans, Nabatians, Phoenicians, Philistines, etc.
The Hebrew do not count because they were late comers, did not invade until around 1000 BC, and did not stay.
They were constantly kicked out by the Babylonians, Assyrians, and finally the Romans.
There were never a significant Jewish population after the Roman Diaspora decree of 70 AD, until the 1930s.
And the Jews lied.
In 1930 when allowed to emigrate, they promised to have no part in government.
But once they smuggled in weapons, they tried to take over and commit genocide.
They massacred dozens of Arab villages.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
huh? even the xiden admin says that Hamas attacked israel
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
huh? even the xiden admin says that Hamas attacked israel

What do you expect the Biden administration to say when Zionist contributed over $200 million to Biden and his campaign.

Everyone who is honest says that Israel attacked the Palestinians first at the temple mount first, killing dozens.
And it is clear Israel is illegally confiscating more Arab properties in the West Bank, which is no where near to any UN recognized territory.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
huh? even the xiden admin says that Hamas attacked israel

What do you expect the Biden administration to say when Zionist contributed over $200 million to Biden and his campaign.

Everyone who is honest says that Israel attacked the Palestinians first at the temple mount first, killing dozens.
And it is clear Israel is illegally confiscating more Arab properties in the West Bank, which is no where near to any UN recognized territory.
hahaa no, nobody but terrorist loving propagandist say that
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
You are quite literally retarded. You almost make Tommy look marginally intelligent in comparison.

The term "antisemitism" was coined by a German fellow named Wilhelm Marr, and has always meant hatred of Jews -- hatred such as yours. It was created and popularized in order to try to legitimize Jew hatred by creating a pseudo-scientific word for it.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
huh? even the xiden admin says that Hamas attacked israel

What do you expect the Biden administration to say when Zionist contributed over $200 million to Biden and his campaign.

Everyone who is honest says that Israel attacked the Palestinians first at the temple mount first, killing dozens.
And it is clear Israel is illegally confiscating more Arab properties in the West Bank, which is no where near to any UN recognized territory.
hahaa no, nobody but terrorist loving propagandist say that
Look at the hundreds of UN resolutions against Israel.
Everyone says they have been guilty of attempted genocide for 70 years.
I notice that you are an anti semite if you dislike the random bombing and murder of civilians. Its that level of craziness that jars,

The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group", and does not mean Jewish.
That is cultural appropriation.
And Palestinians never attacked anyone.
They only try feeble retaliation after Israel have murdered and stolen more Arab homes.
You are quite literally retarded. You almost make Tommy look marginally intelligent in comparison.

The term "antisemitism" was coined by a German fellow named Wilhelm Marr, and has always meant hatred of Jews -- hatred such as yours. It was created and popularized in order to try to legitimize Jew hatred by creating a pseudo-scientific word for it.

Germans also distrusted Arabs and Blacks even more than Jews.
In fact, there were so many Jews in Germany because Germany was so open to Jews compared to the rest of Europe.
It only changed due to WWI, where Zionists Germans sold out to the British and helped defeat Germany in WWI.
And even if Wilhelm Marr meant only Jew specifically, which I do not believe, it is incredibly wrong to incorrectly appropriate the word "Semitic" as if it only applied to Jews. When in reality it literally means Arabs. Which brings up the even more racist aspect of Zionists, which is that they deny being Arabs. It is hard to get more racist than that.

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