Harry Reid: Trump is 'the worst president we've ever had'


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Harry Reid: Trump is 'the worst president we've ever had'

Reid: “Trump is an interesting person. He is not immoral but is amoral. Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference. No conscience.”

After many years of observing Harry Reid he is clearly making an epic projection. Trump is draining the swamp and the sleazy swamp critters are scared as hell. Trump is trying to restore our democracy that Barry the Magnificent almost destroyed. FBIgate is the worst political scandal in American history.

Obama has no conscience and that is why he gave the genocidal maniac Iranians money to build nukes.

Hillary has no conscience, and that is why she sold out America and used the Clinton Foundation to launder her bribe money and to avoid paying taxes.

Reid is the most despicable demagogue that America has ever suffered from. Remember when Reid said that we had lost the Iraq War while our troops were still fighting. That is called treason. He is totally dishonest and incredibly corrupt. He became a multi-millionaire while “serving the public” all of his life. It’s a real shame that he is about to join Ted Kennedy and Saddam.

Yup. Reid kinda sorta forgot about Carter

I think he was the worst POTUS we've ever had.

Trump has done damned well and I hope he continues to do well.
I wouldn't say Trump's the worst, since the majority of his evil has been blocked by grown-ups; but he is certainly the most incompetent, the most vain, the most petty, the least-informed, the least prepared, the least credible, and I could go on and on but you get the point.
Harry Reid: Trump is 'the worst president we've ever had'

Let it sink in that this comment was made by the criminally-biased, professional liar, Party-1st-Before-Country politician who betrayed the American people and openly admitted after the Democrats rammed the socialist agenda / minority-supported ACA legislation into law, after destroying the previous health care system, that Obamacare WAS DESIGNED / CREATED TO FAIL BECAUSE IT WAS JUST A 1ST STEP TOWARDS THEIR PREFERRED 'SINGLE PAYER' SYSTEM.

This is "The Senator" who lied under oath, lied to The American People, and knowingly submitted false statements regarding a plethora of issues, and then got beaten up for soliciting gay sex, and then lied about that saying he fell on a tread mill. He gives treadmills a bad name.
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I wouldn't say Trump's the worst, since the majority of his evil has been blocked by grown-ups; but he is certainly the most incompetent, the most vain, the most petty, the least-informed, the least prepared, the least credible, and I could go on and on but you get the point.

aka POS.
Dirty Harry, being the partisan asshole that he is, forgot about that worthless affirmative action Jungle Monkey that increased poverty, decreased family income, increased debt tremendously and had dismal economic growth.

Obama has the indisputable position of being the worst President this country ever had.
Dirty Harry, being the partisan asshole that he is, forgot about that worthless affirmative action Jungle Monkey that increased poverty, decreased family income, increased debt tremendously and had dismal economic growth.

Obama has the indisputable position of being the worst President this country ever had.
Yeah flash those 75 straight months of 6 digit job gains were a bitch
Know what is funny as hell? Dirty Harry said that Trump was "amoral".

That asshole supported the worthless Affirmative Action Jungle Monkey and Crooked Hillary. Two of the most amoral assholes ever to be in government.

Of course Dirty Harry gets an honorable mention for telling his lies on the floor of the Senate. Lies that he admitted to.
Looks like asylum doors are open and they let out Brownie Todd and flash I'll be on my way DOW up Quite another reversal Lots of volatility

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