Harris says Trump ran Obama's economy into the ground

Now you can deny that was the case but then I'm going to ask you what economic polices of Barack Obama's was it that created jobs from 2010 on...and you're not going to have an answer for me. The truth of the matter is that job creation in the latter part of the Obama time in office was driven by an energy boom created by fracking...something that Barry actively opposed!
Neither Barry nor Don-the-Con ranks among the top POTUS job creators, and you haven't shown how the latter's policies affected the former's trend line in job creation:


"Among the Presidents from Jimmy Carter to Donald Trump, President Bill Clinton created the most jobs at 18.6 million, while Ronald Reagan had the largest cumulative percentage increase in jobs at 15.6%.

"This computation treats the base month as the December before the month of inauguration and last month as December of the final full year in office.[2]

"Using the month of inauguration as the base month as shown in the accompanying diagram, the top four Presidents in terms of cumulative job creation percentage are Clinton(D), Reagan(R), Carter(D), and Obama(D).["
I notice that you didn't want anything to do with naming the Obama economic policies that supposedly created all the jobs that you credit him with, GP! You use statistics to hide the truth...and the truth is, Barry wasn't good at creating jobs or growing the economy! The US economy came back despite him! Clinton's numbers were saved by the Dot Com boom. Obama's numbers were saved by the oil and natural gas boom. Giving Barry credit for something he actively opposed...advances in fracking techniques...is laughable! If he'd had his way we would have been raising the price of oil and natural gas and the boom would have never taken place!
The left are imbeciles. The pandemic has caused a world-wide economic disaster. That was NOT Trump's fault. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was in Goldie Lox territory. Too much CNN and MSNBC has fried some brains.

US used to have the best teams on the ground worldwide getting prepared for this type of event. The Obama team even spend a day workshopping the Trump team on the readiness and response plan for an epidemic.

Trump cut the teams abroad, ignored the pandemic until it was far too late.

Trump failed in his leadership...
Actually Ted...Obama left the cupboard bare after the Swine Flu pandemic! We went through most of our stockpiled PPE's and they were never replaced. That isn't on Trump...that's on Obama as well! Trump isn't the one who sat back and watched China take more and more of our manufacturing business either...that was Barry! One of the reasons we had such a hard time responding to the pandemic is that what we needed to respond to it wasn't made in the US anymore! In case you haven't noticed...Trump has pushed legislation correcting that issue. THAT is leadership! Actions instead of rhetoric.
Do you remember back in 2009? What the Democrats and Barry were proposing as their NEXT major legislative initiative? That was going to be Cap & Trade! They were going to artificially inflate the price of oil and gas in this country making the energy costs for American businesses increase dramatically.
Are you capable of understanding the threat fossil fuels pose to global health and prosperity? Conservatives worship the status quo, and they are slow to grasp the connection between public health and economic well-being.

Cap-and-trade: "Green Jobs" or Job Killer? - FactCheck.org

"The effect of any government program to limit carbon emissions would be to raise the price of burning carbon-based fuel, particularly coal and petroleum.

"That’s likely to cost jobs of coal miners and refinery workers, but that’s just a start. Any increase in energy costs acts as a drag on the overall economy, indirectly costing jobs in all sorts of other industries.

"On the other hand, there’s little doubt that carbon limits would increase demand for 'clean' energy produced by wind turbines and solar panels, and also for energy-conserving products such as insulation and services such as energy audits and weatherization of homes and businesses.

"The question then becomes, will the losses outnumber the gains?"

It not only would have cost the jobs of miners and refinery workers...increasing the cost of energy across the board to ALL businesses would have made them far less likely to start or expand. It would have had a ripple effect in the loss of jobs that would have been devastating in the midst of a huge economic downturn! Who would do that?
Harris was right. She said trump squandered every inheritance he ever received. No truer statements have ever been made. Trump squandered his father's inheritance. Now he has squandered Obama's inheritance. No content with that Trump isnow attempting to squander the birthright of young Americans as well.

She nailed Trump.

Um, you might want to do the math on what Trump inherited vs his net worth now. In case you didn't know, it takes 1000 million to make 1 billion.
That Trump's net worth has risen during his tenure as Presidency is no doubt true. How many tens of millions has the American Taxpayer paid to Trump resorts so Trump can golf at those same resorts? How many millions have been spent by foreign diplomats at Trump resorts to curry favor with Trump? Countless millions I am sure.

His net worth prior to running for President was multitudes greater than his inheritance. What don't you understand?

Trump is a very average businessman... Ask real billionaires and they generally think he lacks discipline for real business...
Harris was right. She said trump squandered every inheritance he ever received. No truer statements have ever been made. Trump squandered his father's inheritance. Now he has squandered Obama's inheritance. No content with that Trump isnow attempting to squander the birthright of young Americans as well.

She nailed Trump.

Um, you might want to do the math on what Trump inherited vs his net worth now. In case you didn't know, it takes 1000 million to make 1 billion.
That Trump's net worth has risen during his tenure as Presidency is no doubt true. How many tens of millions has the American Taxpayer paid to Trump resorts so Trump can golf at those same resorts? How many millions have been spent by foreign diplomats at Trump resorts to curry favor with Trump? Countless millions I am sure.

His net worth prior to running for President was multitudes greater than his inheritance. What don't you understand?

Trump is a very average businessman... Ask real billionaires and they generally think he lacks discipline for real business...
LOL...do you have these conversations with billionaires often, Ted? (eye roll)
The left are imbeciles. The pandemic has caused a world-wide economic disaster. That was NOT Trump's fault. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was in Goldie Lox territory. Too much CNN and MSNBC has fried some brains.

US used to have the best teams on the ground worldwide getting prepared for this type of event. The Obama team even spend a day workshopping the Trump team on the readiness and response plan for an epidemic.

Trump cut the teams abroad, ignored the pandemic until it was far too late.

Trump failed in his leadership...
Actually Ted...Obama left the cupboard bare after the Swine Flu pandemic! We went through most of our stockpiled PPE's and they were never replaced. That isn't on Trump...that's on Obama as well! Trump isn't the one who sat back and watched China take more and more of our manufacturing business either...that was Barry! One of the reasons we had such a hard time responding to the pandemic is that what we needed to respond to it wasn't made in the US anymore! In case you haven't noticed...Trump has pushed legislation correcting that issue. THAT is leadership! Actions instead of rhetoric.

Seriously, you have to stop just listening to first thing you like and then agreeing with it...

Bu the main thing is Obama gave Trump a warning system and readiness plan... Ordering N95 masks was on that plan... Trump ignored what the plans in place...

Trump screwed this up and all the deflection in the world can't ignore the blatant facts of him ignoring and actively discouraging any prperation.

Trump failed as a leader... His supporters cling on to anything he did which might look like he tried to protect the US people.

But let's say it straight,
Did Trump do everything possible to defend the American People?

Everything? No and very far from it... Where was a National Plan, War Protection Act, sound consistent advice, .....?
The left are imbeciles. The pandemic has caused a world-wide economic disaster. That was NOT Trump's fault. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was in Goldie Lox territory. Too much CNN and MSNBC has fried some brains.

US used to have the best teams on the ground worldwide getting prepared for this type of event. The Obama team even spend a day workshopping the Trump team on the readiness and response plan for an epidemic.

Trump cut the teams abroad, ignored the pandemic until it was far too late.

Trump failed in his leadership...
Actually Ted...Obama left the cupboard bare after the Swine Flu pandemic! We went through most of our stockpiled PPE's and they were never replaced. That isn't on Trump...that's on Obama as well! Trump isn't the one who sat back and watched China take more and more of our manufacturing business either...that was Barry! One of the reasons we had such a hard time responding to the pandemic is that what we needed to respond to it wasn't made in the US anymore! In case you haven't noticed...Trump has pushed legislation correcting that issue. THAT is leadership! Actions instead of rhetoric.

Seriously, you have to stop just listening to first thing you like and then agreeing with it...

Bu the main thing is Obama gave Trump a warning system and readiness plan... Ordering N95 masks was on that plan... Trump ignored what the plans in place...

Trump screwed this up and all the deflection in the world can't ignore the blatant facts of him ignoring and actively discouraging any prperation.

Trump failed as a leader... His supporters cling on to anything he did which might look like he tried to protect the US people.

But let's say it straight,
Did Trump do everything possible to defend the American People?

Everything? No and very far from it... Where was a National Plan, War Protection Act, sound consistent advice, .....?
Oh, is that how it works, Ted? Your administration uses all of the N95 masks early on and then doesn't replace them despite being in office for YEARS but then on the way out the door you leave a note telling the next guy "Sorry dude...I used all the N95 masks and didn't replace them. You need to buy some!"
As I said before...Obama owns part of the blame for this as well!
If Obama truly wanted us to be prepared for another pandemic he would have done what Trump has done...get legislation passed that creates essential medical supplies HERE where we have control over them instead of China where we have zero control of what's available!
The left are imbeciles. The pandemic has caused a world-wide economic disaster. That was NOT Trump's fault. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was in Goldie Lox territory. Too much CNN and MSNBC has fried some brains.

US used to have the best teams on the ground worldwide getting prepared for this type of event. The Obama team even spend a day workshopping the Trump team on the readiness and response plan for an epidemic.

Trump cut the teams abroad, ignored the pandemic until it was far too late.

Trump failed in his leadership...
NO--you failed for believing the flip flopping--brain dead --waste of oxygen democrats...just saying
I notice that you didn't want anything to do with naming the Obama economic policies that supposedly created all the jobs that you credit him with, GP! You use statistics to hide the truth...and the truth is, Barry wasn't good at creating jobs or growing the economy!
Economies strangled by debt are incapable of growing. Obama's policies established growth trends based on bubbles that Trump is perpetuating and taking credit for.

President Obama on the Benefits of Shale Development: Top Five Quotes

"The economy lost 8.5 million jobs as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. It kept shedding them until December 2009. Since that low point, Obama created 16 million jobs, an 11.6% increase.

"If measured that way, Obama created the third-highest total number of jobs.

"Obama attacked the Great Recession with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It created jobs through public works. Many of those jobs were in construction.

"That successfully reduced the unemployment rate.

"But that meant Obama increased the debt by $8.6 trillion, a 74% increase. That drove the debt-to-gross domestic product ratio to 104%."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

How many jobs has Trump killed due to his inability to combat the MAGA virus?
I notice that you didn't want anything to do with naming the Obama economic policies that supposedly created all the jobs that you credit him with, GP! You use statistics to hide the truth...and the truth is, Barry wasn't good at creating jobs or growing the economy!
Economies strangled by debt are incapable of growing. Obama's policies established growth trends based on bubbles that Trump is perpetuating and taking credit for.

President Obama on the Benefits of Shale Development: Top Five Quotes

"The economy lost 8.5 million jobs as a result of the 2008 financial crisis. It kept shedding them until December 2009. Since that low point, Obama created 16 million jobs, an 11.6% increase.

"If measured that way, Obama created the third-highest total number of jobs.

"Obama attacked the Great Recession with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. It created jobs through public works. Many of those jobs were in construction.

"That successfully reduced the unemployment rate.

"But that meant Obama increased the debt by $8.6 trillion, a 74% increase. That drove the debt-to-gross domestic product ratio to 104%."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

How many jobs has Trump killed due to his inability to combat the MAGA virus?
Did Barry attempt to claim the increase in production of gas and oil as his? Oh yeah...he did so repeatedly and it's laughable on it's face! Production of gas and oil on Federal lands that he controlled went down. It was production on the lands that Obama didn't control that saw the huge increases in output!
t not only would have cost the jobs of miners and refinery workers...increasing the cost of energy across the board to ALL businesses would have made them far less likely to start or expand. It would have had a ripple effect in the loss of jobs that would have been devastating in the midst of a huge economic downturn! Who would do that?
Anyone recognizing the major economic consequences likely to occur should Congress do nothing to control carbon emissions.

Cap-and-trade: "Green Jobs" or Job Killer? - FactCheck.org

"'[C]limate legislation would cause permanent shifts in production and employment away from industries that produce carbon-based energy and energy-intensive goods and services and toward industries that produce alternative energy sources and less energy-intensive goods and services,' Elmendorf said.

"'While those shifts were occurring, total employment would probably be reduced a little compared with what it would have been without such a policy, because labor markets would most likely not adjust as quickly as would the composition of demand for final outputs.'"
t not only would have cost the jobs of miners and refinery workers...increasing the cost of energy across the board to ALL businesses would have made them far less likely to start or expand. It would have had a ripple effect in the loss of jobs that would have been devastating in the midst of a huge economic downturn! Who would do that?
Anyone recognizing the major economic consequences likely to occur should Congress do nothing to control carbon emissions.

Cap-and-trade: "Green Jobs" or Job Killer? - FactCheck.org

"'[C]limate legislation would cause permanent shifts in production and employment away from industries that produce carbon-based energy and energy-intensive goods and services and toward industries that produce alternative energy sources and less energy-intensive goods and services,' Elmendorf said.

"'While those shifts were occurring, total employment would probably be reduced a little compared with what it would have been without such a policy, because labor markets would most likely not adjust as quickly as would the composition of demand for final outputs.'"

That last paragraph is the understatement of the decade, GP! Total employment would be reduced substantially.
Did Barry attempt to claim the increase in production of gas and oil as his? Oh yeah...he did so repeatedly and it's laughable on it's face! Production of gas and oil on Federal lands that he controlled went down. It was production on the lands that Obama didn't control that saw the huge increases in output!
What makes you think fracking is something to endor$e?

Cap-and-trade: "Green Jobs" or Job Killer? - FactCheck.org

"CBO, September 2009: A strong consensus has developed in the expert community that, if allowed to continue unabated, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will have extensive, highly uncertain, but potentially serious and costly impacts on regional climates throughout the world.

"Those impacts are expected to include widespread changes in the physical environment, changes in biological systems (including agriculture), and changes in the viability of some economic sectors."
Did Barry attempt to claim the increase in production of gas and oil as his? Oh yeah...he did so repeatedly and it's laughable on it's face! Production of gas and oil on Federal lands that he controlled went down. It was production on the lands that Obama didn't control that saw the huge increases in output!
What makes you think fracking is something to endor$e?

Cap-and-trade: "Green Jobs" or Job Killer? - FactCheck.org

"CBO, September 2009: A strong consensus has developed in the expert community that, if allowed to continue unabated, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will have extensive, highly uncertain, but potentially serious and costly impacts on regional climates throughout the world.

"Those impacts are expected to include widespread changes in the physical environment, changes in biological systems (including agriculture), and changes in the viability of some economic sectors."

I think it's something to endorse because it made us the world's number one producer of natural gas and oil...a position where we were no longer so vulnerable to political pressure from Middle Eastern oil producers!
"'[C]limate legislation would cause permanent shifts in production and employment away from industries that produce carbon-based energy and energy-intensive goods and services and toward industries that produce alternative energy sources and less energy-intensive goods and services,' Elmendorf said.

Higher prices, lower productivity, fewer jobs.

Sounds super awesome!!!
What I find amusing is how Barack Obama came out against carbon based fuels and did everything in his power to knee cap the industries that produce them...only to turn around and claim the increases in oil and natural gas as one of the accomplishments of his Administration!
The left are imbeciles. The pandemic has caused a world-wide economic disaster. That was NOT Trump's fault. Prior to the pandemic, the economy was in Goldie Lox territory. Too much CNN and MSNBC has fried some brains.

US used to have the best teams on the ground worldwide getting prepared for this type of event. The Obama team even spend a day workshopping the Trump team on the readiness and response plan for an epidemic.

Trump cut the teams abroad, ignored the pandemic until it was far too late.

Trump failed in his leadership...
Actually Ted...Obama left the cupboard bare after the Swine Flu pandemic! We went through most of our stockpiled PPE's and they were never replaced. That isn't on Trump...that's on Obama as well! Trump isn't the one who sat back and watched China take more and more of our manufacturing business either...that was Barry! One of the reasons we had such a hard time responding to the pandemic is that what we needed to respond to it wasn't made in the US anymore! In case you haven't noticed...Trump has pushed legislation correcting that issue. THAT is leadership! Actions instead of rhetoric.

Seriously, you have to stop just listening to first thing you like and then agreeing with it...

Bu the main thing is Obama gave Trump a warning system and readiness plan... Ordering N95 masks was on that plan... Trump ignored what the plans in place...

Trump screwed this up and all the deflection in the world can't ignore the blatant facts of him ignoring and actively discouraging any prperation.

Trump failed as a leader... His supporters cling on to anything he did which might look like he tried to protect the US people.

But let's say it straight,
Did Trump do everything possible to defend the American People?

Everything? No and very far from it... Where was a National Plan, War Protection Act, sound consistent advice, .....?
Oh, is that how it works, Ted? Your administration uses all of the N95 masks early on and then doesn't replace them despite being in office for YEARS but then on the way out the door you leave a note telling the next guy "Sorry dude...I used all the N95 masks and didn't replace them. You need to buy some!"
As I said before...Obama owns part of the blame for this as well!

You mean the ones he applied to Congress to replace but were refused by GOP:

But Obama put in place enough warning system to easily replace before needed... Trump just did nothing...

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