CDZ Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson face on the U.S. $20 Bill?

One square inch on currency is too much for racists and bigots to ignore. Those who failed to learn the amazing story of Harriet Tubman will be humbled by her contributions to our collective history.

It is altogether fitting and proper that we honor her memory in this way.

If only I had been a tranny.

Votto thinks only men should be honored .... Votto forgets that women were less than any man, and as a slave black woman she was considered less important than the chickens. She is a hero as far as I am concerned.

Another woman who is my hero is Corrie Tenboom from WW2. She Rocks..

Corrie ten Boom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes. And all these patriots forget that a woman actually created the American flag and a woman (Dolly Madison) saved the Declaration of Independence from burning during the War of 1812. It's the men in powdered pony tails that get all the glory, but women were there. Just not recognized.

I love history now, I hated it in the high school books.. Have you ever been to the east coast in the DC area? I love walking through history and actually seeing it.

I love DC, but have only been on quick working trips with not enough time to see all I'd like. It's a very expensive city to go to on vacation.

If you ever go back, don't go in the summer, it is horribly hot... How those women wore all of those garments in that humidity is beyond me. Of coarse they were fanned all day by their slaves.

Over 30 pounds of clothes, some of those antebellum gowns. Talk about strong! Men wouldn't have put up with that kind of costume in a million years.
Which just goes to show y'all what HEROES women really are. Get used to it.

If only I had been a tranny.

Votto thinks only men should be honored .... Votto forgets that women were less than any man, and as a slave black woman she was considered less important than the chickens. She is a hero as far as I am concerned.

Another woman who is my hero is Corrie Tenboom from WW2. She Rocks..

Corrie ten Boom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And I just want to thank you for playing the lemming PC game. The mere fact that we are having this discussion of "who is more important" is testament of the stupidity of the human race.
One square inch on currency is too much for racists and bigots to ignore. Those who failed to learn the amazing story of Harriet Tubman will be humbled by her contributions to our collective history.

It is altogether fitting and proper that we honor her memory in this way.

With a sharpie drawn afro and mustache added. Just enough to piss people off and take the brand new bills out of circulation.
Tubman was a Republican, and a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment.

I like her better than the Democrat previously on the bill.
Tubman was a Republican, and a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment.

I like her better than the Democrat previously on the bill.
Old Hickory was replaced by a fat black woman. The man who led the nation, the whole nation, through war is replaced by a woman who smuggled slaves.

Not to denigrate what noble acts she performed. They were very important to slaves, to the entire country, not so much.
The replacement is probably a gift to muslims more than anything else. Jackson's defeat of the Muslim pirates has long been a sore spot.

If only I had been a tranny.

Votto thinks only men should be honored .... Votto forgets that women were less than any man, and as a slave black woman she was considered less important than the chickens. She is a hero as far as I am concerned.

Another woman who is my hero is Corrie Tenboom from WW2. She Rocks..

Corrie ten Boom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And I just want to thank you for playing the lemming PC game. The mere fact that we are having this discussion of "who is more important" is testament of the stupidity of the human race.

I am sure that you come from a long line of men who think they are better than women..

This just in, Prince will now replace Tubby on the $20.

I hope Progs enjoyed it while it lasted.

If only I had been a tranny.

Votto thinks only men should be honored .... Votto forgets that women were less than any man, and as a slave black woman she was considered less important than the chickens. She is a hero as far as I am concerned.

Another woman who is my hero is Corrie Tenboom from WW2. She Rocks..

Corrie ten Boom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And I just want to thank you for playing the lemming PC game. The mere fact that we are having this discussion of "who is more important" is testament of the stupidity of the human race.

I am sure that you come from a long line of men who think they are better than women..


The reason that women are considered to be less than men is because men are physically more powerful and aggressive due to hormone levels. Human beings value power because historically those who are more powerful are more likely to acquire wealth and natural resources, etc. Now if you think that is what makes you "better" then so be it, but I don't.
Why does it have to be "better" than instead of sometimes women can get recognition for good stuff, too?
We're half the population of the planet and every single powerful man out there who thinks he's so g-d much better than women, was born of a woman. It doesn't have to be "better" anymore, people. Try taking turns?
Give women recognition for good stuff. Not all good stuff rises to the level of national recognition.
As a woman I actually find her life story to be so inspiring. I just read your Wiki , she was beaten badly as a slave child , that alone put many under submission. She rose above the torture and changed many slaves life's ..... Also as a woman I find her inspiring because of her movement in the woman's suffrage who changed the life's of all women today. I find that to be so brave, especially for a person that never knew anything better than that of a slave .
I do agree Martin Luther changed many good things, but he has a special day every year on the calendar.


That would be Harriet Tubman......Republican
Yes she was...and a Suffragette and a proud gun owner.
America has just never produced a woman capable of the kind of acts that are worthy of being held national historical icons.

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