Hard core Trump supporter - but is he just another establishment goon?

You are right about Trump.

1). Trump has always favored foreign workers over citizens.

2). The mooch is a lefty: he loves gun control.

3). Trump does not care one way or another about Obamacare.

4). The Wall may very well not be started much less built.
Not true! Trump wants to destroy the lives of millions of Americans just the same way you do.
Think about you what wrote in relationship to what I posted, please.
Then I am putting the gipper on Ignore permanently because he does not want to help, but just complain about that which he says cannot be changed.
You are right about Trump.

1). Trump has always favored foreign workers over citizens.

2). The mooch is a lefty: he loves gun control.

3). Trump does not care one way or another about Obamacare.

4). The Wall may very well not be started much less built.
Not true! Trump wants to destroy the lives of millions of Americans just the same way you do.
Thank you. I greatly appreciate it.
There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent.

Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.

Never mind the lies about Secty Clinton -

We're seeing more and more that people voted for trump KNOWING he lied to them, knowing that he would not do as he said.

The "powerful unseen forces" controlling trump right in front of us all. There's nothing at all "unseen" about this debacle. Follow the money.

"He can only do so much.." He really doesn't DO anything.

As to the OP - Its infuriating that so many trump voters are now seeing what we've all known for a couple of years now.

But, good for you. It takes some courage and integrity to question and even more to admit a mistake.

But we're stuck.
There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent. Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.
There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent.

Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.

Never mind the lies about Secty Clinton -

We're seeing more and more that people voted for trump KNOWING he lied to them, knowing that he would not do as he said.

The "powerful unseen forces" controlling trump right in front of us all. There's nothing at all "unseen" about this debacle. Follow the money.

"He can only do so much.." He really doesn't DO anything.

As to the OP - Its infuriating that so many trump voters are now seeing what we've all known for a couple of years now.

But, good for you. It takes some courage and integrity to question and even more to admit a mistake.

But we're stuck.
Too early to make those conclusions, but those who consume a great deal of elite media tend to think as you do.

I have no doubt Trump will be a disaster, but only because I am a skeptic about my country based on decades of learning. However, I do think there is a slight chance he will do some good things.
There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent. Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.
If Trump has done nothing, why is the Left so upset with him?
There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent. Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.

You know what baffles me about Clinton supporters whining about Trump?

This, "What has trump done? Nothing."

The real truth of the matter is, Trump has done a great deal, he has done everything that Hillary would have done, and more. He has also made liberty and conservatism look awful, even though it isn't really liberty and conservatism. She could have never accomplished that. What a move by the oligarchy, brilliant stroke of genius.


The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises
The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises - Personal Liberty®
The fact is, Trump ran on a conservative nationalist platform, and his rhetoric continues to fuel his nationalist image, even if his actions do not. The globalists will paint him as a conservative and the majority of people around the world will continue to accept this narrative because rhetoric is often more powerful in people’s minds than tangible results. Liberals in particular will never let go of the idea that Trump is a conservative because they desperately long for vindication that conservative principles are “evil.” Every mistake Trump makes, though not conservative at all in nature, will be blamed on conservatism and nationalism as a whole. From what I have seen so far, the only people that are rationally critical of Trump as a conservative are actual liberty minded conservatives.

Yes, we despise the crazed cultural Marxists of the social justice cult, and we are rightly concerned about the liberal population’s shift towards full bore communism. Plus, we do not like Islamic extremism and won’t tolerate it within our borders. But we also are not too keen on the idea of being puppets for a fake conservative government, either.

This is one reason I believe Trump has suddenly flipped; the globalist scheme to co-opt the liberty movement and constitutional conservatives has failed. There is no point in Trump continuing to play his role as a stalwart of sovereignty. We have not been won over in a way that makes us easy to manipulate, which means we might not support certain globalist initiatives like martial law in the wake of a crisis, a national federalized ID card in the name of immigration control, regime changes in Syria or North Korea, etc. We may even organize in opposition to such measures.

This leads to the next reason why I believe Trump has so swiftly reversed his positions: Perhaps he and his establishment handlers no longer need to maintain the conservative sovereignty facade because a full spectrum crisis is about to take place; a crisis so consuming that the public will be completely distracted while the elites push their agenda forward and blame conservatives at the same time.

. . . and mate?
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.
If Trump has done nothing, why is the Left so upset with him?
He's done none of those things on dean's list that are good for the middle class and poor.....not that he's done nothing for us to be upset with him about....
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.
If Trump has done nothing, why is the Left so upset with him?
If they had half a brain, they should be cheering him on. . . .
The Clinton deflection has no impact.

The reader sees it and skips over it.

The world is focusing on Trump's massive failure as president.

The hidden NWO are behind Trump and trying to take over the nation.
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.

You know what baffles me about Clinton supporters whining about Trump?

This, "What has trump done? Nothing."

The real truth of the matter is, Trump has done a great deal, he has done everything that Hillary would have done, and more. He has also made liberty and conservatism look awful, even though it isn't really liberty and conservatism. She could have never accomplished that. What a move by the oligarchy, brilliant stroke of genius.


The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises
The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises - Personal Liberty®
The fact is, Trump ran on a conservative nationalist platform, and his rhetoric continues to fuel his nationalist image, even if his actions do not. The globalists will paint him as a conservative and the majority of people around the world will continue to accept this narrative because rhetoric is often more powerful in people’s minds than tangible results. Liberals in particular will never let go of the idea that Trump is a conservative because they desperately long for vindication that conservative principles are “evil.” Every mistake Trump makes, though not conservative at all in nature, will be blamed on conservatism and nationalism as a whole. From what I have seen so far, the only people that are rationally critical of Trump as a conservative are actual liberty minded conservatives.

Yes, we despise the crazed cultural Marxists of the social justice cult, and we are rightly concerned about the liberal population’s shift towards full bore communism. Plus, we do not like Islamic extremism and won’t tolerate it within our borders. But we also are not too keen on the idea of being puppets for a fake conservative government, either.

This is one reason I believe Trump has suddenly flipped; the globalist scheme to co-opt the liberty movement and constitutional conservatives has failed. There is no point in Trump continuing to play his role as a stalwart of sovereignty. We have not been won over in a way that makes us easy to manipulate, which means we might not support certain globalist initiatives like martial law in the wake of a crisis, a national federalized ID card in the name of immigration control, regime changes in Syria or North Korea, etc. We may even organize in opposition to such measures.

This leads to the next reason why I believe Trump has so swiftly reversed his positions: Perhaps he and his establishment handlers no longer need to maintain the conservative sovereignty facade because a full spectrum crisis is about to take place; a crisis so consuming that the public will be completely distracted while the elites push their agenda forward and blame conservatives at the same time.

. . . and mate?
It's a thought out conspiracy theory, but I just don't buy it!

How can trump give up in just 6 months and throw up his hands in surrender so soon? Me thinks the so called elite globalist got exactly who they wanted and Trump welcomed them with every admin pick he made.

They, this elite class.... didn't want Clinton..... makes as much sense.
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.
If Trump has done nothing, why is the Left so upset with him?
He's done none of those things on dean's list that are good for the middle class and poor.....not that he's done nothing for us to be upset with him about....
Funny thing is, Hillary would have done the same shit as Trump, you should educate yourself.

The Lilly Ledbetter ACT, was already passed in 2009, so this is not an issue for either Trump or Hillary, quit drinking the kool-aid of MSM and progressive propaganda on the equal pay issue.

Education is a local issue. It is usually funded by property tax. The Department of Education is primarily concerned with Pell Grants, Federal Direct Student Loans, Title 1 funding (to disadvantaged schools) and special education. None of this would substantially change no matter who is in office. It is all budget dependent, IOW, it relies on congress.

Healthcare for all American children? Are you serious? The ACA is broken. The Democrats made an unsustainable law. Again, this has nothing to do with the administrative branch of government. How can adults not know anything about government?

Voter suppression?

Yes, both parties do it. Google "Greg Palast, why didn't Hillary want the recount" You will find out how she suppressed the votes in the Primaries and how Sanders would have won the DNC nomination.

Minimum Wage? What a laugh. This is again, a legislative issue, and Hillary is a snake in the grass. She is very conservative economically. She would never support this. She understands that this would put a great many number of people out of work and cut the hours of those working significantly. Outwardly, she would say she supports it, knowing full well it would never, ever get through the house.

Tax cuts for billionaires? Hillary is on record giving speeches to billionaires saying should would make sure their tax shelters would remain in place. Look it up on Wikileaks. She has to have a "public" persona, and a "private" one. Don't be daft.
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.

I agree.


What have they done? Nothing.
What has trump done? Nothing.

You know what baffles me about Clinton supporters whining about Trump?

This, "What has trump done? Nothing."

The real truth of the matter is, Trump has done a great deal, he has done everything that Hillary would have done, and more. He has also made liberty and conservatism look awful, even though it isn't really liberty and conservatism. She could have never accomplished that. What a move by the oligarchy, brilliant stroke of genius.


The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises
The real reasons why Trump has flipped on his campaign promises - Personal Liberty®
The fact is, Trump ran on a conservative nationalist platform, and his rhetoric continues to fuel his nationalist image, even if his actions do not. The globalists will paint him as a conservative and the majority of people around the world will continue to accept this narrative because rhetoric is often more powerful in people’s minds than tangible results. Liberals in particular will never let go of the idea that Trump is a conservative because they desperately long for vindication that conservative principles are “evil.” Every mistake Trump makes, though not conservative at all in nature, will be blamed on conservatism and nationalism as a whole. From what I have seen so far, the only people that are rationally critical of Trump as a conservative are actual liberty minded conservatives.

Yes, we despise the crazed cultural Marxists of the social justice cult, and we are rightly concerned about the liberal population’s shift towards full bore communism. Plus, we do not like Islamic extremism and won’t tolerate it within our borders. But we also are not too keen on the idea of being puppets for a fake conservative government, either.

This is one reason I believe Trump has suddenly flipped; the globalist scheme to co-opt the liberty movement and constitutional conservatives has failed. There is no point in Trump continuing to play his role as a stalwart of sovereignty. We have not been won over in a way that makes us easy to manipulate, which means we might not support certain globalist initiatives like martial law in the wake of a crisis, a national federalized ID card in the name of immigration control, regime changes in Syria or North Korea, etc. We may even organize in opposition to such measures.

This leads to the next reason why I believe Trump has so swiftly reversed his positions: Perhaps he and his establishment handlers no longer need to maintain the conservative sovereignty facade because a full spectrum crisis is about to take place; a crisis so consuming that the public will be completely distracted while the elites push their agenda forward and blame conservatives at the same time.

. . . and mate?
It's a thought out conspiracy theory, but I just don't buy it!

How can trump give up in just 6 months and throw up his hands in surrender so soon? Me thinks the so called elite globalist got exactly who they wanted and Trump welcomed them with every admin pick he made.

They, this elite class.... didn't want Clinton..... makes as much sense.
Naturally when you see the game as checkers and someone explains it from the POV as chess, the gut reaction is . . .

There is no doubt Trump is a disappointment, but many us who voted for him did so to prevent the criminal in a pantsuit, from reaching the White House.

Hillary is not POTUS. That said, I never expected Trump would honor his campaign promises. We have a ruling class today that is entirely corrupt and fraudulent. Additionally, the POTUS is controlled by powerful unseen forces within and without government. He can only do so much, before those forces step in and stop him.
Then why vote at all?
True enough. Voting does little to change things. The ruling class/1% establishment/Oligarchy do whatever they like, no matter who is elected or what the people want.
If that were true, then why are Democratic and GOP policies so wildly different?

Equal pay for equal work
GOP no
DNC yes

GOP no
DNC yes

Healthcare for all American children
GOP no
DNC yes

Voter suppression
GOP yes
DNC no

Minimum wage
GOP no
DNC yes

Tax Cuts for billionaires
GOP yes
DNC no

The list goes on and on. Just the FACT the GOP is 90% white and the Democrats are everyone else should clue you in.

Guess not.
When will you learn, it is not what they say. It is what they do.
Yea, and the very first piece of legislation Obama signed was the Lily Ledbetter act, equal pay for equal work. And he signed healthcare.

Things the GOP is against.

Stop trying to make some ridiculous asswipe point in your tiny mind that simply doesn't exist.
Never thought Trump would do any of the things he promised you...

It was all just what you all wanted to hear....and what he knew would get you to vote for him.

one group it was due to deporting illegals, another the wall

then another group it was picking the Supreme Court Justice that was important to them.

and others it was simply jobs, jobs, jobs and HB1 visas and trade agreements that were all suppose to be redone, renegotiated for the better of Americans

and there was also the ones that voted for him only due to his weighed towards the richest's tax plan, and every day folk that thought his tax plan would benefit them, and corporations looking for a major tax cut on their marginal rates

Then there were the extreme Alt righters, with the Storm Fronters and Proud to be Whiters and 'skinheads of' types that saw something in him that they liked.

And another group that voted for him only because he was not Hillary.

Plus a group that voted for him mainly due to believing he wasn't the establishment... who reads infowars and all the conspiracy sites involved with the ''Deep State'' Conspiracy and believes it all to be true.

And another group that are just Russian loving commies! :D

Oh, and the phony evangelicals....that whole group that sold their souls to Satan in support of him....they could fit in to the Supreme Court pick group....I suppose?

There are so many different groups of people that saw him for just what they wanted to see him for...regardless of all else that he stood for, and regardless of whether he lived his whole life doing all the things the Bible and your mom and dad, taught you were wrong....!!!!

He was everything to everyone, to all the groups he focused on...and with the right rhetoric that he knew you all were already expressing on the net...

To me though, I saw him as simply a Used Car Salesman or Trump University Salesman... a scam artist.... he just lied so much on the campaign trail...just set off major red warning flags.
We all KNEW Hillary was a criminal. No chance with her...she is clearly a lying opportunist an a terribly corrupt elitist. We have a chance with Trump. No chance with Hillary.

It is that simple.
And we KNEW with facts, that Trump was one....along with being a Putin sympathizer! :eek:

Yet you still voted for a known criminal. LMFAO!
You can keep slandering her, but let's be truthful for a change, SHE IS NOT A KNOWN CRIMINAL.....And never was one....you and your ilk have nothing to show for your continual lies about her.....She has not committed a single criminal act, she's never even been charged with any criminal act let alone found guilty of any criminal act. You've simply conjured it all up in your "there has to be a boogeyman to hate mentality....." while you turn a blind eye to the antichrist con man of the century....if not eternity, imo...who is turning America in to shambles, and STRIPPING us of American greatness, as we speak.....
She is a criminal...and clearly so.

I am sorry you can't accept the truth. But, it is the truth none the less.
Yea, so clear no one can prove it after 30 years and god knows how many Senate and House and FBI and even some CIA, all investigating every aspect of her life.

She must be the smartest person in the world.
Bill Clinton had almost eight years to investigate and prepare for the coming jihadist terrorist offensive after the first attack on the WTC but he bombed freaking Europe. Now we get to the part where you get some freaking perspective between Hillary's husband and President Trump, that is if y'all have the mental capacity. Trump has been in office for about six months and during that time the DOW has hit record territory, illegal immigration (drug trafficking) is down about 80% and the U.S Military has the green light to attack and kill ISIS thugs after an eight year stagnation of the Hussein administration. WTF do y'all spoiled brats expect from the first six months of a republican administration while democrats are obstructing and the radicals are killing freaking republican baseball teams, the Second freaking Coming? The short answer to potential republican defectors is stop freaking whining.
Last edited:
Bill Clinton had almost eight years to investigate and prepare for the coming jihadist terrorist offensive after the first attack on the WTC but he bombed freaking Europe. Now we get to the part where you get some freaking perspective between Hillary's husband and President Trump, that is if y'all have the mental capacity. Trump has been in office for about six months and during that time the DOW has hit record territory, illegal immigration (drug trafficking) is down about 80% and the U.S Military has the green light to attack and kill ISIS thugs after an eight year stagnation of the Hussein administration. WTF do y'all spoiled brats expect from the first six months of a republican administration while democrats are obstructing and the radicals are killing freaking republican baseball teams, the Second freaking Coming? The short answer to potential republican defectors is stop freaking whining.
They get inflamed by the propaganda they consume from the elite media and aren't smart enough to overcome it.

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