
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
you libs have to understand how painful the the last seven years have been, even to a liberal conservative like me. what does that mean? i don't believe in debt for a successful country like ours. fiscal responsibility and a heavy military are what define me as conservative, and a couple of other issues, none religious.

hillary clinton is a stick in the mud, and having pervert bully bill back in the white house (separate quarters of course, or that couch he slept on for half a year), freaks us out.

it's like a twilight zone. and now that jeb is out, clintons should be out too. enough i say. let's move on.

this election/campaign is going to be the most miserable ever. but i'm not giving up, neither should the libs.

we still have to advance our directives as a nation, and as political individuals. most people don't care about politics, but the process of leader choosing still belongs to us.

our government moves at the pace of snail. i choose to believe that's a good thing. when everyone leaves DC, good things happen, so maybe there's a clue.

but right now our government is the blob, from that movie the blob*. luckily we have plenty of co2, politics is the same.

this is going to be a mean campaign, i hope Trump wins, and i hope everyone will understand why.

after the last seven years, i believe more people will engage, i hope they do.

luckily for all of us, the political pendulum swings both ways, that fact is the glue that holds us together.

i'm glad we have forums like this, i always learn a lot here, even from the libs.

the next ten months will astound us all, so happy new year, sort of, cause it won't all be good, and i would never want to live anywhere else but our good ole USA.

* ironically our government blob is in fact directly related to global warming/climate change.
how weird is that ? but that's another thread.

from wikipedia:

When it sounds quiet over the phone line, Bert shoots the wire, it falls onto the Blob, but the Blob is unaffected, and the diner is set ablaze. The manager uses a CO2 fire extinguisher on the fire. Steve notices that this causes the Blob to recoil, then remembers that the creature also retreated from the freezer. Shouting in hopes of being picked up on the open phone line, Steve manages to tell Dave about the Blob's vulnerability to cold. Jane's father, Mr. Martin (Elbert Smith), knows there are 20 such CO2 extinguishers at the school, and leads Steve's friends to the high school to retrieve them. Returning, the brigade of CO2 extinguisher-armed students and police first drive the Blob away from the diner, then freeze it, saving Steve, Jane and the others.

Dave requests an Air Force heavy-lift cargo aircraft to transport the Blob to the Arctic, where it is parachuted to the ice. Dave says that while the Blob is not dead, at least it has been stopped. To this, Steve Andrews replies with the last line in the film, "Yeah, as long as the Arctic stays cold."

How can u have fiscal responsibility and a heavy military ? Doesn't work .
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How can u have fiscal responsibility and a heavy military ? Doesn't work .
thank you, the socialist countries and "we're switzerland, we're neutral", are free and fat on our dime, and at the expense of our military. socialism works great as long a America foots the bill.

you pegged it on the second post, i'm very impressed. let's see if others agree.

incidentally, reagan had both, so it can be done.

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