Happy New Year Everyone-may you find your Shalem.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
To become (Shalem) complete and whole and more stable we often decide to start fresh on the new year with promises to better improve ourselves by setting goals and resolutions for the coming year.
Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick, but we always stop to focus and consider combating those issues.
We must use this day of reflection point to remove that barrier, human ego, and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues (avoid self judgement)and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
Most of us fall away quickly from our resolutions, because we are in denial over it's importance to progress and become Shalem.
To properly Teshuva one must recognize and admit what they do is a sin, then seriously address and make efforts not to repeat that sin. To get back on track stop lying to yourselves, stop enabling others behavior and for crying out loud don't break your resolutions the next day. *L*
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I always find this time of year most interesting but more so this year... Israel population is set to hit 8.8 million very shortly...18 is representative of LIFE not death and it is representative of the gd of LIFE ...This year could bring many changes time will tell after all it is 70 years since the state of Israel was once more declared as a nation which is a full generation or lifetime of a man... Regardless may everyone here have a good year and hopefully kick any habit that is holding you back from being the best you can be...
I see a lot of sock puppet posts, ad hominems, & broken resolutions already, that didn't take long :-(

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