Happy Citizenship Day!


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
A naturalization ceremony is being held in Boston today. If you have never been to one, I highly recommend it. Few things will make you feel more patriotic and proud.

Many of the people I know who love and appreciate America the most are naturalized citizens. Almost all the people I have ever met who disdain America have been natural-born citizens (or non-Americans abroad who soon found themselves on their ass).
What a stupid meme. There were over a thousand different languages spoken by the native americans. Even they couldnt speak them all.
Leave it to you to post something so stupid.
.some are terrorists...some won't naturalize--they will keep their shithead culture---if they were not shitheads with a shithead culture, they would not be coming here!!!!!!!!!!!!
....and before you babble about the US being made of immigrants, this is not 1750, 1850, or 1950 anymore......THOSE immigrants WORKED hard---BRAVED many dangers, etc to come here and LIVE here....it's not the same anymore
What a stupid meme. There were over a thousand different languages spoke by the native americans. Even they couldnt speak them all.
Leave it to you to post something so stupid.
I wanted to be as stupid as a Republican so I tried it.
Just like immigrants today.
..I've got news for you---immigrants today FLY over here....they can buy as much food as they need/etc...they have air conditioning and heaters/cars/etc etc ....
HUGE difference between 1850 and 2021--DUH
Not all of them, and immigrants have been flying here since 1914.
....stop the babble crap----yes, the ones in 1914 had it a lot rougher ...the ones today are shitheads that hate America but want the $$$$$$....this is 2021--they need to stay in their own country and make it better--they are fking up the US in MANY ways
So do most natural-born citizens, genius. Although, a growing number of Americans do NOT have doctors nearby.
YOU are the genius!!! hahhahahahah --you fkd up--I mean in the 1800s they didn't have hospital care like they do today--and nowhere near the same amount/availability !!!
A naturalization ceremony is being held in Boston today. If you have never been to one, I highly recommend it. Few things will make you feel more patriotic and proud.

I've done many voter registration drives at these ceremonies. Very exciting day for these new citizens, their family, and their friends.

Sometimes they'd take a picture with me when I wear my red, white, and blue top hat.

I've done many voter registration drives at these ceremonies. Very exciting day for these new citizens, their family, and their friends.

Sometimes they'd take a picture with me when I wear my red, white, and blue top hat.

It's a truly moving experience.
No one did, immigrant or natural-born citizens alike. All of your Captain Obvious comments have nothing to do with Citizenship Day. You're just trolling this thread, and it WILL stop now.
you are babbling crap--the immigrants of the 1800s EARNED it ..today's are shitheads

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