happy birthday

o the great conservative cry....move out if you dont like it..well guess what ...this is my country and i hope it can be so much more than it is....and i wont move out because of small minded people like you who prefer to jack off and close your eyes and thinks its all grand....we got a lot of problems and we need to work on them not ignore them

and i am just as much an american as you are...i know that causes you great pain..but get use to it...i am here and i am not leaving
dont say perceived when they are smacking you in the face....look at the va hosptial...1800 vets may have been infected with hiv...no excuse for that....you may not like to hear what i am saying but its the truth...we got a long ways to go...and we wont ge there ignoring the "perceived" problems...dispute what i have said? go on......i am waiting.....do you even know the literacy rate in cuba?

look it up it will shock y ou

Damn Bitch (I've been waiting for a chance to say that) I didn't disagree with you.

I said "problems and perceived problems.

Which means, yes we have problems, and we have some things that people only think are problems. This certainly isn't the thread I want to go into our problems in. We do that in 95% of the other threads. God knows we are far from perfect, but still the greatest game in town.
All of those.

no , hong kong, japan, sweden all do better at live births than we do....

cuba has a higher literacy rate than the us

civil rights? we are no longer a country of free speech but a country with free speech zones

as far as age..okinawa has a better life expectancy....

health care: lol surely you are not saying the us has the best health care system? really? lol

i dont mind the rah rah but lets not lie to ourselves this country has many problems and if we dont face them...we wont solve them

Since you support Obama you are part and parcel of any problems we have, I have a solution, MOVE your ass away.

Let's have another civil war. I'm betting the smart ones will eliminate the dumb ones.. Lets settle this "this is my country you can go elsewhere." I am so thoroughly tired of jackasses trying to tell other americans to get out. Lets get it on and see who "goes on".
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no , hong kong, japan, sweden all do better at live births than we do....

cuba has a higher literacy rate than the us

civil rights? we are no longer a country of free speech but a country with free speech zones

as far as age..okinawa has a better life expectancy....

health care: lol surely you are not saying the us has the best health care system? really? lol

i dont mind the rah rah but lets not lie to ourselves this country has many problems and if we dont face them...we wont solve them

Since you support Obama you are part and parcel of any problems we have, I have a solution, MOVE your ass away.

Let's have another civil war. I'm betting the smart ones will eliminate the dumb ones.. Lets settle this "this is my country you can go elsewhere." I am so thoroughly tired of jackasses trying to tell other americans to get out. Lets get it on and see who "goes on".

Ooh, Ooh, I wanna I wanna...
o the great conservative cry....move out if you dont like it..well guess what ...this is my country and i hope it can be so much more than it is....and i wont move out because of small minded people like you who prefer to jack off and close your eyes and thinks its all grand....we got a lot of problems and we need to work on them not ignore them

and i am just as much an american as you are...i know that causes you great pain..but get use to it...i am here and i am not leaving

Yup you voted for and support a man that thinks spending 50 percent of every dollar borrowed from China is a good thing. That thinks paying people not to work for tyhe rest of their lives is a good thing. That thinks destroying oil and coal production with no viable power solution is a good thing. I can go on you dumb fucking bitch. YOU support a man that is destroying this Country and want to lecture ME on what is and is not best for this Country. YOU ARE FUCKING TO STUPID TO BREED.

By the way fuck stain comparing us to Countries that do not use our EXACT SAME method of comparison is like comparing apples to oranges, it is a waste of time.

You like Cuba, MOVE THE FUCK THERE. You like Sweden get the fuck out and go there. Instead you stay here and vote for socialism and stupidity and then have the retarded argument YOU want to better this Country? YOU support Obama you support the destruction of our Country and our Government. Your Democrats won't even do their job and pass a budget instead claiming they "deemed" it to pass. And you SUPPORT them.

You are NOT helping you dumb shit.
no , hong kong, japan, sweden all do better at live births than we do....

cuba has a higher literacy rate than the us

civil rights? we are no longer a country of free speech but a country with free speech zones

as far as age..okinawa has a better life expectancy....

health care: lol surely you are not saying the us has the best health care system? really? lol

i dont mind the rah rah but lets not lie to ourselves this country has many problems and if we dont face them...we wont solve them

Since you support Obama you are part and parcel of any problems we have, I have a solution, MOVE your ass away.

Let's have another civil war. I'm betting the smart ones will eliminate the dumb ones.. Lets settle this "this is my country you can go elsewhere." I am so thoroughly tired of jackasses trying to tell other americans to get out. Lets get it on and see who "goes on".

Ohh believe me it is coming. And you liberal pin heads won't like the results.
no , hong kong, japan, sweden all do better at live births than we do....

cuba has a higher literacy rate than the us

civil rights? we are no longer a country of free speech but a country with free speech zones

as far as age..okinawa has a better life expectancy....

health care: lol surely you are not saying the us has the best health care system? really? lol

i dont mind the rah rah but lets not lie to ourselves this country has many problems and if we dont face them...we wont solve them

Since you support Obama you are part and parcel of any problems we have, I have a solution, MOVE your ass away.

Let's have another civil war. I'm betting the smart ones will eliminate the dumb ones.. Lets settle this "this is my country you can go elsewhere." I am so thoroughly tired of jackasses trying to tell other americans to get out. Lets get it on and see who "goes on".

Wouldn't be much of a war since so many "lefties" are opposed to guns.

You bring your marijuana I'll bring my M4.

Let's get it on..................

That being said, no one should be telling anyone else to move out. That's why we have elections.
so now you make excuses as to why cuba has a higher literacy rate? we dont have books...what? what is the reason...that has slated it in cuba's favor?

stop your name calling...o wait that is all you have.
A high literacy rate is commendable but freedom to read what you wish to read and study what you want to study and promote what you want to promote, and freedom to comment on what you read without fear of punishment by one's government is far more commendable. I would guess a whole bunch of literate Cubans would give almost anything they have to enjoy the liberties afforded to every American.

We would be hard put to identify any people, any nation, any spot on Earth that did not have something that was perhaps superior to the USA. But there is no people, no nation, no spot on Earth that the USA does not excel in something more than they do.

America is not one issue or a dozen issues but is a concept, a principle, a great experiment that exceeded the wildest dreams of its Founders. Those Founders had a magnificent vision to create a nation, the very first nation ever conceived on Earth, in which the people would recognize, respect, and defend God given unalienable rights and therefore be governed by no king or authority but would govern themselves.

I love that country and will raise her flag as a pledge of honor to keep loving and appreciating and defending her.

And I will continue to resist those who who would choose to tear it down.
A high literacy rate is commendable but freedom to read what you wish to read and study what you want to study and promote what you want to promote, and freedom to comment on what you read without fear of punishment by one's government is far more commendable. I would guess a whole bunch of literate Cubans would give almost anything they have to enjoy the liberties afforded to every American.

We would be hard put to identify any people, any nation, any spot on Earth that did not have something that was perhaps superior to the USA. But there is no people, no nation, no spot on Earth that the USA does not excel in something more than they do.

America is not one issue or a dozen issues but is a concept, a principle, a great experiment that exceeded the wildest dreams of its Founders. Those Founders had a magnificent vision to create a nation, the very first nation ever conceived on Earth, in which the people would recognize, respect, and defend God given unalienable rights and therefore be governed by no king or authority but would govern themselves.

I love that country and will raise her flag as a pledge of honor to keep loving and appreciating and defending her.

And I will continue to resist those who who would choose to tear it down.

Bravo! And with no partisan poo-slinging either.

Radioman Approved! :thup:
Happy Independence Day to all who love liberty and despise tyranny!
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no , hong kong, japan, sweden all do better at live births than we do....

cuba has a higher literacy rate than the us

civil rights? we are no longer a country of free speech but a country with free speech zones

as far as age..okinawa has a better life expectancy....

health care: lol surely you are not saying the us has the best health care system? really? lol

i dont mind the rah rah but lets not lie to ourselves this country has many problems and if we dont face them...we wont solve them

Since you support Obama you are part and parcel of any problems we have, I have a solution, MOVE your ass away.

Let's have another civil war. I'm betting the smart ones will eliminate the dumb ones.. Lets settle this "this is my country you can go elsewhere." I am so thoroughly tired of jackasses trying to tell other americans to get out. Lets get it on and see who "goes on".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqH21LEmfbQ]YouTube - The Clash - Should I Stay Or Should I Go[/ame]​
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i am always amused..that one is not a 'real' american unless they voted for 'your' candidate

continue making a fool of yourself, you do it so well

Keep voting for fools and idiots you fit in so well with them. Do me a favor, do not claim you want to improve this country while you openly support Obama and clowns.

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