Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

I simply do not like Rush. Sorry if that offends you. Don't like Rachel Maddow either, or Al Franken or Michael Savage either

You said what you didn't, but you didn't mean what you said you did. Whatever. I don't give a rats ass if you like Rush. You said you're tired of defending your side from him, then you say I don't know what you think. I don't, but I know what you said you think. But your statement he's full of "hate" means you are either a liberal or manipulated by them. Like who you like. I disagree with Rush on a lot, but he's entertaining and if you say "hate" you have an agenda. Or you're a pussy manipulated by people with an agenda. Those are the only two choices.

Oh, for heaven's sake, Kaz, you were appropriat3ly corrected. Just shut up and stop hating, huh?

You should talk.
bigreb is funny! He is a far far right wannabe poseur conservative who is truly a reactionary.

Where as you are a far, far left wannabe poseur too stupid to comprehend that everyone sees right through your faux "Republican" claims.... C'est la vie.

I would expect nothing else from a poseur reactionary pretending to be GOP. With every post you demonstrate you are not a viable conservative.
And you DON'T?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Come on Jane, just admit already. Come out of the closet. It's in vogue to do so nowadays. You can be the Lance Bass, Doogie Howser of the far lefty poseurs.

Just do it already!.......Just admit you wouldn't know conservatism if it's big hairy balls were slappin' ya' on the chin.
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You are not on the GOP side of the aisle, bigreb. You simply are a poseur with so many other desperate wannabe Republicans here. You guys are in the parking lot behind the dumpsters. You are not in the GOP congregation.

Funny thing Jake I defend the republicans way more than you do.
You are not on the GOP side of the aisle, bigreb. You simply are a poseur with so many other desperate wannabe Republicans here. You guys are in the parking lot behind the dumpsters. You are not in the GOP congregation.

Funny thing Jake I defend the republicans way more than you do.
when has jokey EVER defended a republican?
i have never seen it

Well if you classify a rino as a republican I think he has defended those type.
What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.


Here's the difference genius, while FNC ,Rush, Beck, Hannity freely admit they are conservatives, the main stream media collectively refuses to admit it's liberal bias.
The most galling of all was the liberal Air America presenting itself as a balanced outlet for news and commentary. Clearly, Air America was liberal. And we see what happened to that pile of goo.

So you are admitting in reference then that Air America of the left was the Fox News of the right.


have you the ability to read and comprehend?
I admit nothing. However, FNC does feature conservative commentators.
Now, since you opened the door. FNC is not only still in business, FNC is the highest rated news service on television.....Every day that fact eats away at the liberal base like sulfuric acid on a steel bar. Little by little the left seethes as they lose ground.
Sizzle sizzle ,jakey......Your side no longer holds a monopoly on news and commentary.
oh, remember to always refer to Air America in the PAST tense.

It is not? It seems to me that everyone watches FNC both the left and the right. Clearly the left does as they never stop complaining about it. Who on earth comes close to matching FNC's ratings?


Network news.


Okay, maybe that is right. However, it seems like the network news programs have all gone to the "touchy feelly" formats where all they talk about are the local charity balls, local sports and the weather. That is not important news... unless of course there is a hurricane on the way! ;)

And I was thinking Cable Format.

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Amazing how the dumasses can attach their one size fits label to WHAT THEY believe a "Republican" and "conservative" is these days.
We have become a nation of village idiots.

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