Hamas has called for a "Day of global jihad" tomorrow, Friday, the 13th of October, 2023

Be careful! As we have seen, Hamas has many, many supporters and sympathizers among leftist organizations in the United States (Harvard University, BLM, United States Congressional Democrats, media figures, etc.).

With Biden's wide open southern border and hundreds of known terrorists already in the country, we're very vulnerable right now.

The kids speak just like the Hitler Youth were trained to talk, like these death cults all sound the same as if they all have one Fuhrer that transcends the many centuries. This current outbreak of violence by the islamo terrorists SHOULD but WON'T convince the statist left why, "CAN'T WE JUST ALL GET ALONG", & "ONE WORLD WITHOUT BORDERS" cannot work for people. Add in the statist left belief system that humans are HERD creatures that all think the same thing, want the same thing, believe the same thing & do the same thing & we got the blind leading the blind! I mean the statist left are viewing an event in the middle east @ current that is virtually proving that their above mentioned belief system is 101% bogus, YET they will still cling to their bogus belief system like a drowning person clinging to a piece of drift wood.

"One can lead a horse to water but one cannot force the horse to drink the water."
Be careful! As we have seen, Hamas has many, many supporters and sympathizers among leftist organizations in the United States (Harvard University, BLM, United States Congressional Democrats, media figures, etc.).

With Biden's wide open southern border and hundreds of known terrorists already in the country, we're very vulnerable right now.

Well, I have always been a peacefull person, but I honestly believe after what I have been seeing, time to LIGHT THEM UP!

Sounds baaaad, I get it. But if we have to choose sides, then I see no other choice.

Light them up quickly, get them done and over with, then let us discuss the OTHERS that will be coming regardless if you like it or not.

If they can prove Iran helped do this, all your crying and weeping isn't going to help. Iran is also going to lit up a Christmas tree!

So much for the JCPOA-)

Makes no difference if you like it or not, THIS is going to be a huge point in the 2024 election. Good luck with that you clowns!
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Be careful! As we have seen, Hamas has many, many supporters and sympathizers among leftist organizations in the United States (Harvard University, BLM, United States Congressional Democrats, media figures, etc.).

With Biden's wide open southern border and hundreds of known terrorists already in the country, we're very vulnerable right now.

Global day of Jihad?

For every person harmed by Jihadi scum the Israelis should level an entire city block of Gazan residences.

To the devil with proportionality.
The IDF should level Gaza and use jdams to get the hidden vermin, tomorrow.

I would suggest they call it “the Israeli Day of Jihad against the Terrorists.”
Two things.

I said I witnessed the rally on TV and heard them claim they were Hamas. Yeah, they were expressing solidarity with them and were not actually on the ground in Israel. However, arrest a few of them for human rights violations and war crimes -- which is what Hamas has done --, and they may wake up to the concept that they just don't know what the fuck they are supporting.

The other thing is, why do you people demand evidence you know you'll never accept?

I am not an idiot like the rest of you. If you truly want to know, you'll make the effort.

You want to make them rich when they sue you for violating their civil rights?
The IDF should level Gaza and use jdams to get the hidden vermin, tomorrow.

I would suggest they call it “the Israeli Day of Jihad against the Terrorists.”
If these clowns attack the USA, I want to see these people support it! They are going to be the pariah of posters. I can NOT wait, beacuse it is coming. I want to hear their spin!
If I were in New York, with its large Jewish population, I would not go on a subway, go to Shabbos services tomorrow night, or go to a Jewish community center.
Jews can go to those things armed. And they should.
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

We are getting close.
Sounded like they were planning a hunting party on the 13th.
Islamic fucktards don't know what hunting is.

They go in and take what someone else has hunted or the farmer has given to the women and children, unless the hunter

stops them.

All they know how to do is raid, rob, and steal, not produce or hunt. America is flush with hunters. With guns.

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