Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

I guess you don't really pay attention. Have you noticed that the vast majority of those on this forum that an anti-Israel are Democrats? Have you noticed that the Democratic Party has members in Congress that are blatantly anti-Israel. Do you think it is just by chance that they are Democrats? Virtually every single group you can find that is anti-Israel is left(Democrat) leaning. I'm not sure why this even has to be explained.

Well, I could explain it to you, Cleetus, but you still wouldn't understand it.

First, the Democrat opposition to the Zionist Entity consists of four whacky women in the Squad, and gosh, darn, even THAT isn't good enough for the Zionist Lobby. They want complete obedience to Israel.

The problem is that in the current paradigm, the Democrats are the party of people of color, and the Republicans have become the White Grievance Party. Democrats can't really support racial equality all around the world and then say, "not you, Palestinians!"
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Here's the problem. Democrats and liberals threw racists like you out in the 1960s, and we were better off for it.
Segregationists feel vindicated by the Negro response to the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty. The Negro response is what they warned us would happen.

I am disappointed. I supported the civil rights movement as a child, a teenager, and a young adult. Back then I thought that when Negroes were given equal rights most would begin to behave and perform as well as most whites.

The black response to the civil rights legislation and the War on poverty ended the New Deal Coalition that had dominated the United States from the inauguration of President Roosevelt Roosevelt in 1933, and made possible the elections of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump.

I do not think we are better off because of that.
Yet Bibi empowered that guy and refused to negotiate with Abbas who was perfectly fine with a two-state solution.

Eventually, Israel will go the way of South Africa.
Eventually the Palestinians will go away and make room for Jewish settlement.

Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Biden’s denunciation of grisly terror attacks can’t mask the left's years of coddling of Tehran and Gaza, experts say.
10 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

As evidence of civilian atrocities mounted, President Joe Biden emerged in public to unequivocally denounce the Hamas terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine and their backers in Iran.
Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her official congressional office, while Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Israel’s counteroffensive might be a “war crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “ceasefire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “refrain” from “retaliatory attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel deserved blame for Hamas’ attacks.
“The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
“It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”
Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for sending millions in aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors.
Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the porous southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”

On Saturday Biden briefly commented and was not to be seen for four days.
Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.
So when a guy shot up the Topps supermarket because black people were there or the guy shot up a Walmart in El Paso because brown people were there; and all of the other mass shootings can we say that was because of the right wing embrace of the 2nd Amendment?

Biden is supporting Israel; 99% of the political left is supporting Israel.
Democrats can't really support racial equality all around the world and then say, "not you, Palestinians!"
Legal racial equality only works when the races are intrinsically equal, like whites and Orientals are.
President Biden thought he could deal with Hamas. He was mistaken. This is no time to talk about that. This is the time for all who love Israel to bet behind the President in his efforts to help Israel fight Hamas, and possibly Hezbollah.

Never the right time to talk about Democrat fuck ups
Am I right?
Your opinion of me means nothing. Sorry.
As a one percent minority your opinion and your vote means less than nothing

That is of course assuming you dont repeat your previous mistake and vote for joe biden again in 2024
Democrats can't really support racial equality all around the world and then say, "not you, Palestinians!"

This is not about race. You make it about race because everything is about race in your Marxism infused brain. Class and racial divide fuels your very existence and your goal of some version of utopian socialism. You and others fail to realize that it is as pre-cursor to Communism. You can't be helped because you have been fully indoctrinated with this destructive ideology and are not wise enough to set aside these ideals and entertain the possibility that you may be wrong. You completely ignore history as it relates to this ideology.
Please stop calling dimocrap scum 'liberals'. They are not.
The only reason they're called that is to get an article past the editorial review.
If you don't want to call them what they are -- At least call them 'Leftists'. That would be accurate.
They are anything BUT liberal. More like true Fascists.

BTW, Hitler was not a Fascist, he was a National Socialist. They were similar but had major differences.
Also, there is no such thing as a Nazi. That is a made-up, derogatory word. Which is fine with me but..... Totally and completely made up. an abbreviation used by Germans, 'Sozi' was used for their arch-enemies, the socialists (of the international, not nationalist, variety).
They were National Socialists. The New Yawk Slimes started using the term 'Nazi' because 'National Socialist' made the Russian socialists nervous. Bad publicity.

Hitler was a socialist. Just like every other murdering scumbag of the last 120 years, he was a socialist.

dimocrap scum don't know why their masters are on the side of the Murdering Muslims in the ME..... It's because they're socialists. Which fits in well with their followers' beliefs just dandy.

These things matter
The leftists who have long sided with the "Palestinians" have never sided with them out of liberalism, but because of complete lack thereof.

These Troglodytes are the least liberal people imaginable, from their honor killings to their child abuse to their genocidal ambitions. Ony an idiot would support that shit, not a liberal.
Never the right time to talk about Democrat fuck ups
Am I right?
It is dispiriting to see that many Republicans hate Biden more than Hamas.

Biden does not deserve to be hated the way Trump does. Biden has made mistakes, but he means well, so I voted for him last time and I will vote for him next time.
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I just made a comment on you tub about Israel should kill all of ham ass when they invade and get it done with, and those friggin turds banned me. Shows what side they are on.
It is a good idea to learn as quickly as possible what you are allowed to say on an internet platform and what you are not allowed to say. Many platforms claim to value free speech. Then they say they are opposed to hate speech. Hate speech can be mentioning any unflattering fact about blacks.
President Biden thought he could deal with Hamas. He was mistaken. This is no time to talk about that. This is the time for all who love Israel to bet behind the President in his efforts to help Israel fight Hamas, and possibly Hezbollah.
Why hasn’t he refrozen the $6 billion?! Is Obama adamant that these funds be delivered to the Jew-hating Iranian regime? No excuse.
It is dispiriting to see that many Republicans hate Biden more than Hamas.

Biden does not deserve to be hated the way Trump does. Biden has made mistakes, but he means well, so I voted for him last time and I will vote for him next time.
Trump does not deserve to be hated the way Biden does. Biden’s “mistakes” have killed thousands.

But of course I hate Hamas more.
Hitler was a socialist. Just like every other murdering scumbag of the last 120 years, he was a socialist.
Joseph Goebbels assured German businessmen and land owners that the Nazi Party did not intend to take their wealth and property. Adding the word "socialist" to their name was a cynical ploy by the Nazis to exploit the popularity the idea of socialism had among many Germans. Unfortunately, it worked.

Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

Biden’s denunciation of grisly terror attacks can’t mask the left's years of coddling of Tehran and Gaza, experts say.
10 Oct 2023 ~~ By John Solomon

As evidence of civilian atrocities mounted, President Joe Biden emerged in public to unequivocally denounce the Hamas terror attacks as “pure unadulterated evil” but his repudiation cannot hide the long embrace by his party’s liberals of the two main actors behind the staggering violence that rocked the Middle East: the political and military leadership in Palestine and their backers in Iran.
Even as American hostages remained in peril, the beheaded torsos of innocent civilians were collected from Israeli streets and Hamas and Tehran celebrated the bloodletting, many liberals in America were still trying to express empathy for the attackers.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her official congressional office, while Rep. Ilhan Omar suggested Israel’s counteroffensive might be a “war crime.” Biden’s secretary of state tweeted, then deleted a call for a “ceasefire” just as Israel ramped up its rescue missions. The U.S. Department of State’s Palestinian Affairs Office literally implored Israel to “refrain” from “retaliatory attacks” before reversing course. On the streets of liberal cities and the campuses of left-leaning universities like Harvard, many even suggested Israel deserved blame for Hamas’ attacks.
“The danger is not just to Israel,” former Obama-era Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Just the News on Tuesday night. “The enemy we face in Hamas is the same enemy that America faces in ISIS and Al Qaeda. It is a radical, medieval, vicious, brutal, barbaric, jihadist group.
“It’s not a clash of civilizations … it's a clash between a civilization and a different universe, a very dark and evil universe. And you have to believe in evil,” Oren said during an interview conducted from a bomb shelter with the Just the News, No Noise television show. “These are people who behead babies, repeatedly rape young women and strip them and march them naked through the streets of Gaza so they can be spat upon and beaten, who take entire families out and shoot them.”
Former Trump-era Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said the blame isn’t just with Palestinian-sympathetic congresswomen and academics, it also falls on the Biden administration for sending millions in aid to Hamas-controlled Palestine and for appeasing Iran with eased oil sanctions and a recent $6 billion in unfrozen assets in the name of seeking a nuclear deal even as Tehran continues to sponsor terrorism and toss out UN nuclear inspectors.
Biden administration officials dismissed such criticisms, insisting that despite the deleted pro-Hamas tweets and prior appeasements to Iran that the president stands unequivocally with Israel and its right to defend itself. Administration officials also have refused to confirm reports from European intelligence that Iran helped plan the attack, even after Hamas made comments confirming such a connection.
Longtime intelligence expert Fred Fleitz, the former chief of staff to the National Security Council, said while it may take days or a few weeks for U.S. intelligence to pinpoint the exact nature of Iran’s role in the attacks, he has little doubt Tehran was involved.
Security experts said there is strong reason to fear Iranian-backed terrorists could have already crossed the porous southern U.S. border to be activated in the future against Americans, bringing the horror of what just happened in Israel closer to home. Biden himself raised the concern during his Tuesday press conference.
Coates added that “Maybe the biggest threat from that particular alphabet soup of terrorism is Hezbollah. Because we know Hezbollah has been active in Latin America, they've carried out attacks against Jewish targets in Argentina, for example. So they're here. And the notion that they haven't tried to cross the border in the last two and a half years is pretty disingenuous.”

On Saturday Biden briefly commented and was not to be seen for four days.
Meanwhile his toadies continue to make excuses for their lack of intelligence gathering and funding of Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah.

This is a lot like how the DemoKKKrats and their media openly adored the Soviet Union and Russia for DECADES before, suddenly in 2016, Hillary Clinton decided Russia was an enemy for "helping" Trump win the election. Their insistence now that Russia = bad is laughable when we all watched them fellate the Soviets for the previous 70 years.

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