Hamas atrocities expose peril of liberals’ long embrace of Palestinians and Iran

The US should remain neutral in this matter between Arabs state and Israel. Yet as some place blame on democrats. They seem to ignore republican actions.

Yet even Trump as the de facto head of the republicans has criticized Israel and taken the Arabs side.

He even shared classified Intel from Israel and gave it to Russia. Who would benefit the most from Intel on Israel.

You got to love the blame game.
You already posted this elsewhere.

What Biden and the terrorist-appeasing Democrats did was far worse than anything Trump said. The murdered Jews would have been alive if Trump had won because Iran and HAMAS wouldn’t have had the money for the massacre.

Um, Iran has a 300 Billion dollar economy... they'd have had no problem finding money to fund Hamas.
Thank God we'll never see that in this Country, right BooBoo?
No was one was arrested and jailed, or summarily executed, and no party has been outlawed. Nor will politicians get away with crimes they commit, but they will get their day in court.
The US should remain neutral in this matter between Arabs state and Israel. Yet as some place blame on democrats. They seem to ignore republican actions.

Yet even Trump as the de facto head of the republicans has criticized Israel and taken the Arabs side.

He even shared classified Intel from Israel and gave it to Russia. Who would benefit the most from Intel on Israel.

You got to love the blame game.
For the Trumpyberra, it's all about retribution, this time for Bibi not supporting the assassination of that Iranian General.
Virtually no Democrats supported this. Unfortunately, many Democrats think there is a middle ground between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and there is not. There cannot be a two state solution.
Yet, Democrats have funded Hamas. Hezbollah, and Iran. Heck they even funded and trained Al Qaeda and it's offshoots ISIS/ISIL.
Indeed, Iran is responsible for the creations of Hamas and Hezbollah yet, American policies to pay ransom in the billions to Iran has funded these terrorist groups.

Akshally, (going strictly from memory) The US was against the formation of Israel, as were the British. The Soviets were for it. But once, Israel decided to be a Free Market society, the USSR balked. It is a complicated and confusing history.

The thing that matters, the only thing, is that Israel was formed by the civilized world to be a Jewish State. Period.

Some Muslims got shafted in the process. Sorry 'bout that. Everybody has a bad day now and then.
The US didn't start supporting Israel until the USSR started supporting the Arabs.
Are Trump sycophants really stupid enough to believe that?
Just another name-calling ignorant piece of shit dimocrap --

The US didn't start supporting Israel until the USSR started supporting the Arabs.
Truman recognize Israel within minutes after they declared independence. Not that there wasn't opposition to that within his own Cabinet.

Just another name-calling ignorant piece of shit dimocrap --

So you're a believer. It was their money. Carter illegally froze/stole it after their revolution replaced our supported dictator with a religious nutjob dictator.
So you're a believer. It was their money. Carter illegally froze/stole it after their revolution replaced our supported dictator with a religious nutjob dictator.
And can’t you see how that money SHOULD have been frozen? Look what the Muslim terrorists do with it.
So you're a believer. It was their money. Carter illegally froze/stole it after their revolution replaced our supported dictator with a religious nutjob dictator.
It was NOT their money. It was the previous Iranian regime's money.

Red China used that excuse to refuse to pay their War Debt. They said it wasn't their obligation, it was the previous regime.
And can’t you see how that money SHOULD have been frozen? Look what the Muslim terrorists do with it.
It was still their oil that they sold and were due the money. Supporting the dictator/terrorist in Iraq for retribution against Iran turned out to be a nightmare. Billions of dollars, and access to duel use technology, advanced chemical and biological weapons technology and we still have to go to war with him to stop his Nuclear program. But we're going to ignore that for now.
It was NOT their money. It was the previous Iranian regime's money.

Red China used that excuse to refuse to pay their War Debt. They said it wasn't their obligation, it was the previous regime.
Ah so, we look to Red China's as a model for our behavior? Did we offer to sent their oil back?
It is dispiriting to see that many Republicans hate Biden more than Hamas.

Biden does not deserve to be hated the way Trump does. Biden has made mistakes, but he means well, so I voted for him last time and I will vote for him next time.

He means well? He's lied his entire pathetic 50 year career, and is a corrupt, on the take moron. The only thing he 'means well' about is enriching himself and his ego.
When did they get "equal rights"? I must have missed that between the Racial Profiling and the Redlining that is still going on to this day.

Well, not since Jamal stuffed your ass in a locker.
Negroes got equal rights when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Open Housing Act of 1968 were passed, and when the War on Poverty was declared in 1964. Now they are discriminated in favor of with affirmative action.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Open Housing Act of 1968 were followed by black ghetto riots. Black ghetto riots are they way many blacks thank efforts to help them.

Because the black murder rate is nearly eight times the white rate racial profiling is justified. Redlining is justified because colored people are less likely to pay their debts.
Negroes got equal rights when the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Open Housing Act of 1968
Not in reality they didn't. They got some laws on their side but that didn't give them equal rights, fair voting rights, or fair housing rights. It gave them some means to fight back against racial discrimination. All of those laws have been under attack by the far right since they passed.

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