

Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Some christians think it is wrong to act and dress like a demon at halloween, especially orthodox, they reject halloween, a orthodox priest said "look here why i wear a cross because i identify with it so if you wear a demon mask you start identifying with it". It made sense a bit, but I think it is funny, and I dont want to be that extreme, and I like it actually. On Halloween I buy sweets and wait for children, I watch halloween specials like Simpsons Halloween specials. A good time of the year.
Halloween has absolutely NOTHING to do with horror, death, demons, angels, or devils.

It started out as an offshoot of European/pagan prayers for good crops for the next year.......after early settlers came here from overseas.

Most of these prayers involved dancing and singing to the god/gods that be, and the spirits of the land, that there will be no harsh winter, no damaged crops by insect or disease, and a healthy abundance of food for all.

A lot of these endeavors involved people dressing in "strange clothes", wearing hats to hide their faces, wearing hoods (masks) to hide their faces, and carrying hollowed out gourds with candles in them and lanterns......all while dancing and praying that all evil spirits would be scared off by the visions of dancing strangers, so the crops would bring forth a big harvest for the next year.

Basically, they wore costumes to confuse the evil spirits that might be around, hid their faces so the evil spirits wouldn't bring them personal bad luck, sang and waved lights as evil is scared of light and hates joyful singing.

"Modern" religious nutjobs turned Halloween into something "gory", "demonic", and "evil". Yeah, American religion turned something GOOD into something HORRIBLE!! Par for the course, as the saying goes.

Halloween came from good. Christians turned it bad. Who woulda thunk it, huh? (sarcasm)

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