Hair and Eye colour?

Eyes in sunlight do they have a amber quality? What does amber exactly mean? However they look a little lighter then usual.

I think Mortimer needs an intervention to stop over exposing himself on USMB and other sites.
Other sites? You have pics you can send to mikey and jitler? They would love the manly jesture, jomo.
I think I have a olive undertone but Im not clearly or actually olive, in cold light Im actually quiete pale and ruddy. Maybe Im III with olive undertone. I was told by the cosmetic expert in drugstore 3 and by the dermatologist 4 but the dermatologist might have been biased because he said Im not a classic caucasian type because of my ancestry and that he is because he is 2. 1-4 is caucasian or white skinned technically but he said it is not classic caucasian. I think he thinks a classic caucasian is a northern european or a nazi poster boy. He said Im not I have dark hair.

Hauttyp – Wikipedia
I think I have a olive undertone but Im not clearly or actually olive, in cold light Im actually quiete pale and ruddy. Maybe Im III with olive undertone. I was told by the cosmetic expert in drugstore 3 and by the dermatologist 4 but the dermatologist might have been biased because he said Im not a classic caucasian type because of my ancestry and that he is because he is 2. 1-4 is caucasian or white skinned technically but he said it is not classic caucasian. I think he thinks a classic caucasian is a northern european or a nazi poster boy. He said Im not I have dark hair.

Hauttyp – Wikipedia
I think you are nuts.
And you posted this in Race Relations/Racism?
Get a DNA test done dude and be done with it.
He already has. They said he is a jeWish gypsy with a hint of woodshed baby mixed with English royalty and a hint of Malawi. It's a good possibility he is related to Ozzy Osborne and Nelson Mandelas............housekeepers fathers cousin Enrique from Bolivia.
. . . at this point? I'm recommending he see a psychologist about his obsession with race. Either that, or join a local chapter of some Neo-Nazi club. The only folks more obsessed with race on this forum are IM2 and a couple of our stromfront rejects. :71:

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