Haiku Moments

I used to do these on another forum.

But I've forgotten how.
The technical part of haiku is that it has 17 beats distributed on 3 lines. Line 1 has 5 beats. Line 2 has 7 beats. Line 3 has 5 beats. Those who write the best Haiku really don't have to follow any particular path. You know you love it when you see it, Mindful. Back when I first used the internet, I went to the New York Times Forum. It likely was in the late 90s, but I'm not sure. After a few years, the NYT shut down its Forums, likely due to loss in subscriptions for all the hostility the left had toward President George W. Bush, and NYT only had 1 righty on their staff, who was William Safire, if memory serves me correctly. Anyway, the Haiku Forum had one outstanding poster whose names slips me, but I swear he could draw a tear or warm a heart with the way he used those 17 beats. One was something about a swan. He had no equal to that and other postings, and I do not recall him ever bringing politics into any of his verse. He was a purist, and his use of the English language struck a lovely chord, time after time.

I think I was on the NYT Haiku forum. I really got into it.
most abundant life
may reside under the nails
always out of sight

smallest living things
measured in micrometers
ferment beer and wine

plant phytoplasma
is smallest bacteria
exponential growth

mycoplasma is
animal anathema
depending on type

source info: bacteria
once upon a ship
navigating deep waters
at whim of the winds


I never saw an Egyptian goose, but found a picture. It seems all you wrote is a lovely tribute to them, found something to share about these fabulously dimorphic creatures.:


And for your haiku, kudos. I'm thankful that you shared it!


I'm glad you mentioned them, Mindful, because I love birds!
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I never saw an Egyptian goose, but found a picture. It seems all you wrote is a lovely tribute to them, found something to share about these fabulously dimorphic creatures.:


And for your haiku, kudos. I'm thankful that you shared it!

I'm glad you mentioned them, Mindful, because I love birds!

Huge population of them in the park across the street from me. The lake is there too. I don't know what happened to the black swan. It used to be there.
Not a haiku (sorry) but it made me think of this one:



ee cummings
Flame still burning bright

A white candle holds my prayers

Against the grey dawn

(After a wonderful summer of heat and endless blue skies, the beginning of winter sets in. Early darks, and days of greyness and baggy clouds.)

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