Hagel: Bush admin. is 'incompetent' and he would consider joining a Dem tickect


Senior Member
May 29, 2007
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Mr. Nebraska Conservative, Chuck Hagel:

Hagel: Bush administration is 'incompetent' and he would consider joining a Dem ticket

"This is one of the most arrogant, incompetent administrations I've ever seen personally or ever read about," the always blunt and frequently quotable Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., said yesterday during an appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.

"This administration in my opinion has been as unprepared as any administration I'm aware of," Hagel added, "not only the ones that I have been somehow connected to and that's been every administration -- either I've been in Washington or worked within an administration or Congress or some way dealing with them since the first Nixon administration. I would rate this one the lowest in capacity, in capability, in policy, in consensus -- almost every area, I would give it the lowest grade. ...

"And you know, I think of this administration, what they could have done after 9/11, what was within their grasp. Every poll in the world showed 90% of the world for us. Iran had some of the first spontaneous demonstrations on the streets of Tehran supporting America. They squandered a tremendous amount of opportunity."

Hagel, who toyed with the idea of running for president himself, also said:

He would be open to the idea of either working in a Democratic administration or even running as the vice presidential nominee on a Democratic ticket -- though, he conceded, "I probably won't have to worry about it" because he's unlikely to be asked

Liberals don't like Mr Bush. But he is everything they could ever have dreamed of. For nearly eight years, conservatives have awakened each morning, and turned on the radio or picked up the newspaper with dread. "What will we have to defend now?"

Liberals! I know that Fair Play is one of your values. After the enormous favor we have done you, couldn't you do us one in return? Like, for example, making Al Sharpton and Cynthia McKinney your Presidential nominee team?
hey.. your side voted for him.

don't blame us if you can't tell a reliable candidate from a horse's ass. It's a MANDATE, remember?
Liberals don't like Mr Bush. But he is everything they could ever have dreamed of. For nearly eight years, conservatives have awakened each morning, and turned on the radio or picked up the newspaper with dread. "What will we have to defend now?"

Liberals! I know that Fair Play is one of your values. After the enormous favor we have done you, couldn't you do us one in return? Like, for example, making Al Sharpton and Cynthia McKinney your Presidential nominee team?

If the right is embarrassed by the face they put on national politics, they should choose more carefully next time around and at least pick someone with two brain cells to rub together. But for some reason, the right seems to really resent anything that smacks of intellectualism. They want a president they can have a beer with. I think part of the reason is that the right responds more viscerally to cues having to do with hate and fear.... easy things to sell, but it doesn't get you quality.

I don't want to have a beer with my president. I want him to be the smartest guy in any room he walks into (and not because he chose substandard graduates from bob jones u to surround himself with.

Fat chance re Sharpton. lol...
He's a sharp guy. Would be interesting to have him in the race.
He was, and still is my choice for president. I only wish he would start a grass roots third party run. (Maybe with Bloomberg)
Liberals don't like Mr Bush. But he is everything they could ever have dreamed of. For nearly eight years, conservatives have awakened each morning, and turned on the radio or picked up the newspaper with dread. "What will we have to defend now?"

Liberals! I know that Fair Play is one of your values. After the enormous favor we have done you, couldn't you do us one in return? Like, for example, making Al Sharpton and Cynthia McKinney your Presidential nominee team?

Could'a chose McCain in 2000. A lot of people could see what a dunce Dubya was even in 2000.

By 2004, it should have been clear that Bush was a Dunce for those wingnuts who are dissastisfied now. Could'a encourgaged a primary challenge to Bush in the 2004 primaries.

Bush is the republicans guy now. They elected him twice, choosing him and passing over other choices and options.
He was, and still is my choice for president. I only wish he would start a grass roots third party run. (Maybe with Bloomberg)

A third party candidate can't win under the current system. He'd only be a spoiler. But, yes, a Bloomberg/Hegel combo would be hard to resist.
Hey, in the other forum for conspiracy theories I made a prediction that Hagel could possibly be a choice for a running mate for Ron Paul.

He's really the only other republican who currently has the balls to challenge the GOP status-quo.

Congrats to him, I say.

Now, let's hear how his statement about joining the Dem ticket and my statement about him being a RP running mate is another indication that RP is a democrat in disguise.
Oh, but the Left knows that Hagel is actually a wicked ballot rigger. It's all a Giant Conspiracy, you see. Just read about it here.
The administration has done more damage to the GOP than Nixon.

Again, far right and left, thank you Paulitisticas.
Mr. Nebraska Conservative, Chuck Hagel:

Sorry, Chuck. We have our quota of corn fed egos over by here. Have you thought about a third party run . . . lemme see . . . Bullmoose? No pwned. Log Cabin, maybe. Huskerdoos! That's it "A cob in every ter-let."

Yep. We have the west sewed up with Bill Richardson. Perhaps, if you could cut enough votes out the republican block, we could get you a viceroyship to Cuba after Fidel takes his final curtain.

My cousin Donnie says you have done enough to him to drive up the corn prices for his feeder pig operation out in Bennidict. He is voting Grange or Farmers Mutual this go round. He is passing out copies of Grapes of Wrath and whistling a Tom Joad tune.

Eat more possum.

Fact is I could care less what polls, and the common person says,...that is why they are "common"! I voted for Bush, and I know it was the better choice every time I see a picture of John Kerry!
hey, even jim jones had followers to the very end.
If the right is embarrassed by the face they put on national politics, they should choose more carefully next time around and at least pick someone with two brain cells to rub together. But for some reason, the right seems to really resent anything that smacks of intellectualism. They want a president they can have a beer with. I think part of the reason is that the right responds more viscerally to cues having to do with hate and fear.... easy things to sell, but it doesn't get you quality.

I don't want to have a beer with my president. I want him to be the smartest guy in any room he walks into (and not because he chose substandard graduates from bob jones u to surround himself with.

Fat chance re Sharpton. lol...

it's not the intellectualism...it's the arrogance that goes with it.

Problem is, there is NO politician out there that has even a tenuous connection to the "common man" (read middle class). Heck, to even get into politics at that level you have to be wealthy and connected to some power base. Most of the politicians running haven't done an honest day's work in their life, never mind be able to understand the average middle class and their issues and concerns.
hey, even jim jones had followers to the very end.

Very irrelavant reply to the topic Shogun! Since we want to be irrelavent here, I thank you for reminding EVERYONE of another blunder that happened during the Jimmy Carter Administration.

(Then we had Clinton's goof in handling WACO.)
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