Hacking Off a Democrat Finger?

Life has consequences. It seems the "establishment" hasn't the punch it thought it had.

RNC cuts debate ties with conservative magazine over anti-Trump issue | Fox News
The RNC knows which side it's bread is buttered on. They know Trump is going to be the next President. Why cut off your nose to spite your face?
The RNC could run a fucking budgie against Sanders and win by a landslide.
There is a five foot thick pile of evidence all aimed at the Clinton's years of corruption, sexual predation, cocaine smuggling back in AK, Hillary threatening Bill's victims, the Clinton Foundation shake down 'for profit' crime organization, Hillary's illegal unsecured email server scandel.
The FBI HATES!!!!!! the Clintons!
By now someone from the DNC has been invited over to the RNC to enjoy a day's 'private' screening of what is going to hit the airwaves unless Hillary quits for 'health reasons'.
The NR represents the establishment GOP we all have come to hate.
Are the RINOs so arrogant that they cant see whats right in front of them?
And what exactly did they expect to happen after the midterm back stabbing?
My sense is as each REP candidate drops out they are going to make POSITIVE their supporters are told: "I can't go on. But you must! You all much stay with the party no matter who wins he nomination. 90% of the supporters are first and foremost PRES. Under no circumstances will they ever not turn out to vote for their party.
When the last man is standing he will be getting 90% of the REP votes. Yes. Even if it turns out to be Trump.
Remember the LIB are little little school girls who get 'crushes' on older men one day and hate them the next. The LIB are 'the party of personality' (you can use that smaart phrase for free).
It's always been the 'personality'. 'The First Black President' (no matter what a fuck-up he turned out to be). Now 'The First human With A Vagina!".
'The First radical Marxist'! Next time they'll be in love with 'The First Midget With Green Eyes'. That is literally how fucking stupid they are.
After the Clintons make a run for it back to their multi million dollars manson after the FBI files charges the stupid LIBs will be left with an old Marxist. That will be an interesting match-up.
85% of the hippie dopers won't even bother to vote for Sanders because they know they can better spend the money on dope and red liquorice than using it to take the bus to some fucking polling station.

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