H.R.3517 - American Red Cross Sunshine Act


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Text - H.R.3517 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): American Red Cross Sunshine Act | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

That's the link to the bill.

The American Red Cross is facing new criticism today as government investigators and a congressman call for independent oversight over the long-venerated charity.

Federal legislation is being unveiled that would force the Red Cross to open its books and operations to outside scrutiny — something it has repeatedly resisted.

The proposed American Red Cross Sunshine Act comes in response to a report by the Government Accountability Office, also being released today, that finds oversight of the charity lacking and recommends that Congress find a way to fill the gap.

The GAO inquiry cites reporting by NPR and ProPublica about the Red Cross' failures during Superstorm Sandy and misleading statements by CEO Gail McGovern about how the group has spent hundreds of millions of donated dollars.

Investigators concluded that the Red Cross needs "regular, external, independent and publicly disseminated evaluations."
Red Cross Effort To Shut Down Inquiry Fails; Report Calls For Outside Oversight

Yep, the Red Cross needs to be held accountable.

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