"Gym" Jordan Owns The Libs On The Founding Fathers & COVID-19


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Jim Jordan, the Republican congressman from Ohio, was treated to some free history lessons on Twitter [on Tuesday] -- “60 million Americans are subject to a stay at home order or curfew, 11 million are right here in Ohio. What would the Founders say?” Jordan tweeted on Tuesday morning. “In July of 1776 the entire city of Boston was closed so they could safely inoculate for smallpox. It lasted months and no one could leave once it began. They did it again in 1778,” Andrew Wehrman, a history professor at Central Michigan University, tweeted. “The Founders would be proud that the government was protecting its citizens from disease.”

Jim is right, the founding fathers would have never shut down the entire economy, forced everyone to wear masks and basically force everyone to be slaves (only certain people should be forced to do that) -- yea, they passed the first federal quarantine act back in the late 1700's -- but that was different -- and they didn't close down coffee shops and force everyone to wear masks and treat them like slaves....and you don't have to just look back to the founding fathers -- at no time ever in the history of our country have we ever shut down the economy and forced everyone to wear masks over something that isn't even worse than the flu....

This COVID era will be looked back on as one of if not the worst example of government oppression over its own people in US history....worst than Jim Crow, worse than the Trail of Tears, worse than forced vaccinations of children, possibly equal to if not worse than slavery; and possibly as bad as the individual mandate in Obamacare.....
I think shit like this is so stupid. "What would John Adams do?" I don't fucking care. He was a rich revolutionary that died over 200 years ago. The modern world would have overload his primitive perspective.
The nature of infectious disease was not understood in 1776.

But with their limited medical knowledge, they did know enough to isolate those with smallpox, leprosy, TB
Rep Jordan is correct about our Founding Fathers

Before attacking the British Airports and Ramming the Ramparts, Gen Washington fought to protect the rights on smallpox sufferers to spread their infection
They were smart enough to know that you do not isolate and quarantine the healthy. That puts them lightyears ahead of today's colective.
At the time, there were much fewer humans to deal with. Washington’s reaction to smallpox was with respect to everyone’s possible death.
I don't know what can be said about those folks who hang on every word of "wisdom" from sports coaches. "Coach said . . ." These same people howl when somebody in the entertainment industry makes a comment or shares an opinion. Somebody, somewhere, is going to suggest that the national checkers champion should be elected to public office to lead the discussion on climate change. It's comical.

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