Guns Are Not the Root Cause of School Shootings

My dad and his friends used to take their rifle to school in the 50’s to go rabbit hunting after school.

Only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966.
What happened? (Didnt take off until the 90s)
It isn’t gun availability, Christians, Right wingers, Trump, or the price of tea.

It’s what the Left have done to society.

Nothing surprises me anymore. I never thought I would see my government actively working against law abiding citizens and for criminals, illegal immigrants and foreign interests. That is exactly what Biden 2020 does every day and the proof is right in plain view. People need only open their eyes.

You consider yourself a law-abiding citizen and give domestic terrorists open season on the public including school children.

You consider yourself a law-abiding citizen and give domestic terrorists open season on the public including school children.

That is a typical over the top, stupid comment from an irrational Leftist. I don't call mentally ill kids "domestic terrorists". It's this kind of over-emotional nonsense that keeps our country divided. There can be no rational discussion on how to solve a problem when one side wants to just scream at the other side.
My dad and his friends used to take their rifle to school in the 50’s to go rabbit hunting after school.

Only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966.
What happened? (Didnt take off until the 90s)
It isn’t gun availability, Christians, Right wingers, Trump, or the price of tea.

It’s what the Left have done to society.

You are so full of bullshit that it is amazing you don't choke on them. The right of the fascist right wing is the reason for the increase in mass shootings. Trump's election has emboldened these right wing fascists into trying to take over the country. they are attacking our rights and trying to turn this into a dictatorship. They are seeking to impose their right wing Christan views on us. Since Trump's election, more people have been killed by right wing fascists than Islamic terrorists.
My dad and his friends used to take their rifle to school in the 50’s to go rabbit hunting after school.

Only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966.
What happened? (Didnt take off until the 90s)
It isn’t gun availability, Christians, Right wingers, Trump, or the price of tea.

It’s what the Left have done to society.

You are singing my song

The teenage school shooters are a consequence of the pop culture that liberals have created
The Left always goes for the easy way out. Our problems are complex. There is no one stop solution to the school shooting problem. Or any of our problems for that matter. But simple minded Leftists just want to scream at their favorite boogeyman and demand their simpleton one stop solutions that will never work.
You right wing fascists are the ones who want to make it easier to own a gun. That is your simplistic solution. More guns. You do not even want background checks. We still need background checks and they need to be strengthened., They need to look at social media posts and associations.
My dad and his friends used to take their rifle to school in the 50’s to go rabbit hunting after school.

Only 3 school mass shootings between 1903-1966.
What happened? (Didnt take off until the 90s)
It isn’t gun availability, Christians, Right wingers, Trump, or the price of tea.

It’s what the Left have done to society.

Other nations have schools
Other nations have liberals
Only our nation has a 2nd Amendment and the resulting blood baths.
Other nations have schools
Other nations have liberals
Only our nation has a 2nd Amendment and the resulting blood baths.
So, you hate the second amendment?

All it does is ban federal authority. And, absent the 14th amendment, states can do whatever they want. But, that clumsy 14th amendment always gets in the way. Almost like it was a stupid idea in the first place.
So, you hate the second amendment?

All it does is ban federal authority. And, absent the 14th amendment, states can do whatever they want. But, that clumsy 14th amendment always gets in the way. Almost like it was a stupid idea in the first place.

It says the militia allows people to have weapons. Of course the militia is, according to some on this board, inclusive of the mass murderers...the dude in Buffalo and the dude in Uvalde were both members of the militia (as was Adma Lanza and others).
Guns haven't changed. But what has changed?

First we have to look at our society. We have to look at the last time period mass shootings weren't really a thing and now, what has changed in America in between those two time periods?

Even if we just look at the past 10 years. Who has been causing most violent crimes? What's different about the people who make up our society? What's the big differences in America?

That's where you'll find the source of the problem because guns aren't violent, they are just pieces of metal and plastic and wood. The violent thing is the person who picks up the gun and uses it for violence.

If guns truly were the problem them we would all be dead right now because there are like 400+ million guns in America right now.
You right wing fascists are the ones who want to make it easier to own a gun. That is your simplistic solution. More guns. You do not even want background checks. We still need background checks and they need to be strengthened., They need to look at social media posts and associations.
Busy Buzz Buzz doing another fly by. You Left wing terrorists use message boards to spread hate. That makes about as much as what you are spewing today. Buzz off.

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