Guns and Assault Rifles are not the Problem, mentally ill people with Guns and assault rifles are the problem.

Gosh, it can't be all our guns causing so much violence. We must have an exceptional rate of crazies than the rest of the developed world.

Yeah, that's it.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner: :cuckoo:
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I doubt your figures are accurate. But it is a meaningless stat anyway.
Its guns.

Gotcha, so guns commit the crimes, not the gun owner. And I thought you were stupid. Nailed it!

So you lay one of these evil guns on the ground and leave it there. How long does it sit there until it rises up and shoots someone? LOL, what a dumb ass.

Um ... no Kaz, it's the gun that commits the crime, ...

Gotcha, so guns commit the crimes, not the gun owner. And I thought you were stupid. Nailed it!

So you lay one of these evil guns on the ground and leave it there. How long does it sit there until it rises up and shoots someone? LOL, what a dumb ass.

Um ... no Kaz, it's the gun that commits the crime, ...

People are pretty much the same all over the world. Americans are no more violent than folk in the civilised world.
Its guns.
Yes, of course, we have much higher mental illness rate than other countries.
We have tens of millions who support Trump: there is your proof.
People are pretty much the same all over the world. Americans are no more violent than folk in the civilised world.
Its guns.

Guns commit crimes, people don't commit crimes. Got it.

My gun collection has sat there and sat there and sat there most of my life and haven't moved or killed anyone or shot or robbed anyone or done anything at all. Do you think something's wrong with them?

On another subject, were you stillborn?
Oh, so now the problem is negroes.
The numbers, unlike liberal anti-gun troglodytes, don't lie.
Black - women - commit homicide at a rate 67% higher than white men.

Oh - but its the guns.


We have more firearms, in real numbers and per capita, than the rest of the developed world.

Liberalism is a disease that removes your ability to reason and accept facts contrary to your agenda.

g5000 ... data is racist!

I can't believe anyone is stupid enough to say it's racist to believe that blacks commit crimes at higher rates in this country than whites. Then g5000 walks in ...
I can not understand how the news media fails to see the real problem in America today. There are millions of Gun and assault rifles owners that live in America today. And they are not mass killers. The real problem is mentally ill people with guns and or assault rifles. It seems that the news media networks have this agenda to demonize assault rifles and guns in America. These two items are not active until a person picks them up. Wake up America, and see what is really going on.!? There should be a psychological test to screen purchasers of all weapons before they can be sold, to weed out the nut cases. Your thoughts.?
Don't forget the revolving door in a prisons.
We have more firearms, in real numbers and per capita, than the rest of the developed world.
So there is a direct correlation to our guns and our homicide rate.

Homicide rate in Australia: 0.90 per 100,000

Homicide rate in US: 4.88

541% higher than Australia

Homicide rate in UK: 0.92
Homicide rate in US: 4.88.

530% higher than the UK

Homicide rate in France: 1.3

375% higher than France

Homicide rate in Germany: 0.8

610% higher than Germany

Homicide rate in Canada: 2.0

244% higher than Canada
Myth: Mass shootings are caused by mental illness. Despite many conservative politicians’ and the NRA’s frequent invocation of mental illness, little evidence exists to suggest that mental illness is to blame for U.S. mass shootings. This common misconception was echoed most recently by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), when he spoke on the deadly mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde: “[W]e as a society need to do a better job with mental health. … Anybody who shoots somebody else has a mental health challenge.”4 This claim runs directly counter to a body of evidence-based research that finds people living with mental illness are far more likely to become victims of violence than perpetrators.5

Fact: While every country is home to people living with mental illness, the United States is the only country in the world that experiences mass shootings daily. An estimated 1 in 5 Americans live with a diagnosed mental illness.6 While other countries have similar levels of mental illness, none have the levels of mass shootings that the United States does. Moreover, countries with strong gun oversight experience significantly less gun violence.7
Gosh, it can't be all our guns causing so much violence. We must have an exceptional rate of crazies than the rest of the developed world.

Yeah, that's it.

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner: :cuckoo:

We had 12 in 2022, in a population of over 350 million...

Total murdered 74.

Meanwhile, in the cities under total democrat party control, the vast majority of the remaining 19,000 gun murders last year were a direct result not of guns, but of democrat party policies...

1) attacking the police to the point they can't or won't stop criminals.

2) releasing violent criminals over and over again through democrat party prosecutors, judges and polliticians.....

3) the democrat party ending our southern border and allowing drug cartels and other criminals to flood our country.

With the democrat party, we have violence and murder........we need to vote them out of office

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