Gun Laws in Chicago 'Don't Even Exist,' Sputters Clueless Ed Schultz

Hey, dumbass: Cocaine is imported. Guns can be, too. Look at all the US guns Mexico imported from Obama.

I'll bet you even thought you scored a point. Yes, you really ARE that stupid.

And say, why do you want to disarm women? Why do you want more women victimized, you sick bastard?

Guy, having known a few women who've had to bury children who killed themselves with guns they brought for protection, I doubt you are really looking out for women, just hiding behind their skirts.

Cocaine is importated, but it still has to be processed here.

Once you make manufacturing guns impractical (holding gun makers liable for deaths caused by their products would be a great start), you get people disarmed pretty quickly.

Ever heard of a lathe? You gonna outlaw those too?
1st post
Excet disaring citizens reduces gun violence.

Every time it's tried. Japan, theUK, Germany, Italy, France, Canada...

you should move then

Nope, we won the election. That's a license to fix THIS country.

Since the GOP will never win another election on the presidential level, and are rapidly descending to irrelevence, we'll probably fix this country a lot faster now.
There is already a nation with the conditions you desire for America:

Cuba. Move there now. Don't let the freedom doorknob hit you on the ass on your way out.
Chicagos gun crimes are largely gang related. They have nothing to do with the gun control debate, unless you're saying that guns are not a deterrant for gun crime..............because most of the perps and victims and their boys are assumed to have guns / not following any laws.

Of course the gun crimes in Chicago are related to the gun control debate.

Obviously, gun control isn't working in Chicago. Hint: It's never worked anywhere in America.

Great point!

Just more proof that our laws need to be stricter.
So, criminals don't obey the we need more laws so criminals will obey them.

Liberalism is a mind-altering drug.
People died because a bunch of rich slaveowners didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes.

And frankly, if anyone is making us dependent on government, it's the wealthy screwing the middle class because they want more than they need.

"The only problem with Captialism is Capitalists; they're too damned Greedy"- Herbert Hoover.

I'm sure you live in abject poverty because you DONATE all you have to others..And you work for yourself and give all that money to the POOR
Talking all high and mighty on a message board doesn't count..

I find the whole concept of charity to be offensive.

No one should be allowed to live in poverty, and a government that allows it has betrayed its people.

So a rich person throws a few crumbs out to the poor and we are supposed to feel better about them? really? Bullshit.
So, you're just a cheap bastard.

Demanding that government take money away from people who earned it and give it to people who didn't is NOT generosity. You should stop feeling as if you've done something for your fellow man.
5th post
Excet disaring citizens reduces gun violence.

Every time it's tried. Japan, theUK, Germany, Italy, France, Canada...

Imagine how much less war there would be if we disarmed our military.......:cool:

I had a much better idea.

What we ought to do is make it mandetory to draft the children of the wealthy and politicians, and put them into an elite infantry brigade that will be the first deployed to ANY war zone.

We'd never fight another war again.

But as long as we're just sending the poor kids, meh, we'll totally go to war over weapons that don't exist.
Reality is going to kick your ass yet again:

Military Recruiting Standards | Demographics of Military Personnel

U.S. military service disproportionately attracts enlisted personnel and officerswho do not come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Previous Heritage Foundation research demonstrated that the quality of enlisted troops has increased since the start of the Iraq war. This report demonstrates that the same is true of the officer corps.

Members of the all-volunteer military are significantly more likely to come from high-income neighborhoods than from low-income neighborhoods. Only 11 percent of enlisted recruits in 2007 came from the poorest one-fifth (quintile) of neighborhoods, while 25 percent came from the wealthiest quintile. These trends are even more pronounced in the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) program, in which 40 percent of enrollees come from the wealthiest neighborhoods-a number that has increased substantially over the past four years.

American soldiers are more educated than their peers. A little more than 1 percent of enlisted personnel lack a high school degree, compared to 21 percent of men 18-24 years old, and 95 percent of officer accessions have at least a bachelor's degree.​
You should probably just STFU on subjects you know nothing about. Of course, your post count would remain static.
Excet disaring citizens reduces gun violence.

Every time it's tried. Japan, theUK, Germany, Italy, France, Canada...
I repeat: You've proposed nothing that would keep weapons away from people who want to get them.

After Heller was decided by SCOTUS, crime in DC went down.

This is inarguable.

Guns are banned in Chicago. Gun crime is rampant.

This, too, is inarguable.

You have nothing on your side, except a desire for more victims of criminals.

I thought Heller overturned the gun laws in Chicago, too.

So how come shootings n Chicago are up after Heller?

Gun crime is rampant because there are too many guns.

Compared to those other countries, which have completely banned guns, and have little crime.
Once again, you betray your utter ignorance:

District of Columbia v. Heller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), was a landmark case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects an individual's right to possess a firearm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home and within federal enclaves. The decision did not address the question of whether the Second Amendment extends beyond federal enclaves to the states,[1] which was addressed later by McDonald v. Chicago (2010).​

But the theory behind guns being a deterrant to gun crime is put to shame with Chicago's paradigm.

The killings are occuring largely in illegal gun owner versus illegal gun owner circumstances.

That's a point that is overlooked. And hey, I'm against gun control.
All you do is illustrate that criminals don't obey the law.

Which is why gun control cannot work.

I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​
Of course the gun crimes in Chicago are related to the gun control debate.

Obviously, gun control isn't working in Chicago. Hint: It's never worked anywhere in America.

Great point!

Just more proof that our laws need to be stricter.
So, criminals don't obey the we need more laws so criminals will obey them.

Liberalism is a mind-altering drug.

So why have any laws then? Criminals just disobey them all, right? We need the right laws, enforced properly. Just like they seemed to have figured out in pretty much every other 1st world nation.

Are there no criminals in Japan? No criminals in Australia? Are there no criminals in the UK?

Of course there are, but those countries don't have the gun violence and homicide rate that we have. Because they have figured out the right laws and how to enforce them properly.
LMAO!!!!! Liberals on parade.. gotta love it.

The Fox is running the hen-house I'm afraid.

Schultz is an example of the nut-cases occupying the White House these days. I see very little difference between their statements and his. The left says Rush is an example of the right. Well Rush isn't standing in the halls of Congress or the White House briefing room giving speeches like this.

Wrong again, Muddy. There are many Teapartiers, Neocons and Cons who take Rush's advice and very seriously. He has been on equal footing with Republican party leadership to their detriment.

Schultz just does cable news and he is extremely Left wing. Not many Dems even know him. You've said it many times, MSNBC ratings are in the tank. We don't rely on cable news or radio to get political marching orders from some nobody.

You all have elevated Rush to leadership status. You all worship that big fat idiot.

Rush is one of the GOP leaders' worst critics. I think if it weren't for folks like Rush and Glenn Beck the GOP wouldn't be catching the hell from the right they currently are.

MSNBC is under indirect control of the White House. Their programming might as well be written by Obama himself. Many of their talkshow hosts have ties to the Obama Administration.

The reason Obama has such a hardon for Fox is because they refused to play ball. Glenn Beck reported on air that Obama lawyers showed up lodging threats at Fox producers if they didn't fire him. CNN has been bribed into giving Obama favorable coverage and I'm sure the same goes for everyone else. Ether bribed or threatened.
10th post
All you do is illustrate that criminals don't obey the law.

Which is why gun control cannot work.

I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

Explain why gun crime is rampant amongst Chicago gang bangers when Chicago gang bangers all have guns.
I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

Explain why gun crime is rampant amongst Chicago gang bangers when Chicago gang bangers all have guns.

Or why the murder rate is higher in Miami and New Orleans, cities in states with much more lax gun laws.
Great point!

Just more proof that our laws need to be stricter.
So, criminals don't obey the we need more laws so criminals will obey them.

Liberalism is a mind-altering drug.

So why have any laws then? Criminals just disobey them all, right? We need the right laws, enforced properly. Just like they seemed to have figured out in pretty much every other 1st world nation.

Are there no criminals in Japan? No criminals in Australia? Are there no criminals in the UK?

Of course there are, but those countries don't have the gun violence and homicide rate that we have. Because they have figured out the right laws and how to enforce them properly.

It helps if you live on an island. Makes enforcement easier.
All you do is illustrate that criminals don't obey the law.

Which is why gun control cannot work.

I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

D.C. has had a declining murder rate since the end of the crack epidemic. Couple gentrification with that and murders are down 80% over the last 20 years. There are no statistics to back this up but I'd be shocked if there are more guns in D.C. residents hands now than there were 20 years ago.
So, criminals don't obey the we need more laws so criminals will obey them.

Liberalism is a mind-altering drug.

So why have any laws then? Criminals just disobey them all, right? We need the right laws, enforced properly. Just like they seemed to have figured out in pretty much every other 1st world nation.

Are there no criminals in Japan? No criminals in Australia? Are there no criminals in the UK?

Of course there are, but those countries don't have the gun violence and homicide rate that we have. Because they have figured out the right laws and how to enforce them properly.

It helps if you live on an island. Makes enforcement easier.

LOL. Fail.
I'm willing to bet he was speaking sarcastically. They exist but they aren't enforced, is the literal interpretation for the folks who take everything way too seriously.
All you do is illustrate that criminals don't obey the law.

Which is why gun control cannot work.

I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

Don't confuse the mindless with the facts. They want to compare other countries where the culture, way of life, priorities, and enforcement of existing laws are much different. In this country, it's be shown time and agin that the areas with the strictest gun laws have the most violence.
I know that criminals don't obey the law.

They also don't see other peoples' "gun ownership" as a deterrant to their crimes.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

Don't confuse the mindless with the facts. They want to compare other countries where the culture, way of life, priorities, and enforcement of existing laws are much different. In this country, it's be shown time and agin that the areas with the strictest gun laws have the most violence.

Lie much?

So why do Miami and New Orleans have higher murder rates than Chicago? They are both in states with lax gun control laws. Why does Louisiana lead all states by a wide margin in murder rates? They have some of the most lax gun control laws in the whole county.
Then explain why crime went down when individuals in DC were allowed to own guns.

More Guns, Less Crime
The District of Columbia's murder rate plummeted by an astounding 25 percent last year, much faster than for the US as a whole or for similarly sized cities.​

Don't confuse the mindless with the facts. They want to compare other countries where the culture, way of life, priorities, and enforcement of existing laws are much different. In this country, it's be shown time and agin that the areas with the strictest gun laws have the most violence.

Lie much?

So why do Miami and New Orleans have higher murder rates than Chicago? They are both in states with lax gun control laws. Why does Louisiana lead all states by a wide margin in murder rates? They have some of the most lax gun control laws in the whole county.

Need to update your stats.
Chicago was 6th, New Orleans 13th and Miami did not make the list.
Homicide rates of large U.S. cities:,0,1457967.photogallery
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