CDZ Gun-free zones in VA Hospitals - Open invitation to terrorists


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Obama has made the VA hospitals gun-free zones. With practically zero security in our hospital - James Haley (you never see a cop), the hospital is red meat to terrorists, with no one inside able to defend themselves.
Police chief supports the gun-free zone. Sure, he's working for Obama's appointee. And in general. most cops don't want anybody having guns except them.

Bottom line - gun-free zones need to be abolished. They are open invitations to terrorists, and there's no reason why a law-abiding citizen with a license, should be banned from carrying his gun ANYWHERE. This is especially true in VA hospitals, since terrorists, more than once, have picked military targets to hit. With everyone (veterans, doctors, nurses, etc) unarmed, the stage is set for a major massacre.
Obama has made the VA hospitals gun-free zones. With practically zero security in our hospital - James Haley (you never see a cop), the hospital is red meat to terrorists, with no one inside able to defend themselves.
Police chief supports the gun-free zone. Sure, he's working for Obama's appointee. And in general. most cops don't want anybody having guns except them.

Bottom line - gun-free zones need to be abolished. They are open invitations to terrorists, and there's no reason why a law-abiding citizen with a license, should be banned from carrying his gun ANYWHERE. This is especially true in VA hospitals, since terrorists, more than once, have picked military targets to hit. With everyone (veterans, doctors, nurses, etc) unarmed, the stage is set for a major massacre.
Was the Army base where Nidal Hasan went on his rampage a gun free zone? How about the USS Cole?
Obama has made the VA hospitals gun-free zones. With practically zero security in our hospital - James Haley (you never see a cop), the hospital is red meat to terrorists, with no one inside able to defend themselves.
Police chief supports the gun-free zone. Sure, he's working for Obama's appointee. And in general. most cops don't want anybody having guns except them.

Bottom line - gun-free zones need to be abolished. They are open invitations to terrorists, and there's no reason why a law-abiding citizen with a license, should be banned from carrying his gun ANYWHERE. This is especially true in VA hospitals, since terrorists, more than once, have picked military targets to hit. With everyone (veterans, doctors, nurses, etc) unarmed, the stage is set for a major massacre.

As opposed to malls, or schools, or bowling alleys, or McDonalds.

You people that are terrified of every shadow why not just log off and hide under you blanky, with your gun as it talks to you soothingly.
Was the Army base where Nidal Hasan went on his rampage a gun free zone? How about the USS Cole?
Yes it was. And the soldiers were all unarmed. And the military bases still are gun-free zones, as we speak (in addoition to the recruiting center in Chattanooga, that was also hit)
As opposed to malls, or schools, or bowling alleys, or McDonalds.

You people that are terrified of every shadow why not just log off and hide under you blanky, with your gun as it talks to you soothingly.
Because that would stupid. The correct thing is to live life normally, while being prepared for attack from jihadists or everyday criminals alike. And able to repel those attacks. Why would anybody be opposed to that.? Better to have armed, law-abiding citizens around, than having scores of people massacred.

Wanna tell the spouses and children of those killed in Paris or San Bernardino, that CCW citizens are "terrified of every shadow", and see what they say ?
Obama has made the VA hospitals gun-free zones. With practically zero security in our hospital - James Haley (you never see a cop), the hospital is red meat to terrorists, with no one inside able to defend themselves.
Police chief supports the gun-free zone. Sure, he's working for Obama's appointee. And in general. most cops don't want anybody having guns except them.

Bottom line - gun-free zones need to be abolished. They are open invitations to terrorists, and there's no reason why a law-abiding citizen with a license, should be banned from carrying his gun ANYWHERE. This is especially true in VA hospitals, since terrorists, more than once, have picked military targets to hit. With everyone (veterans, doctors, nurses, etc) unarmed, the stage is set for a major massacre.
As a conservative you should be thrilled, since you don't give a flying fuck about veterans
As a conservative you should be thrilled, since you don't give a flying fuck about veterans
I don't know where you get that idiotic idea. I AM a veteran, I've had 8 surgeries at the VA hospital that I go to (James Haley in Tampa) in 2014 & 2015, and it is at that VA hospital that I am fearful of a terrorist attack.
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As a conservative you should be thrilled, since you don't give a flying fuck about veterans
I don't know where you get that idiotic idea. I AM a veteran, I've had 8 surgeries at the VA hospital that I go to (James Haley in Tampa), and it is at that VA hospital that I am fearful of a terrorist attack.
Wow, so you vote against yourself and fellow veterans... hmm.
Wow, so you vote against yourself and fellow veterans... hmm.
OK. Let's hear your big spiel about what conservatives have done against vets. Don't forget to leave out the part about when Obama was president, and he had both houses of Congress with him for 2 years....hmm.
Wow, so you vote against yourself and fellow veterans... hmm.
OK. Let's hear your big spiel about what conservatives have done against vets. Don't forget to leave out the part about when Obama was president, and he had both houses of Congress with him for 2 years....hmm.

Timothy McVeigh slaughtered 168 people, many of them children and there have been numerous mass shootings the last 40 years. I don't remember anyone living their life as if they were going to get attacked tomorrow.

The paranoia is out of hand and not consistent with the possible threat.

Timothy McVeigh slaughtered 168 people, many of them children and there have been numerous mass shootings the last 40 years. I don't remember anyone living their life as if they were going to get attacked tomorrow.

The paranoia is out of hand and not consistent with the possible threat.

NO, DO NOT relax. That is the line spinned out by al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, et al of the international jihad. That's exactly what they want Americans to do. Lower our guard. What a stupid post. The USA IS AT WAR with these lunatics. You don't "relax" when you're at war. You fight your enemy. you kill them, and you minimize their capabilty to kill you.

I remember lots of people living their life as if they were going to get attacked. I see that right now, as we have CCW licenses, carry guns, and are ready to deal with the terrorist if/whenever/wherever they show up - EXCEPT IN THE LUDICROUS GUN-FREE ZONES.

PS - wanna tell the family & friends of the people killed in Paris and San Bernardino to "relax" ? Or the soldiers at Fort Hood ? Or in any of dozens of the terrorist attacks in the US, in recent years ?
Terrific attack on Mitch McConnell. I don't know a single Republican who likes him. In the meantime, here's a link for you to read > of Donald Trump's proposals to improve the VA to care for veterans.

Question is >> why weren't these adopted when, for 2 years, Obama was president and we had Democrat control over both houses of Congress ?

Veterans Administration Reforms

PS - the thread is about GUN-FREE ZONES (esp. in VA hospitals) That's what we should be talking about.
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Timothy McVeigh slaughtered 168 people, many of them children and there have been numerous mass shootings the last 40 years. I don't remember anyone living their life as if they were going to get attacked tomorrow.

The paranoia is out of hand and not consistent with the possible threat.

NO, DO NOT relax. That is the line spinned out by al Qaeda, ISIS, the Taliban, et al of the international jihad. That's exactly what they want Americans to do. Lower our guard. What a stupid post. The USA IS AT WAR with these lunatics. You don't "relax" when you're at war. You fight your enemy. you kill them, and you minimize their capabilty to kill you.

I remember lots of people living their life as if they were going to get attacked. I see that right now, as we have CCW licenses, carry guns, and are ready to deal with the terrorist if/whenever/wherever they show up - EXCEPT IN THE LUDICROUS GUN-FREE ZONES.

PS - wanna tell the family & friends of the people killed in Paris and San Bernardino to "relax" ? Or the soldiers at Fort Hood ? Or in any of dozens of the terrorist attacks in the US, in recent years ?

You are the poster child.

Go back and look at the reaction Paris had to those attacks. They didn't all get armed and start patrolling the streets, they came out in unarmed masses in solidarity with each other to tell everyone they won't be intimidated. .

This weird over-the-top fear and paranoia is something specific with the conservatives in the US. We already ARE fighting the enemy where they are and all of our assets here ARE already on heightened lookout and searching for any of these bugwits. If you see something you contact the authorities.

YOU choose to live your life in abject fear, I and most people don't. You argument about 'gun free zones' is ludicrous. When you drive past any school see how 'terrified' all those children AREN'T. If a child can live their life without fear I think you can man up and at least give the effort to do the same.
Was the Army base where Nidal Hasan went on his rampage a gun free zone? How about the USS Cole?
Yes it was. And the soldiers were all unarmed. And the military bases still are gun-free zones, as we speak (in addoition to the recruiting center in Chattanooga, that was also hit)
You can't define a gun-free zone as a place where less than 100% of the people are armed. Nidal Hasan was fired on by two individuals during his ten minute long rampage. The army is not the NRA. They're not insane. They understand the nightmare that a free-for-all could cause. In the army you're only supposed to shoot your guns when you're told to.

My point was that there is no correlation between the target a terrorist chooses and the ability of people to shoot back at them. All terrorists/mass shooters know they're likely to be facing armed opponents within minutes. Many have already given themselves up for dead. The notion that we can cut down on response time by making everyone in the world an armed and deadly peace officer is way out there.

There is only one rational response to terrorism. Go about your business.
"Gun-free zones in VA Hospitals - Open invitation to terrorists"

This fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Of course that's ridiculous but I'd be remiss if I didn't also note that >> We speak ENGLISH in this forum. :biggrin:

And maybe you see this as "post hoc". I don't. The point isn't that because of the prior incidents , there must be these (VA hospital) attacks. It is simply that there can be, and any openings for ISIS attacks of major consequence, that are irresponsibly left lying about, are derelictions of duty of those in charge. Currently, that is the Obama administration.

And they are already to blame for the San Bernardino attack in which the terrorists knew that the target was a gun-free zone, where they could encounter no resistance (until after the damage was done).
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