Gun Control is Racist, and always has been.

The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.
The Democrat Party has always had an element of Terrorism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism to it. They survive through Oppression and Fear. When they cannot control people they get more radical and violent.

Just look at the Democrat Party's Biggest Accomplishments.

  • The Implementation of Slavery.
  • The Creation of Slave States in The Democrat South to continue Slavery when the Union was trying to end it.
  • The Trail Of Tears
  • The Missouri Compromise
  • The Civil War
  • Fugitive Slave Act
  • The Formation of The KKK
  • The Creation of The IRS, Federal Reserve, and Asset Forfeiture Powers
  • The Great Depression
  • Their Opposition to Women's Suffrage and Civil Rights for Blacks.
  • Jim Crow Laws
  • Poll Taxes
  • Segregation
  • The Formation of The Black Panthers, Black Lives Matters, and ANTIFA and other Violent Leftist Groups.
  • The Continual Creep towards a Socialist Totalitarian State.
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was there a ban on blacks having guns in the city of chicago? yes or no? Where was all the violence in chicago? dude, your lust for lies is very apparent.

Ever hear of McDonald vs City of Chicago

There was not a "ban on blacks having guns in the city of Chicago". How do you like them apples?
then why did McDonald have to go to the Courts to buy a gun in the city limits? please explain.

It was a hand gun registration law aimed at curbing the amount of hand guns in the city of Chicago. It was struck down by the supreme court. McDonald was not claiming the law was racist, nobody argued that it was
he didn't have to claim it was racist, it was racist. it was a ban. you can say whatever you want, but democrats held back guns from civil blacks to defend themselves until McDonald sued. so, you can make up all the whatevers you want, you just admitted the city of chicago banned guns to blacks. they just did.

It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case
The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.
The Democrat Party has always had an element of Terrorism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism to it. They survive through Oppression and Fear. When they cannot control people they get more radical and violent.
they are what they call you!!!
There was not a "ban on blacks having guns in the city of Chicago". How do you like them apples?
then why did McDonald have to go to the Courts to buy a gun in the city limits? please explain.

It was a hand gun registration law aimed at curbing the amount of hand guns in the city of Chicago. It was struck down by the supreme court. McDonald was not claiming the law was racist, nobody argued that it was
he didn't have to claim it was racist, it was racist. it was a ban. you can say whatever you want, but democrats held back guns from civil blacks to defend themselves until McDonald sued. so, you can make up all the whatevers you want, you just admitted the city of chicago banned guns to blacks. they just did.

It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
then why did McDonald have to go to the Courts to buy a gun in the city limits? please explain.

It was a hand gun registration law aimed at curbing the amount of hand guns in the city of Chicago. It was struck down by the supreme court. McDonald was not claiming the law was racist, nobody argued that it was
he didn't have to claim it was racist, it was racist. it was a ban. you can say whatever you want, but democrats held back guns from civil blacks to defend themselves until McDonald sued. so, you can make up all the whatevers you want, you just admitted the city of chicago banned guns to blacks. they just did.

It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?
It was a hand gun registration law aimed at curbing the amount of hand guns in the city of Chicago. It was struck down by the supreme court. McDonald was not claiming the law was racist, nobody argued that it was
he didn't have to claim it was racist, it was racist. it was a ban. you can say whatever you want, but democrats held back guns from civil blacks to defend themselves until McDonald sued. so, you can make up all the whatevers you want, you just admitted the city of chicago banned guns to blacks. they just did.

It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
he didn't have to claim it was racist, it was racist. it was a ban. you can say whatever you want, but democrats held back guns from civil blacks to defend themselves until McDonald sued. so, you can make up all the whatevers you want, you just admitted the city of chicago banned guns to blacks. they just did.

It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.
It was a an unrealistic gun hand gun registration law designed to be a defacto ban due to Chicago's gun violence. It applied to all races equally within the Chicago city limits.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
who lived in the city? yeppers blacks. it was to control the blacks, banning them from purchasing guns in the city and getting a license to defend their own homes and families. McDonald vs City of Chicago. read it. Even the dissenting demoloser judges didn't want the blacks to have their guns. read it.

McDonald v. City of Chicago | law case

Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.
Half of Chicago is white, only 30% is black the law applied to both.
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.
I don't think race should be a factor in anything, including the second amendment. I do, however, have a problem restoring rights to violent felons on anything but a case by case basis.
You'd have a tough time convincing me that a guy that did time for manslaughter will suddenly turn into a model citizen after doing his time.

Race considerations are difficult to explain without coming off as a racist, but facts are facts. Over half of homicides are committed by roughly 1/8 of the population. Is that racist?
I asked you where the violence was at. and you dipped and dragged. goes back to the 70's for me, when the blacks I worked with told me they lie on the floors on New Year's eve because so many bullets fly. In a city where guns were banned. too fking funny. dude, it's racist as the day is long. where's all the security? oops.. can you say, RACIST?

Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.
Since you can't find anything stating the law was racist I guess you kind of can't show that it was, huh?

Chicago has a bad history of gun violence, they tried to reduce that violence with a poorly written law to ban guns in the city. I don't see how it's racist
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.

Ok, so you have failed to demonstrate the racism in the Chicago gun law other than just basically saying "it is" (paraphrasing). Then you can't explain why Republicans don't have a lot of black support and why there are very few black Republican politicians other than to whine about black politicians being racist to blacks....because they aren't republican? Is that your point?

You don't think the constituents of elected black politicians are smart enough to figure out where the racism is mostly coming from?

Do you think blacks have anything in common with someone like BrokeLoser who thinks they should be still be slaves? Is that the party that blacks should belong to?
I don't have to. I've explained why it was racist. you are racist, you're continuing to prove how racist you truly are. thanks.

No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.

Ok, so you have failed to demonstrate the racism in the Chicago gun law other than just basically saying "it is" (paraphrasing). Then you can't explain why Republicans don't have a lot of black support and why there are very few black Republican politicians other than to whine about black politicians being racist to blacks....because they aren't republican? Is that your point?

You don't think the constituents of elected black politicians are smart enough to figure out where the racism is mostly coming from?
not at all. they are forever in the control of the racist leftists. Shit dude, they just voted in another demoloser to the City of Chicago, Black gay woman, and the first month in office she has denied blacks what she campaigned on. it's what they do!!! I tell you, it's sad, truly sad, how the left play the black. it's like blacks don't even know the dems are the kkk. all one can say is,.... What?
No, the fact that a law exists to curb a behavior does not show that the law is racist.
sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.

Ok, so you have failed to demonstrate the racism in the Chicago gun law other than just basically saying "it is" (paraphrasing). Then you can't explain why Republicans don't have a lot of black support and why there are very few black Republican politicians other than to whine about black politicians being racist to blacks....because they aren't republican? Is that your point?

You don't think the constituents of elected black politicians are smart enough to figure out where the racism is mostly coming from?
not at all. they are forever in the control of the racist leftists. Shit dude, they just voted in another demoloser to the City of Chicago, Black gay woman, and the first month in office she has denied blacks what she campaigned on. it's what they do!!! I tell you, it's sad, truly sad, how the left play the black. it's like blacks don't even know the dems are the kkk. all one can say is,.... What?

So, they should break the chains so to speak and join the party of BrokeLoser who thinks they should still be slaves.

I guess you really do think black people aren't smart enough. Kind of racist of you.
The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

Southern coservatives. You're not going to find people who want to ensure blacks have the right to vote, gays the right to marry and the transgendered the right to use the bathroom they most align with to also be the same party that wants only whites to have guns.

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

Yep, governor Ronald Reagan all of the sudden didn't know why anyone would need to carry a gun in public, especially when they are black and show up in the same space he's in.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Raids? I've never heard anyone talk about raids. I suppose people in the inner city can find plenty of spaces to hide their guns too, they already do.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?
Except that talk of an AWB now is only gaining traction after mostly white perpetrators of mass shootings.

I think support for an AWB is mostly because of mass shootings that are usually committed by whites. Whether fair or not I think that is where the push is coming from, the fear of minding one's own business at a local store to being gunned down by a random stranger.

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

I support others rights to bear arms, not felons convicted of violent crimes and I don't care what race they are.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.

It's a classic strawman that you are promoting and you're not doing it very well either.


Yeah. You are after the guns because of Whitey.
The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

Southern coservatives. You're not going to find people who want to ensure blacks have the right to vote, gays the right to marry and the transgendered the right to use the bathroom they most align with to also be the same party that wants only whites to have guns.

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

Yep, governor Ronald Reagan all of the sudden didn't know why anyone would need to carry a gun in public, especially when they are black and show up in the same space he's in.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Raids? I've never heard anyone talk about raids. I suppose people in the inner city can find plenty of spaces to hide their guns too, they already do.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?
Except that talk of an AWB now is only gaining traction after mostly white perpetrators of mass shootings.

I think support for an AWB is mostly because of mass shootings that are usually committed by whites. Whether fair or not I think that is where the push is coming from, the fear of minding one's own business at a local store to being gunned down by a random stranger.

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

I support others rights to bear arms, not felons convicted of violent crimes and I don't care what race they are.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.

It's a classic strawman that you are promoting and you're not doing it very well either.

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Yeah. You are after the guns because of Whitey.

I think you should reread my post.

I'm talking about the recent shootings in the press. Non gang-related, apparently random, they tend to scare whites more.

EDIT: To be clear, I'm referring to perceptions, however looking up the racial make up of mass shooters they tend to be white, I'm not sure what your graphic is referring to since it's just another meme.

U.S.: mass shootings by race 1982-2019 | Statista
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sure it does. it always has, it is the point of every law concerning blacks. you all hate the black man, and then you yell racist to distract your actual intentions. but people like us see the ploy and the hate and are slowly converting sentiment within the black environment.

Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.

Ok, so you have failed to demonstrate the racism in the Chicago gun law other than just basically saying "it is" (paraphrasing). Then you can't explain why Republicans don't have a lot of black support and why there are very few black Republican politicians other than to whine about black politicians being racist to blacks....because they aren't republican? Is that your point?

You don't think the constituents of elected black politicians are smart enough to figure out where the racism is mostly coming from?
not at all. they are forever in the control of the racist leftists. Shit dude, they just voted in another demoloser to the City of Chicago, Black gay woman, and the first month in office she has denied blacks what she campaigned on. it's what they do!!! I tell you, it's sad, truly sad, how the left play the black. it's like blacks don't even know the dems are the kkk. all one can say is,.... What?

So, they should break the chains so to speak and join the party of BrokeLoser who thinks they should still be slaves.

I guess you really do think black people aren't smart enough. Kind of racist of you.
yep, as soon as they do, they get ridiculed and told they are uncle tom's, humiliation is the response to a black being an individual. Want to bet on that one?
Every law concerning blacks?

Do you realize that Democrats actually have black people in the party and elected representatives? I think there are what, 2 black Republicans in Congress and one of them just announced their retirement. If you say your side is so open minded and in support of civil rights, how come blacks are losing representation in the Republican party?
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: why do you think those blacks are there? too fking funny, it's the ploy. So they can say, see we have all these blacks in our party, then they take control of the black neighborhoods and have them held oppressed. Like Baltimore, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit. all demoloser controlled. you bunch of fking Racist punks. it's educating the blacks that we are working hard at. many are converting.

Ok, so you have failed to demonstrate the racism in the Chicago gun law other than just basically saying "it is" (paraphrasing). Then you can't explain why Republicans don't have a lot of black support and why there are very few black Republican politicians other than to whine about black politicians being racist to blacks....because they aren't republican? Is that your point?

You don't think the constituents of elected black politicians are smart enough to figure out where the racism is mostly coming from?
not at all. they are forever in the control of the racist leftists. Shit dude, they just voted in another demoloser to the City of Chicago, Black gay woman, and the first month in office she has denied blacks what she campaigned on. it's what they do!!! I tell you, it's sad, truly sad, how the left play the black. it's like blacks don't even know the dems are the kkk. all one can say is,.... What?

So, they should break the chains so to speak and join the party of BrokeLoser who thinks they should still be slaves.

I guess you really do think black people aren't smart enough. Kind of racist of you.
yep, as soon as they do, they get ridiculed and told they are uncle tom's, humiliation is the response to a black being an individual. Want to bet on that one?

Oh, I see. it's all peer pressure like high school. Has nothing to do with the likes of Steve King, or being told they are lazy or stupid by white nationalists, I'm sure.
The first laws prohibiting ownership of firearms in this Nation were passed to prevent Blacks, Slave and Free, from owning guns. In Florida, they passed a law that Whites could check the residences of Blacks to insure they didn’t have guns. Not White Police, or Deputies, just regular citizens who worried the darkies would get guns. Gun Control and the Constitution

The prohibition in California against Open Carry was passed two months after the Black Panthers showed up armed in front of the Capital Steps in Sacramento. Again racism drove the Whites to prohibit an action that the Blacks were exploiting.

So today, we hear that we need to ban guns. But who would you be banning them from? The Rural Whites will bury their guns in the woods, and in their yards. Are you going to pass over every square foot with Mine Detectors to find the hidden cache’s of weapons an munitions? Nope. You’ll raid the inner cities where hiding locations are fewer, and probably covered by surveillance video to get the guns. Inner Cities which are predominantly black.

Nobody cared that White’s had assault weapons. The Brady Ban that is lauded about only came about after Gang Bangers got their hands on AK-47’s and Tek-9’s. Once again we had to stop people, and by people they meant Blacks, from getting these things.

So why would you support Gun Control today? Is it because some of the shooters are white and you can pretend that it totally isn’t because you’re afraid of Minorities?

I not only support the right of the people to keep and bear arms. I would support the restoration of this right to people who had been convicted of a Felony, and completed both prison, and probation or parole conditions. In other words, I would be willing to consider their debt completely paid to society and return to them the full rights of of being a citizen. Not just the right to vote which some of you would support.

So tell me why you want to disarm Blacks, who are according to you faced with an even greater threat from White Nationalist and racists? I say arm them. Let them arm up, and give them a chance to defend themselves. The Lord knows the Government isn’t going to do that.
I don't think race should be a factor in anything, including the second amendment. I do, however, have a problem restoring rights to violent felons on anything but a case by case basis.
You'd have a tough time convincing me that a guy that did time for manslaughter will suddenly turn into a model citizen after doing his time.

Race considerations are difficult to explain without coming off as a racist, but facts are facts. Over half of homicides are committed by roughly 1/8 of the population. Is that racist?

The principle is forgive, if not forget. After doing their time in Prison, and completing any probation or parole requirements, I am in favor of restoring their rights. Yes, they may do something illegal in the future. However, as has been shown, a vast majority of mass shooters are first time offenders. Most murderers are first time offenders. I am uncomfortable condemning a man, any man, to second class citizen status over an action that took place years, or decades ago.

Once he has paid his debt, then it is incumbent upon us all to give him the chance to live again. I honestly think part of the reason for the high recidivism rate is that people are condemned to second class status and see no alternative to a return to crime upon their release from Prison.

It is not the case everywhere. The funny thing to me is this. Civil Rights folks like myself argue that more laws won’t work any better than the laws we currently have. More of the same failed approach is not going to stop whatever it is we are discussing. Guns in this case. With 10,000 plus laws on the books, one more isn’t going to be the magic bullet that ends gun violence.

Yet many of the people who argue that regarding guns, refuse to even consider another approach to Criminal Justice. It is always the same get tough on crime, as if it has ever worked in the past. More Gun laws won’t work, but tougher prisons will? Because the tough prisons have worked so well this far?

When something isn’t working, you have to reconsider everything. Just doing more of the same is not going to work the 2nd time, nor the 43rd. Ostracism for those convicted of crimes hasn’t worked. Why not consider something else? Why not try it and see what happens. It won’t work all the time, nothing is 100% successful ever. But if it reduces the recidivism rate, then it might be worth a try. If we try and fail, we can learn and keep trying different ideas until we do get an answer. Norway has a very low recidivism rate. Not zero. Nobody has a zero rate.