Guess Who’s Profiting From the Chinese Virus


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The people who said humans can’t catch it from humans and let it spread over the world.

The Chinese.

And the Commie loving Leftard Media is making them look like heroes of course.

The trouble with Trumpers is that they have extremely fragile egos. They can‘t handle criticism or news about the real world. They accuse others of being snowflakes when in fact they are the biggest snowflakes of them all.

Case in point is this thread.

The OP’s link is how the Chinese are filling in the void left by the Trump Administration's pull back from engagement in the international arena and international aid. On one hand schizophrenic Trumpers love that we are pulling back from our international commitments then on the other hand they start wailing that the Chinese are now filling in the void we are leaving behind.

So who is profiting from Trump’s US withdrawal from the world?

The answer is China.

My advice to the OP is stop your bitching, whining and wailing because this is exactly why your voted for Trump.
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It looks like the 1% and the big corporations are the ones profiting, based on this new socialist stimulus bill Congress just passed.

Nothing changes when criminals run the government. It’s a repeat of 2008/9.
From Whitney Webb:

Whatever the real motivation behind the Pentagon’s sudden and recent concern about bats being used as a vehicle for bioweapons, the U.S. military has spent millions of dollars over the past several years funding research on bats, the deadly viruses they can harbor — including coronaviruses — and how those viruses are transmitted from bats to humans.

DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak.

Follow the money follow the agenda-
We still don't know who killed JFK and we still don't know the truth about 9/11- but we're expected to trust the liars in the District of Criminals and their lackeys in the MSM about this flu outbreak.
Give me a break.
From Whitney Webb:

Whatever the real motivation behind the Pentagon’s sudden and recent concern about bats being used as a vehicle for bioweapons, the U.S. military has spent millions of dollars over the past several years funding research on bats, the deadly viruses they can harbor — including coronaviruses — and how those viruses are transmitted from bats to humans.

DARPA recently spent millions on research involving bats and coronaviruses, as well as gene editing “bioweapons” prior to the recent coronavirus outbreak.

Follow the money follow the agenda-

Hey, all the way back as far as WWII, the military was looking into using bats for warfare. The first "bat bomb" held hibernating bats that were equipped with fire bombs. The thinking was to release a lot of them, and then the city would be overwhelmed by fires.


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