GSA Tells Biden Transition Team to Pound Sand;There is NO President Elect

Prepare to see Trump flunkies follow dictatorial orders from Trump.
which is what they really wanted in the first place.....~S~
Yeah, TTrump is like HITLER MAN!

He doesnt get to recount votes as he has every legal right to do!

That is only for people on the side of history, like Commiecrats and fools!

Prepare to see Trump flunkies follow dictatorial orders from Trump.
which is what they really wanted in the first place.....~S~
Yeah, TTrump is like HITLER MAN!

He doesnt get to recount votes as he has every legal right to do!

That is only for people on the side of history, like Commiecrats and fools!

More, Trump is all about screaming foul , w/zero evidence, along with individual states (like Georgia) recounting to prove it.

Which he, ad his loyalists will then call 'fake news'

He's also installing loyalists in the pentagon, as well as having Barr and Pompeo haver anyone they can fall in line with his machinations

What we are seeing are dictator moves Jim, Trump is all about making Trump great, not America


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