GSA Chair Says Was Threatened to Declare Transition Funds Available, Only "Electoral Process" Determines Winner


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

This is serious. Not Munkle's biochip 911 dipshittery.

But how completely down the rabbit hole conservatives are with this batshit conspiracy nonsense. This is the conservative movement now.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

This is serious. Not Munkle's biochip 911 dipshittery.

But how completely down the rabbit hole conservatives are with this batshit conspiracy nonsense. This is the conservative movement now.

conservative movement = bowel movement at this point.
They need to be suspended immediately!

Not enough fat black women on team Joe

This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

How about this, if True........would you support nullifying the election and locking up those issuing threats?
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

This is serious. Not Munkle's biochip 911 dipshittery.

But how completely down the rabbit hole conservatives are with this batshit conspiracy nonsense. This is the conservative movement now.

conservative movement = bowel movement at this point.

Its more complicated than that. The GOP leadership has been conciously training their constituents to follow their gut and ignore the evidence for a very long time.. Evolution, Climate Change, elections, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Obama's birth place, all of it. Its been accompanied by a strong anti-intellectualism among conservatives. Where education means 'elite' and experience means 'swamp'.

The problem got away from them. Trump out batshitted them. He was better at manipulating the conspiracy mindset that the GOP had been gently cultivating for half a generation. And then cranked that madness up to 11. Where the enemy was now everyone from Twitter to Amazon Prime to the National Park Service.

After 4 years of an endless stream of misinformation and general dipshittery, a vaguely conspiracy pliable constituency has gone full tin foil.

With a profound financial incentive for the conservative media content creators to push even more bizarre, even more more ridiculous stories -backed by little to nothing- as this constituency demands that their content cater to their conspiracy fueled madness.

They are literally begging to pay money to consume the most inane conspiracy pablum you've ever heard of. And its very lucrative to give the addict his fix.

This is the future of the GOP.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

How about this, if True........would you support nullifying the election and locking up those issuing threats?

Anyone issuing a threat should be investigated and prosecuted if they in fact did it.

As for nullifying the election...keep dreaming.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

How about this, if True........would you support nullifying the election and locking up those issuing threats?

Nullifying the election?! Of course not.

Locking up those issuing threats? Absolutely.
You wouldn't consider it voter fraud-----------threatening to kill and rape someone daughter in order to win an election?
You wouldn't consider it voter fraud-----------threatening to kill and rape someone daughter in order to win an election?

One person threatening another doesn't mean we must disenfranchise 5.5 million people.

Your 'remedy' is about a dozen orders of magnitude greater than the harm you're seeking to balance.

If someone threatens another, we arrest them and try them.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

This is serious. Not Munkle's biochip 911 dipshittery.

But how completely down the rabbit hole conservatives are with this batshit conspiracy nonsense. This is the conservative movement now.

conservative movement = bowel movement at this point.

Its more complicated than that. The GOP leadership has been conciously training their constituents to follow their gut and ignore the evidence for a very long time.. Evolution, Climate Change, elections, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Obama's birth place, all of it. Its been accompanied by a strong anti-intellectualism among conservatives. Where education means 'elite' and experience means 'swamp'.

The problem got away from them. Trump out batshitted them. He was better at manipulating the conspiracy mindset that the GOP had been gently cultivating for half a generation. And then cranked that madness up to 11. Now after 4 years of an endless stream of tinfoil dipshittery, a vaguely conspiracy pliable constituency as gone full tin foil.

With a profound financial incentive for the media content creators to push even more bizarre, even more more ridiculous stories as this constituency demands that their content cater to their conspiracy fueled madness.

They are literally begging to pay money to consume the most inane conspiracy pablum you've ever heard of. And its very lucrative to give the addict his fix.

This is the future of the GOP.

Thats the problem with conspiracy theories...when you buy into them, you either have to eventually disavow them and lose your credibility for having believed them in the first place OR double down and invent new conspiracy theories to prop up the old ones.

The conspiracy theory that Flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon and a missile actually did. Editor's Note: This is my favorite of all conspiracy theories.​
"What bout the wreckage?"---Someone planted it.​
"With all of those people around the building--someone was planting wreckage?" ---They were all in on it.​
"What about the wreckage inside the building?"--They were in on it too​
"So someone who works in the Pentagon was in on the conspiracy to hit their own place of work with a missile?"---Yes​

Eventually the conspiracy theorist has to make the most absurd statement like in the example above...someone called in a hit on their own building, brought in aircraft parts, sprinkled aircraft parts around the building, hijacked a plane that they stashed somewhere, executed the 50 or so passengers on board, got the forensic people to play along, got the air traffic controllers to play along, etc...
You wouldn't consider it voter fraud-----------threatening to kill and rape someone daughter in order to win an election?

One person threatening another doesn't mean we must disenfranchise 5.5 million people.

Your 'remedy' is about a dozen orders of magnitude greater than the harm you're seeking to balance.

If someone threatens another, we arrest them and try them.
A dozen? Try a billion.
You wouldn't consider it voter fraud-----------threatening to kill and rape someone daughter in order to win an election?

One person threatening another doesn't mean we must disenfranchise 5.5 million people.

Your 'remedy' is about a dozen orders of magnitude greater than the harm you're seeking to balance.

If someone threatens another, we arrest them and try them.

Its not ONE person doing it--but the dems BROWN SHIRTS threatening and attacking people who don't the party line.........
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

Its incredible....incredible that you expect anyone to believe this bullshit.

This is serious. Not Munkle's biochip 911 dipshittery.

But how completely down the rabbit hole conservatives are with this batshit conspiracy nonsense. This is the conservative movement now.

conservative movement = bowel movement at this point.

Its more complicated than that. The GOP leadership has been conciously training their constituents to follow their gut and ignore the evidence for a very long time.. Evolution, Climate Change, elections, Vince Foster, Seth Rich, Obama's birth place, all of it. Its been accompanied by a strong anti-intellectualism among conservatives. Where education means 'elite' and experience means 'swamp'.

The problem got away from them. Trump out batshitted them. He was better at manipulating the conspiracy mindset that the GOP had been gently cultivating for half a generation. And then cranked that madness up to 11. Now after 4 years of an endless stream of tinfoil dipshittery, a vaguely conspiracy pliable constituency as gone full tin foil.

With a profound financial incentive for the media content creators to push even more bizarre, even more more ridiculous stories as this constituency demands that their content cater to their conspiracy fueled madness.

They are literally begging to pay money to consume the most inane conspiracy pablum you've ever heard of. And its very lucrative to give the addict his fix.

This is the future of the GOP.

Thats the problem with conspiracy theories...when you buy into them, you either have to eventually disavow them and lose your credibility for having believed them in the first place OR double down and invent new conspiracy theories to prop up the old ones.

The conspiracy theory that Flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon and a missile actually did. Editor's Note: This is my favorite of all conspiracy theories.​
"What bout the wreckage?"---Someone planted it.​
"With all of those people around the building--someone was planting wreckage?" ---They were all in on it.​
"What about the wreckage inside the building?"--They were in on it too​
"So someone who works in the Pentagon was in on the conspiracy to hit their own place of work with a missile?"---Yes​

Eventually the conspiracy theorist has to make the most absurd statement like in the example above...someone called in a hit on their own building, brought in aircraft parts, sprinkled aircraft parts around the building, hijacked a plane that they stashed somewhere, executed the 50 or so passengers on board, got the forensic people to play along, got the air traffic controllers to play along, etc...

Yup. The reason that most conspiracies collapse is two fold:

1) Most conspiracies are voraciuos. They just keep folding more and more people in. Now its not just the 'dems' who stole the election, but the CIA who helped them. And now Fox News. And Chris Christie. And Mitt Romney. And, and, and.

Each addition adding even more complexity, even more absurdity.

2) Most conspiracy theorists can't help but embellish and elaborate. They want to keep the attention of their fellow theorists. So they try and one up each other with even more dramatic and fantastic stories. Sidney Powell wildly overplayed her hand with this exact folly.

And none of this is likely to change any time soon.
You wouldn't consider it voter fraud-----------threatening to kill and rape someone daughter in order to win an election?

One person threatening another doesn't mean we must disenfranchise 5.5 million people.

Your 'remedy' is about a dozen orders of magnitude greater than the harm you're seeking to balance.

If someone threatens another, we arrest them and try them.

Its not ONE person doing it--but the dems BROWN SHIRTS threatening and attacking people who don't the party line.........

How many people was it then? Specifically, with evidence please.
This is the most incredible coordinated, full scale assault on democracy in history. The elites need Biden for the Great Reset which will biochip you and make you a slave the same way it needed Bush for 9/11.

this is the same basic thread as Michigan Certifies Election After Naked Dead Women Photos Sent as Threats to Wayne County Certifiers

Stop spreading lies.

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