Gruber "we lied to pass obamacare" proves that it is good to be a democrat in the U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Ah...imagine if a Republican had come out and said these thing....that obama and the democrats lied, and confessing to it on video, in order to force people onto a new healthcare system....and lied to get it through a CBO analysis....and not one main stream/ democrat media outlet cares....

It really is good to be a democrat, lying a*****e, in the U.S.

ACA Architect The Stupidity Of The American Voter Led Us To Hide Obamacare s True Costs From The Public - Forbes

Obamacare’s opacity was a deliberate strategy

Gruber made an argument that many of Obamacare’s critics have long made, including me. It’s that the law’s complex system of insurance regulation is a way of concealing from voters what Obamacare really is: a huge redistribution of wealth from the young and healthy to the old and unhealthy. In the video, Gruber points out that if Democrats had been honest about these facts, and that the law’s individual mandate is in effect a major tax hike, Obamacare would never have passed Congress.

You’ve got to hand it to MIT economist Jonathan Gruber. The guy dubbed the “Obamacare architect” is a viral YouTube sensation. A few months back, he was caught on tape admitting that Obamacare doesn’t provide subsidies for federally-run insurance exchanges; it’s now the topic of a new case before the Supreme Court.

Today, new video surfaced in which Gruber said that “the stupidity of the American voter” made it important for him and Democrats to hide Obamacare’s true costs from the public. “That was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” said Gruber. “But I’d rather have this law than not.” In other words, the ends—imposing Obamacare upon the public—justified the means.

The democrats know they own the media...why else would this A*****e feel free to go on video and say that they lied, and hid the truth about what they were passing from the public and government oversite....

They aren't afraid of the media because their minions control the media....
Since the Main Stream Media was complicit in those lies it's not surprising that they aren't reporting on this story now.

If they had been honest with the American people back in 2009, the ACA wouldn't have passed.
They did what they needed then they mock the voters when they were successful hiding the truth from them.
What a bunch of weasels.

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