Growing Number Of Voters Say Confirm Barret

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
There has been a big jump in the number of voter saying confirm Barret. Now 46% and going up fast.

Biden's refusal to admit he's going to pack the court will send this number higher especially after it becomes more of a debate issue.

When asked on Sept. 26, an earlier Politico/Morning Consult poll found 34 percent of voters said the Senate should vote to confirm Barrett. Another 37 percent said she should not be confirmed, while 29 percent had no opinion. The undecided crowd shrank in a poll taken Oct. 2–4, to 23 percent, and most have gone in favor of confirming Barrett. Nearly half — 46 percent — of voters now support voting to confirm her, while 31 percent say the Senate should vote no. Gains in support for confirmation came from Democrats, independents, and Republicans.

Yes let us get this over with so the Repubs can shove more lies down our throats over proper procedure during an election year.
She's coming in as a great pick. She has the grounding, temperament and integrity to stay that way. She's a keeper.
Compared to the soviet sock puppet she will replace? I'd let a homeless vet SHIT in the chair and consider it an improvement...

But yeah... ACB will be a monumental improvement over the complete lunatic that RBG was. She is blowing Stalin in hell as we speak.


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