growing Islamophobia

Witnesses: Man Cut the Throats of Two MAX Passengers Who Tried to Stop Anti-Muslim Bullying of Women on Northeast Portland Train

>> May 26: A man riding the MAX [light rail service] in Northeast Portland [Oregon] fatally stabbed two passengers who tried to stop him from hurling racial and anti-Muslim insults at women on the train, witnesses tell WW's news partner KATU-TV.

The suspect is currently in Portland police custody. The stabbing occurred at about 4:30 this afternoon as the light-rail train pulled into the Hollywood Transit Center.

Details of the triple stabbing, which killed two men, are still emerging. But eyewitness reports to KATU and The Oregonian indicate it was an anti-immigrant hate crime.

Witnesses told KATU’s Joe Douglass the stabbing suspect was hurling racial insults at two women with dark skin, one of whom was wearing a headdress. Two men who came to the woman’s defense had their throats slashed by the suspect, witnesses said.

Another witness says she saw two women who appeared to be of Middle Eastern-descent get on the train. At least one of them was wearing a headdress. The suspect was asking them questions when he got belligerent. When another bystander tried to calm him down, the man took out a knife and began stabbing people.

“He said, ‘Get off the bus, and get out of the country because you don’t pay taxes here,’ [he said he] doesn’t like Muslims, they’re criminals,” Evelin Hernandez said. ....<< (original report --- Willamette Week)

Followup: Perp was White Supremacist who delivered Nazi Salutes and Racial Slurs at "Free Speech" Rally

>> I shook the killer's filthy hand 28 days ago. Mine feels tainted now, as though I somehow sanctioned his act, though I was only trying to get some information out of him.

He had just marched through Montavilla Park chanting "n*gger" and throwing fascist salutes, wearing an American Revolutionary War flag like a cape.

It was this act that sparked the first moment of chaos at the "free speech" rally on April 29 in Montavilla Park, which then proceeded down 82nd Avenue, a miserable replacement for a neighborhood parade canceled due to the threat of political violence. The man in the flag cape was quickly swarmed by scrawny young antifa kids, then by officers from the Portland Police Bureau.

After the scrum dispersed, I stood by watching while police searched his backpack. They seemed to know that, prior to the march, he had posted a Facebook message threatening to "shoot to kill POLICE if they ATTEMPT DISARM" anyone openly carrying a firearm to the rally. <<

Whelp --- this is exactly why we try to control the hatemongers on this site as well. Here, two of us have been slaughtered for standing up against such bigotry.

Time to assess where you're going with this, doncha think haters?

Guess that means they should had appeased him, right? If they hadn't changed confronted him, they'd be alive, right?

You expect all of us to appease violent Muslims, why aren't you expecting people to do the same against white supremacists?
Good question

No, dishonest question.
I hadn't seen that post before but he's employing yet another strawman --- I have never "expected all of us (or anybody) to appease violent Muslims". Or violent Christians or violent anythings. He completely pulled that out of his ass.

Of course, he could always find a quote that proves me wrong. If one existed.

Cue crickets.

I will not tolerate dishonesty. Period.
Oh so you didn't declare war yet? Lybia, afghanistan, iraq, Syria they are just video games to you?

The whole planet was asking not to go Iraq and he did...the rest is history.
Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and's a beef between imperialism and terrorism don't get us ordinary Muslims into it, we didn't sing up for this fiasco.

I condemn what happened. But why should I answer to what happened? Because I happenjoy to be Muslim ?
I had a busy day yesterday, I wasn't glued to the TV the whole day. Because I got a life :)

It's like me asking you....I hate you because the US bombed Mosul and killed +100 civilians.

I've said since the Iraq invasion and all other will back fire, and the terrorists will be recruiting like crazy. No one attacks, gabon, South africa, japan, brasil, singapore?
I wonder why???
And yes those countries do have lot of Muslims in them.

The moral of the story , the greed of some countries over natural resources led them to create this mess. The people in the region die by thousands because of that. It wasn't the case when they had their dictators, was it?

Hey Issa What do you think of what happened in London? Now you think Islamophobia is justified? Tell me ... I know your shabby answer in advance it is not the fault of the Muslims NO wait is our fault the western if people are stabbed in the restaurants of London.

A suspect was arrested by police near Borough Market–

A witness told BBC World that he heard the terrorist scream, ‘This is for Allah!’
You know what's a war? What's going on? There is no Army in the streets. it is a invisible war And what for the Iraq of Syria is related to the September 11, 2001 everything starting with its attacks in the USA does not deceive and Obama is well responsible the one who to withdraw the troops in Iraq is what had Create the Birth of ISIS.
But you forgotten the attacks before the 11th of September 2001? Is what you think Westerners are going to be massacred eternally without declared war on their enemies?
Blacks killing cops get no blowback by the liberals. Liberals lock arms in solidarity and blame it on white supremacy, white privilege, and racist cops!
While the cops in question lose their lives protecting the same assholes that show up to March against them with hate speech.

Shows you who has the better character and most integrity.
Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)
Isis and AL qaeda wouldn't have thrived in Iraq during Saddam''s rule. The US invasions with the coalition embolded the ISIS and others...
No, that developed from the vacuum left by OBAMA because the Muslim population doesn't have the will to destroy evil in their own midst (can an evil tree bring forth good fruit?)

Saddam left the vacuum - toppling him fractured the country into sectarian violence and lawlessness and that opened the door other country's toppling their leaders and further sectarian and ethnic chaos. Not only that, but you removed an important counter balance to Iran's ambitions.

ISIS was born and is nourished by that chaos.
Not only that Muslims are going to Christian lands slaughtering Christians. Why are the Christians being lectured?
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer

Not only that Muslims are going to Christian lands slaughtering Christians. Why are the Christians being lectured?
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
They've fallen into this "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" trap. Holy crap, that's some friend.

That's up to them. They can live with it now.
So Bernie supporters are the KKK ....


Hilarious from both sides.

From the Klan side, the big version of it that we know the most about, that had by far the biggest reach, was started out of a group that lynched a Jewish man, the "Knights of Mary Phagan", and then of course took on Jews as one of their targets, along with Catholics, immigrants, labor unions and later, communists.

And on Bernie Sanders' side not only is he Jewish as well but his relatives were massacred by the Nazis in Poland.

And just to add a third side, Jeremy Christian railed against Jews, as well as blacks and Muslims, pranced around giving Nazi salutes, and publicly posted "If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!"

So he would have killed Bernie Sanders as part of his "Misanthropic Nihilism" (his term). But the Klan might have been happy to help. Just ask David Duke. If you even know who I'm talking about. If not, ask Steve McRacist.
He stated on his FB page in his own words that he voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016.
So Bernie supporters are the KKK ....


Hilarious from both sides.

From the Klan side, the big version of it that we know the most about, that had by far the biggest reach, was started out of a group that lynched a Jewish man, the "Knights of Mary Phagan", and then of course took on Jews as one of their targets, along with Catholics, immigrants, labor unions and later, communists.

And on Bernie Sanders' side not only is he Jewish as well but his relatives were massacred by the Nazis in Poland.

And just to add a third side, Jeremy Christian railed against Jews, as well as blacks and Muslims, pranced around giving Nazi salutes, and publicly posted "If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!"

So he would have killed Bernie Sanders as part of his "Misanthropic Nihilism" (his term). But the Klan might have been happy to help. Just ask David Duke. If you even know who I'm talking about. If not, ask Steve McRacist.
He stated on his FB page in his own words that he voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Yeah, real reliable source too.
Not only that Muslims are going to Christian lands slaughtering Christians. Why are the Christians being lectured?
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer


"Satan". That term always cracks me up.

"Booga booga!! Scary monster!"

Cue circular reasoning retort in four......... three............ two..........
So Bernie supporters are the KKK ....


Hilarious from both sides.

From the Klan side, the big version of it that we know the most about, that had by far the biggest reach, was started out of a group that lynched a Jewish man, the "Knights of Mary Phagan", and then of course took on Jews as one of their targets, along with Catholics, immigrants, labor unions and later, communists.

And on Bernie Sanders' side not only is he Jewish as well but his relatives were massacred by the Nazis in Poland.

And just to add a third side, Jeremy Christian railed against Jews, as well as blacks and Muslims, pranced around giving Nazi salutes, and publicly posted "If Donald Trump is the Next Hitler then I am joining his SS to put an end to Monotheist Question. All Zionist Jews, All Christians who do not follow Christ's teaching of Love, Charity, and Forgiveness And All Jihadi Muslims are going to Madagascar or the Ovens/FEMA Camps!!!"

So he would have killed Bernie Sanders as part of his "Misanthropic Nihilism" (his term). But the Klan might have been happy to help. Just ask David Duke. If you even know who I'm talking about. If not, ask Steve McRacist.
He stated on his FB page in his own words that he voted for Bernie Sanders in 2016.

Yeah, real reliable source too.
Must be. You were using it to claim he was a Trump supporter.
Not only that Muslims are going to Christian lands slaughtering Christians. Why are the Christians being lectured?
Because liberals like Muslims specifically for the fact that they target Christians and Jews.
Both Islam and Western Liberalism are under the influence of Satan (the god of this world).
Which do you find funny, Pogo? Liberalism or Islam? Or both?

The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection

Biblical Evidence Why The Worship of Allah is The Worship of Lucifer


"Satan". That term always cracks me up.

"Booga booga!! Scary monster!"

Cue circular reasoning retort in four......... three............ two..........

Alinsky took it serious enough to dedicate his book to him.

MudHamMud knew he was possessed by the Devil.
Muhammad’s Demon: He Originally Thought He Was Possessed

I'm sure "Jesus" cracks you up too (He "saw Satan fall to the earth like lightning" -- Luke 10:18)

But then, pearls before swine
What would Muslim countries do with GAYS? Is anyone naive enogh to to believe homosexuals would be treated fairly and with the utmost human dignity and rights in any Muslim country? Hmm, They cut off a woman's clitoris, and call it female circumcision? Euphemisms. We don't allow that in the west. Is it just a coincidence that liberals defend Islam? The very thing that would destroy them?
Liberals also defend hacking off a women's/child's clitoris. There was a whole thread about it.
Most of those Islamic people don't even use toilet paper. They wipe their ass with their bare hand.

That's scary. :cool-45:
You don't know any muslims do you.

You didn't know the fact that they don
Most of those Islamic people don't even use toilet paper. They wipe their ass with their bare hand.

That's scary. :cool-45:
You don't know any muslims do you.

Most Islamic people do not use toilet paper look it up.
As Kathy Griffin found out the hard way when visiting afganastan and the US soldiers kept letting her shake hands and make nice with the locals. ;)
This Trump supporter is a loser. I'm not going to call him a monster, because he would like it.

Take a look at this guy. When you look at him, and listen to his rants, it suddenly dawns this is Alex Jones's little brother.



No, according to his FB posts he was a Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein advocate......he is one of you......embrace him, g5000!!!!!! LOVE him!!!!!!!!!

Yep. He was even taunting Trump supporters to debate him at some stupid rally.
What would Muslim countries do with GAYS? Is anyone naive enogh to to believe homosexuals would be treated fairly and with the utmost human dignity and rights in any Muslim country? Hmm, They cut off a woman's clitoris, and call it female circumcision? Euphemisms. We don't allow that in the west. Is it just a coincidence that liberals defend Islam? The very thing that would destroy them?
Liberals also defend hacking off a women's/child's clitoris. There was a whole thread about it.

Got a link?

Just FTR, and you all should know this by now --- FGM is a social construct. It's got bupkis to do with any religion. In fact it FAR predates Islam, Christianism, Judaism and any other religion with which it is conicidental.

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