Grouchy Fauci Tells Senate: 'Indefinite Lockdown!' Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Fauci is a Fascist and needs to face a firing squad of 100 Paintball guns and be run out of town on a rail.

The Cold Virus is a Corona Virus. See any vaccine for that yet?

Say No to Martial Law.....which is exactly what a Lock-Down in your home is, and closing small businesses is.

This more or less is what The British did to The Colonists among other things that started The Revolutionary War!
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Someone please hit him and Bill Gates with a very large bus.
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

We'll stay in lock down for as long as he agrees to stay in solitary confinement in a SuperMax.

Why do righters blame Fauci. Fauci advises. He gives the decision makers his opinion based on the science. They don’t have to listen to him. Trump does not have to listen to him. Listen to Fauci’s repartee with Rand Paul. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on what his role. Rand Paul came across the fool. Our politicians follow not only Fauci’s advice, but the advice of nearly all in the field of infectious diseases that agree with Fauci because they are right when it comes to matters concerning the virus.
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Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Some of us still want to understand why USAMRIID was effectively taken off line at the outset of the virus reaching US shores. USAMRIID is the premiere infectious disease response organization across both military and civilian spheres. The National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (led by Fauci since 1984) on the other hand seems not to be the go-to front line virus response "force" or medical intelligence gatherer. Something about this smells like carrion. I wonder what it could be?
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Dr. Fauci is just eating up his new found fame and that's bad. He is getting the adoration he wants from the Left and has shifted his messaging to keep getting the attention he craves. Why don't we hear from Dr. Birx anymore? Ever since she called out the Media for being "Dicey and Slicey" about how they report news, they shut her out.
Tiny is getting paid by someone to push the marxist agenda. No way he's doing this for nothing. Follow the money. He's made a religion out of being wrong.... and yet dutifully plods on as if his lies aren't archived on the internet forever.

Also the age thing.... they were probably still teaching frontal lobotomies for schizophrenia when we going through school. Can we get someone with a modern education and practices?
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Yes- why would the Right ever listen to an expert on infectious diseases- when you can just listen to your Dear Leader for the real 'information'
Yes- why would the Right ever listen to an expert on infectious diseases- when you can just listen to your Dear Leader for the real 'information'

I don't really care about the bug. The strong will survive is my view on it.

I really only care about the targeted attack on the electorate's civil liberties.

And that whole left/right thing, no, that's not really my gig. Huh uh.
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Why do righters blame Fauci. Fauci advises. He gives the decision makers his opinion based on the science. They don’t have to listen to him. Trump does not have to listen to him. Listen to Fauci’s repartee with Rand Paul. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on what his role. Rand Paul came across the fool. Our politicians follow not only Fauci’s advice, but the advice of nearly all in the field of infectious diseases that agree with Fauci because they are right when it comes to matters concerning the virus.

If you actually think that this Nation will, or even can stay locked down for a year to a year and half you mare not a bright individual.
Why do righters blame Fauci. Fauci advises. He gives the decision makers his opinion based on the science. They don’t have to listen to him. Trump does not have to listen to him. Listen to Fauci’s repartee with Rand Paul. Fauci schooled Rand Paul on what his role. Rand Paul came across the fool. Our politicians follow not only Fauci’s advice, but the advice of nearly all in the field of infectious diseases that agree with Fauci because they are right when it comes to matters concerning the virus.

If you actually think that this Nation will, or even can stay locked down for a year to a year and half you mare not a bright individual.
Did I write that moron?
Yes- why would the Right ever listen to an expert on infectious diseases- when you can just listen to your Dear Leader for the real 'information'

I don't really care about the bug. The strong will survive is my view on it.

I really only care about the targeted attack on the electorate's civil liberties.

And that whole left/right thing, no, that's not really my gig. Huh uh.
Of course you don't care about the 70,000 Americans who have died- and the thousands more who will die.

When you are as anti-science and anti-medicine as you are- this is no surprise.
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

Dr. Fauci is just eating up his new found fame and that's bad. He is getting the adoration he wants from the Left and has shifted his messaging to keep getting the attention he craves. Why don't we hear from Dr. Birx anymore? Ever since she called out the Media for being "Dicey and Slicey" about how they report news, they shut her out.

Who shut her out?
Of course you don't care about the 70,000 Americans who have died- and the thousands more who will die.

Nope. Not really. Other people's healthcare is none of my business.

When you are as anti-science and anti-medicine as you are- this is no surprise.

Actually, my higher education background is in the natural sciences. Of course, my degree just sits in my junk drawer under a bunch of pizza coupons.

I understand the nature of science, however. It's very simple, really. At its core, it's only about asking more questions. All we ever learn is that there are always more questions to ask. That's what science is.

As far as pharmaceutical products, you're certainly free to consume whatever products you'd like. I've no argument against your choices. People should be free to organize and make rules for themselves, so long as others aren't forced to equally conform at the barrel of a government gun.
Seems to me that the only reason people listen to this invested 'expert' is because they'll be arrested if they don't.


Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared before a US Senate Committee today to warn Senators against opening the country after the coronavirus outbreak. Opening too soon - before a vaccine - will bring needless death and suffering, he said. No mention of the needless death and suffering caused by the lockdown itself - cancer treatments cancelled, surgeries cancelled, Depression-level economic collapse, depression, suicide, abuse. How long must we continue listening to this "expert" who has gotten everything wrong thus far?

The guy is showing absolute signs of the "little man's" complex.
Why Do We Keep Listening To Him?

Ummm, because we want to live

I dunno. I think people are kind of forced to listen to him or they end up in the hole.

Anyway, remember that swine flu vaccination back in 1976?

Whuh hah happen were, officials responded by rushing through a vaccination that killed more people than the flu itself.

It cost Dr. David Sencer his job as Centers for Disease Control director.

Sencer said officials "believed that we were doing the right thing"

In the aftermath, the government was criticized for pushing Americans to get unnecessary vaccinations.

Asked about those hurt by the vaccine, he said, "If you're not sorry, you're not a human being." But he said the government paid settlements to those hurt, "So that we tried to make at least reparations in that standpoint."

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