Grexit & Clitexit


Sep 23, 2010
Withdrawing from the United Nations is the goal, but this ain’t bad for starters:

There first was Grexit, the plan that Greece would exit the Europe Union, which didn’t happen. Then anti-establishment interests were more successful with Brexit, through which Britain’s residents actually did vote to leave the “superstate” and now are awaiting the next step by the country’s Parliament.

Now there are calls for a “Clexit,” through which wise and thinking peoples would leave the U.N. Climate Agreement, promoters say.

“The U.S. needs to join the fledgling ‘Clexit’ movement and demand the U.S. withdraw from the UN Paris climate agreement,” wrote Marc Morano on his Climate Depot site.

“The time has come for a U.S. and Australia led ‘Clexit’ from the climate madness.”

Grexit? Brexit? Now some calling for Clexit
Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/28/2016 @ 8:58 pm

Grexit? Brexit? Now some calling for Clexit

I just hope that global government freakazoids do not get even by calling for Clitexit.
I'm waiting on the DumbAssxit. That's when all the right wingers decide to go somewhere else.
I am waiting on

Does anybody know the acronym eq. for RINO in Great Britain?

May countered accusations that she was going soft on immigration, telling reporters Monday, “I want a system where the government is able to decide who comes into the country – I think that’s what the British people want. A points-based system means that people come in automatically if they just meet the criteria.”


May became prime minister in July in the wake of the vote to leave the EU. May’s succession met some skepticism among Brexit voters, because she campaigned against leaving the EU. She attempted to quell this dissent by appointing several key members of the Leave campaign to her cabinet, who will negotiate Britain’s withdrawal from the EU over the next two years.​

British PM Sells Out Brexit Voters On Immigration Restrictions
Saagar Enjeti
11:21 AM 09/06/2016

British PM Sells Out Brexit Voters On Immigration Restrictions

I have nightmares thinking about our RINO after H.R. 75 passes.
British PM Sells Out Brexit Voters On Immigration Restrictions
Had I voted for Brexit I would not vote for Theresa May. To me, she smells like a RINO talking about repealing Obama: Repeal it, but not all of it.

“We seek a new and equal partnership.

Not partial membership of the European Union, associate membership of the European Union, or anything that leaves us half-in, half-out.

We do not seek to adopt a model already enjoyed by other countries. We do not seek to hold on to bits of membership as we leave.”​

As Trump's Inauguration Approaches, British PM Steels Public for a 'Hard Brexit'
By Hayley Condon
15 hours ago

As Trump's Inauguration Approaches, British PM Steels Public for a 'Hard Brexit'

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