Gregg Jarrett rips AG over indictment

Who are only given the information the prosecutor wants them to have. The defense has no access to present differing evidence. I've served on a criminal grand jury and know very well how they operate. Any questions we had for the witnesses had to be given to the prosecutor and he only asked them if he thought they were "relevant" to the case. He had complete control over what information we had access to.

Did you do a good job?
Faux News ripping Trump over the indictment. I thought they were a conservative news source.
You backed a corrupt politician; i.e., creepy old Joe Biden. But your guy is not being subject to an endless barrage of questionable criminal charges.
That's because he isn't a criminal. He's a career politician. Republicans and conservatives like to make up shit about Democrats when they have nothing else. They've had nothing else..for a long time.
They did it to Obama, they did it to the Clintons (both). ^Shrug^.
There is LITERALLY no question about the fact that President Trump COULD HAVE declassified each and every one of the documents in question, had he simply taken the time to do so. He, as President, was NOT BOUND by administrative procedures for declassification - those procedures flow from his original power to declassify. The case is preposterous.

Further, we have two prominent examples from recent years of people who LACKED the power to declassify, and yet kept, held, and/or destroyed classified documents after their time in government had ended, when they had no legitimate reason to possess them. Again, this is not speculation; it is fact.

If the intention of this conspiracy is to see to it that Trump wins the Republican nomination, it is succeeding wildly. OTOH, it is weaponized prosecution, writ large.
There is LITERALLY no question about the fact that President Trump COULD HAVE declassified each and every one of the documents in question,
Yet he didn't. He admitted that. It's on tape. He knew that he was fondling highly classified documents, docouments that are still missing.

So much for that meaningless deflection.

Further, we have two prominent examples from recent years of people who LACKED the power to declassify, and yet kept, held, and/or destroyed classified documents after their time in government had ended, when they had no legitimate reason to possess them. Again, this is not speculation; it is fact.
Nope. Neither Biden nor Pence deliberately packed up and took classified files themselves. Their staffers did, by mistake. Nor did either of them refuse to give them back. That's not a crime, and only the most flagrantly corrupt partisan shills pretend it is.

Remember, you won't be able to gaslight anyone outside of your cult. You will especially be unable to gaslight law enforcement. They're used to criminals claiming that law enforcement is corrupt, and Trump isn't doing anything new there.
Tough shit. You backed a corrupt loser and he turns out to be

No. We backed Trump, not Potato.

And Trump is only alleged to be corrupt. So, your declaration of him having “turn[ed]out to be” corrupt is just proof that you still don’t grasp the basic precept: presumed innocent.
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This was awesome last night

And all the nightly shows were on Fox.. just excellent coverage
Jarrett has it correct as usual. Biden and his cronies want to know what Trump on Crossfire Hurricane that is what I believe the raid was abo\ut nothing more.
No. We backed Trump, not Potato.

And Trump is only alleged to be corrupt. So, your declaration of him having “turn[ed]out to be” corrupt is just proof that you still don’t grasp the basic precept: presumed innocent.
And he lost. Trump is corrupt. Again, you should know this by now.
He's getting his day in court and his due process...but doesn't look good. At all. :auiqs.jpg:
Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, don't you think?
That's because he isn't a criminal. He's a career politician. Republicans and conservatives like to make up shit about Democrats when they have nothing else. They've had nothing else..for a long time.
They did it to Obama, they did it to the Clintons (both). ^Shrug^.
Biden may very well be criminal, Jackoff No-trades. There's a lot of shady shit in Joey's past!
Biden may very well be criminal, Jackoff No-trades. There's a lot of shady shit in Joey's past!
No..there isn't. If there was, he would have never made it to the Oval Office. His own party would have shown him the door. That's what Democrats do. We've seen what Republicans have become.
Trump got there because enough people enabled, lied and covered up for him...but that now gone. :)
No..there isn't. If there was, he would have never made it to the Oval Office. His own party would have shown him the door. That's what Democrats do. We've seen what Republicans have become.
Trump got there because enough people enabled, lied and covered up for him...but that now gone. :)
You are a Biden denier, Jackoff No Trade!

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