Green Dragon: TrumpUSA Dreamland


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a capitalism-omen 'vignette' presented as a politics idealism forecast.

Does 'TrumpUSA' deserve such a forecast?



Green Knight travelled through time to face his old nemesis and some-time 'friend' Green Dragon who also travelled through time to land in 2010 Los Angeles to terrorize America and pedestrian sensibilities regarding urban labyrinths and network confidence. Americans were happy surfing on Facebook, shopping on Wall Street, and voting for consumerism-favoring politicians. Green Dragon wanted to plant fear in the hearts of men who felt that 'everything was fine.' Green Knight hoped to stop Green Dragon.

Green Knight found Green Dragon flying over L.A. as an invisible 'presence' with the capacity to breathe a deadly 'metaphysical fire' over people complacent about 'normal life.' Green Dragon's 'fire' would create a gloom and a suspicious mistrust towards everyday life. People would think they were hallucinating something about the 'poison' of complacency and even standard 'congestion.' Green Knight soared up to Green Dragon (using his special power-of-flight) to debate with the leviathan-like creature, who was much more intelligent than people realized. Green Knight took the alias 'Alas,' while Green Dragon referred to himself as 'Grendel.'

ALAS: Why are you terrorizing the people of 2010 L.A., Grendel?
GRENDEL: These Americans are 'stuffy' with their foolish confidence towards urban life!
ALAS: You will make matters much worse with your dragon's breath.
GRENDEL: I only want to frighten them into vigilance...
ALAS: People like being taught, not told.
GRENDEL: I see, but why then (pray tell) do they revel in mischief (e.g., Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992)?
ALAS: Americans have to deal with a lot of things, and sometimes, things naturally get 'out-of-hand.'
GRENDEL: Well, Americans need a 'visceral shock' then, and I'm here to deliver just that!
ALAS: Your 'fire' will terrorize America and make people feel that God is absent...
GRENDEL: How do you plan to stop me, Alas?
ALAS: I will reason a 'new plan' with you, Grendel!
GRENDEL: What do you propose (you idealistic knight, you!)?
ALAS: Give Los Angeles 5 years to clean up their city and elect a consumerism-minded U.S. President.
GRENDEL: You think the next U.S. President will be a 'capitalism-baron' with appropriate 'consumer-spirit'?
ALAS: Oh, yes! It might even be a casino-mogul such as Donald Trump, and he'll be shrewd about money!
GRENDEL: Money runs everything, and L.A. and N.Y. and D.C. need waste-management governance.
ALAS: That's just what the next U.S. President (Trump?) will do, Grendel...
GRENDEL: I wager you that the next President (Trump?) will not responsibly invest in renewable energy.
ALAS: Let's make a deal then. If Trump(?) fails to invest in eco-friendly initiatives, we will visit the White House.
GRENDEL: That's a deal. We'll visit the White House on Halloween Eve 2017 and greet the President.
ALAS: We'll tell him, "We're excited to see what you do with the European Union and Greenpeace."
GRENDEL: You win this round, Green Knight, but if Trump(?) falters, the Green Dragon will return...



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