Green Beret Sniper Bryan Sikes Letter to Michael Moore


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Hats off to the fine veteran for putting a POS in its place




Subject: A Sniper's Letter to Michael Moore . . .

Green Beret sniper Bryan Sikes

Mr. Moore-

Good afternoon there sweetheart, I hope this finds you alive and well. You can thank our men and women of the armed forces for that, by the way, and that also includes us cowardly snipers. It seems you've found time between licking the jelly off your fingers and releasing your grasp of a bear claw to tweet some junk about snipers being cowards.

My buddies and I got a good laugh over the tweet, so I thank you. For a guy worth $50 million dollars, you sure have quite a bit to bitch and cry about. I guess like a moth to flame, you too gravitate towards things that are popular and in the moment; in this case it's snipers. Too bad for you that your attempt at being relevant via your 70+ year old family experience has failed. It has only made you look dumber than a bag of hammers. Next time you should try something more original than going after snipers for one reason or another; that was so last month.

It's typical of "men" like you to criticize the intestinal fortitude, focus, discipline and patriotism of a sniper. It must stem from an inferiority complex or something. But hey, it's okay cupcake. We snipers are thick skinned and the efforts of world class turds such as yourself to portray us in a negative light only makes us laugh. If you and I were in the same room, I'd throw you a smile and gently pat you on the head knowing you're nothing more than a mouth breathing, Crisco sweating waste of space not even worthy of being in the presence of a sniper. It's almost funny how people like you preach things like "acceptance" and "not passing judgment" or "labeling people", but then are the first to do so when a person is in some way dissimilar from you.

So tenderfoot, I leave you with this final thought: what if you found yourself in some sort of hostage situation where you were held at knife-point by some crazed person and they were dead set on making an example of you by bleeding you out on Hollywood Blvd in front of the world, and the only way out was with the precision aimed fire of a sniper? Would you want that coward to take the shot? Because knowing how you feel about snipers such as myself and your hatred of firearms, I'd probably drop the mag, roll the bolt and go get a Jack & Coke before helping you out.

Very Respectfully,

If it hit's the web, as it has, he'll hear about it. It won't change his dipshit view, but he'll hear about it.
Michael Moore is a disgrace. God bless this green beret sniper, Bryan Sikes. I wish him all the best.
what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.

Oh? Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. If Moore were on fire I wouldn't piss on him to cool him off. The guys a dishonest prick and the Green Beret called him on it.
anybody who needs to thump their chest that hard is an asshole. just a general rule.
and before i look it up, i'm going to go on record that this reads like a hoax. at least i hope it is.
I doubt Moore will even read it until someone hands it to him. It wasn't a bad letter, and it leaves it open to Moore replying and apologizing - not that Moore will being the egoistical prick he is.
Hats off to the fine veteran for putting a POS in its place




Subject: A Sniper's Letter to Michael Moore . . .

Green Beret sniper Bryan Sikes

Mr. Moore-

Good afternoon there sweetheart, I hope this finds you alive and well. You can thank our men and women of the armed forces for that, by the way, and that also includes us cowardly snipers. It seems you've found time between licking the jelly off your fingers and releasing your grasp of a bear claw to tweet some junk about snipers being cowards.

My buddies and I got a good laugh over the tweet, so I thank you. For a guy worth $50 million dollars, you sure have quite a bit to bitch and cry about. I guess like a moth to flame, you too gravitate towards things that are popular and in the moment; in this case it's snipers. Too bad for you that your attempt at being relevant via your 70+ year old family experience has failed. It has only made you look dumber than a bag of hammers. Next time you should try something more original than going after snipers for one reason or another; that was so last month.

It's typical of "men" like you to criticize the intestinal fortitude, focus, discipline and patriotism of a sniper. It must stem from an inferiority complex or something. But hey, it's okay cupcake. We snipers are thick skinned and the efforts of world class turds such as yourself to portray us in a negative light only makes us laugh. If you and I were in the same room, I'd throw you a smile and gently pat you on the head knowing you're nothing more than a mouth breathing, Crisco sweating waste of space not even worthy of being in the presence of a sniper. It's almost funny how people like you preach things like "acceptance" and "not passing judgment" or "labeling people", but then are the first to do so when a person is in some way dissimilar from you.

So tenderfoot, I leave you with this final thought: what if you found yourself in some sort of hostage situation where you were held at knife-point by some crazed person and they were dead set on making an example of you by bleeding you out on Hollywood Blvd in front of the world, and the only way out was with the precision aimed fire of a sniper? Would you want that coward to take the shot? Because knowing how you feel about snipers such as myself and your hatred of firearms, I'd probably drop the mag, roll the bolt and go get a Jack & Coke before helping you out.

Very Respectfully,

Very well written.
what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
And of course Moore denigrating all snipers be they military or police is just fine with you? Talk about dumb as a box of rocks.
what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
And of course Moore denigrating all snipers be they military or police is just fine with you? Talk about dumb as a box of rocks.
Rocks are more intelligent than Micael Moore or libtards in general.
what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op

what an asshole.

Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
And of course Moore denigrating all snipers be they military or police is just fine with you? Talk about dumb as a box of rocks.
you're making some wild assumptions.
Yes. Moore is a world class asshole.
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
And of course Moore denigrating all snipers be they military or police is just fine with you? Talk about dumb as a box of rocks.
you're making some wild assumptions.
Do you agree with Moore?
not gonna argue that, but it wasn't moore i was referring to.
Yourself then would be the only logical one you could call an asshole, asshole.
i don't go around thumping my chest. i don't feel the need to write an open letter to anyone in which i basically just insult them in unoriginal frat-boyish ways for four paragraphs.

that'd be the asshole who penned the letter in the op
And of course Moore denigrating all snipers be they military or police is just fine with you? Talk about dumb as a box of rocks.
you're making some wild assumptions.
Do you agree with Moore?
when calling snipers cowards? no.
i don't know what he's said about police, but i probably wouldn't agree with it, or at least not all of it, either.

i find him to be too extreme in the comments he makes outside of his movies, and his movies have to be taken with a grain of salt given that they are made with a clear agenda.

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