Greece tells banking cartel STICK IT

Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Moron. You can't blame republicans for Greece. You ruined your point with your partisan hackery.

Sorry, facts are facts. They hurt the con mind because you are the people that voted that leper colony into power and caused all the damage.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.

According to a team at Bloomberg News, at one point last year the U.S. had lent, spent or guaranteed as much as $12.8 trillion to rescue the economy.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
Thank you, President Bush!
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
You are forgetting ZIRP and the Fed printing $85 billion A MONTH.

United States Central Bank Balance Sheet 2002-2015 Data Chart
Greece's debt, and Italy's debt, and Portugal's deb, and Spain's debt, and France's debt came from...YOU GUYS!

You hacked off a piece of your monthly income, tossed it at your 401k manager and told him to build you a nest egg. "And you better get me 12 percent ROI, or else!"

Well, in a ZIRP world, there is only one way to make 12 percent interest. Hell, there's only one way to make 4 percent interest.

By lending money to sub-prime borrowers. Like Greece. And Portugal. And Spain. And France.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.

^^^ What an incredibly ignorant post. ^^^

First off, the Greek Government conspired to join the EU. They never should have done it in the first place. But they used debt to cover their tax receipts to spending gap. Even without paying any interest payment at all, they would still be running a deficit. This is the problem that Mob Rule Democracy creates - redistribution of income combined with a moribund economy. Greek's current debt to GDP ratio is 177%.

The U.S. is heading towards a much bigger Greek-style meltdown. Under Obama's rule, our debt has exploded. That is hardly climbing out of the BIPARTISAN 2008 financial crisis. We just mortgaged the future for a temporary respite.

And what does the Greek decision mean for the Greeks who voted for it: worse austerity as they can no longer borrow money to make up for the lack of tax receipts. IF they reform their government to reduce spending, they'll be better off - but that is a Big IF.

One other consideration: What do they do for MONEY without the Euro?
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
Thank you, President Bush!

Yes I agree, this is one thing Bush and Obama can both be congratulated on. TARP was needed at that moment, even though it appeared quite painful.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Moron. You can't blame republicans for Greece. You ruined your point with your partisan hackery.

Sorry, facts are facts. They hurt the con mind because you are the people that voted that leper colony into power and caused all the damage.


It's no use trying to explain reality to such a blind buggered boobie.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.


Greece just blew themselves up, and you think it's a victory.

And told the banks to stick it? The banks? LOL

Dude the banks are fine. Greece is who is screwed.


Eurozone Debt Showdown Looms As Populists Surge To Power In Greek Elections - Forbes

The IMF and the ECB, have legal guarantees, that they will not take a loss. The IMF almost never takes a loss.

18% is bonds. That's retirement funds, and pension funds (unions). That's the public.

3% is Greek banks. So the public will eat that loss, if they default.

The Bank of Greece, is the tax payers.

1%... just ONE PERCENT, is foriegn banks.

60%, is the Eurozone...... Whose that? Tax payers.

So who do you think is going to get screwed if Greece defaults? Tax payers. Not the banks. Not the wealthy. Not the rich. Not "cartels". Not the 'multi-national corporations'.

It's going to be the Greek public.... the tax payers of the EU.... the pensioners and Unions. That's who is screwed.

You haven't done diddle jack squat to the banks. You have blown off your own foot.

Whatever chance Greece had of rebuilding their economy, was just flushed down the drain.

When they get kicked out of the EU Zone, no one will buy their goods, because there will be tariffs on them now, and custom duties, and all the jobs they have left, will vanish.

The left-wing always pulls out the biggest sword, swings it as hard as it can, only to slice off their own head. Greece is the latest victim of socialist suicide.
Same with the American bank bailout. We got robbed. Everyone knows that was not a good deal but the bankers told us if we didn't we'd be doomed. you my friend are a fool
You know that bailout was opposed by both sides, don't you? It's further proof that Congress and the Decider didn't care what the American people want.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
How is Greece going to force the banks to lend it more money? I hope the banks aren't foolish enough to do it.

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They appear to be hoping to shame people into loaning them money, holding their people for ransom.

It's a high-risk, lousy investment, and everyone knows it, that's why they want Greece on its own.

I heard the plan was they will simply confiscate money in people's bank accounts, calling it a "bail in".
Gov't will always go where the money is. Same reason people rob banks.

It's a legitimate way to restructure a bank. Deposits are a liability of the bank. A bust bank has to restructure its liabilities. That can include deposits. Before FDIC, banks did that all the time in America.
Wrong. Before FDIC, banks that couldn't pay off their depositors closed their doors.

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Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.

^^^ What an incredibly ignorant post. ^^^

First off, the Greek Government conspired to join the EU. They never should have done it in the first place. But they used debt to cover their tax receipts to spending gap. Even without paying any interest payment at all, they would still be running a deficit. This is the problem that Mob Rule Democracy creates - redistribution of income combined with a moribund economy. Greek's current debt to GDP ratio is 177%.

The U.S. is heading towards a much bigger Greek-style meltdown. Under Obama's rule, our debt has exploded. That is hardly climbing out of the BIPARTISAN 2008 financial crisis. We just mortgaged the future for a temporary respite.

And what does the Greek decision mean for the Greeks who voted for it: worse austerity as they can no longer borrow money to make up for the lack of tax receipts. IF they reform their government to reduce spending, they'll be better off - but that is a Big IF.

One other consideration: What do they do for MONEY without the Euro?

I said in the original post, Greece has tough times ahead no matter how they voted. That is a given. They will have to get their financial house in order and they will.

And I agree the U.S. needs to get our debt paid down and balance the budget EVERY YEAR. And please, it isn't 'Obama', he was handed a 1.4 trillion dollar yearly deficit by Bush and that has been dropping every year since. This year the deficit will be 480 billion, 1 trillion dollars less than when Obama took office. Leave the partisan hackery out.


There should be a Constitutional amendment so Congress can never borrow so much.

But a sovereign nation is never going to allow someone to hold a knife to its throat and tell them what to do, unless the knife is a bayonet at the end of a rifle.

Greece and the rest of Europe will have to get this figured out, and they will. If they don't, if the Eurozone kicks Greece out then likely the Eurozone and the Euro will also slowly fall apart. And as I noted in earlier posts the bad players around the world see how western democracies treat each other at such times. It DOES matter.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
Thank you, President Bush!

Yes I agree, this is one thing Bush and Obama can both be congratulated on. TARP was needed at that moment, even though it appeared quite painful.
You don't get it. Tarp stands for to ass rape people
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.

You dumbshit, the Banks are going to do what is called a "buy in".

Look it up asshole.
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
Thank you, President Bush!

Yes I agree, this is one thing Bush and Obama can both be congratulated on. TARP was needed at that moment, even though it appeared quite painful.
No. It really wasn't needed. That was the lie.
Too big to fail my f****** ass. Greek wallstreet shipping giants and bankers. Divide and conquer. First Greece actually before Greece it was France and the middle East and Detroit and Puerto Rico. The bankers are getting what they want. The rich are winning this war. Meanwhile they tell us no war is being waged. Worse they claim its us waging war on them. A war we are losing.

I may be a lot more optimistic this year then I was in years past but I am certainly not going back to the Republican Party. haven't been there since Reagan and that was his first term
Greece voted down the knife that international banks had to their throat.

The Greeks are looking at tough times no matter how they voted, so the birthplace of Democracy kicked the fascist international banks in the face and they've said in one loud voice you aren't going to turn us into slaves.
Now those very banks will be FORCED to negotiate a more equitable settlement and payment package because they have no choice

For Europe to even put the oldest democracy in such jeopardy, while insane entities like Isis watch, is beyond unforgivable. You can't squeeze blood from an orange. No matter what, the various financial institutions HAVE to work out a deal with the Greeks.

I applaud the Greeks for standing their ground. They will climb out of this financial disaster, like America has had to climb out of the Bush/Republican financial disaster handed to it in 2008, and come out whole.

What they did today was give notice that you 'don't f#$k with democracy'.
Remember the debt ceiling hostage and they scared us into thinking if we didn't give them what they wanted the economy would collapse? Same thing they're doing in Greece right now. Remember Detroit went bankrupt? It was a test case for the rich and powerful to see if they could get away with doing it Detroit next Hartford or your any day American city could be next. Why? How? Because they have already gotten away with it and will again. Most people don't even realize the 2007 TARP bailout was a bank robbery nothing more or less

Total investment by TARP 426 billion, total paid back 441 billion.

The tax payers made money on the bailout.
Thank you, President Bush!

Yes I agree, this is one thing Bush and Obama can both be congratulated on. TARP was needed at that moment, even though it appeared quite painful.
No. It really wasn't needed. That was the lie.
Just because a few years have past doesn't change the facts of what happened back then and these Republicans want to act like speaking the truth is being a conspiracy theorist

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