Great News! Why China Will Reclaim Siberia. Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia, its clear that putin does care what will happened to Moscow ulus after him

1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1. The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow.

The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China's huddled masses, now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China. The land is already providing China, “the factory of the world,” with much of its raw materials, especially oil, gas and timber. Increasingly, Chinese-owned factories in Siberia churn out finished goods, as if the region already were a part of the Middle Kingdom's economy.

One day, China might want the globe to match the reality. In fact, Beijing could use Russia's own strategy: hand out passports to sympathizers in contested areas, then move in militarily to "protect its citizens." The Kremlin has tried that in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and most recently the Crimea, all formally part of other post-Soviet states, but controlled by Moscow. And if Beijing chose to take Siberia by force, the only way Moscow could stop would be using nuclear weapons.

Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Russia, especially Siberia,
to a raw materials exporter beholden to Greater China. And as the Chinese learned from the humiliation of 1860, facts on the ground can become lines on the map. "
Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia, its clear that putin does care what will happened to Moscow ulus after him

1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1. The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow.

The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China's huddled masses, now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China. The land is already providing China, “the factory of the world,” with much of its raw materials, especially oil, gas and timber. Increasingly, Chinese-owned factories in Siberia churn out finished goods, as if the region already were a part of the Middle Kingdom's economy.

One day, China might want the globe to match the reality. In fact, Beijing could use Russia's own strategy: hand out passports to sympathizers in contested areas, then move in militarily to "protect its citizens." The Kremlin has tried that in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and most recently the Crimea, all formally part of other post-Soviet states, but controlled by Moscow. And if Beijing chose to take Siberia by force, the only way Moscow could stop would be using nuclear weapons.

Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Russia, especially Siberia, to a raw materials exporter beholden to Greater China. And as the Chinese learned from the humiliation of 1860, facts on the ground can become lines on the map. "
China does not want to use force unless it has to

if the intergration and economic takeover of siberia is going according to plan there is no reason for china to invade militarily
Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia, its clear that putin does care what will happened to Moscow ulus after him

1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1. The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow.

The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China's huddled masses, now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China. The land is already providing China, “the factory of the world,” with much of its raw materials, especially oil, gas and timber. Increasingly, Chinese-owned factories in Siberia churn out finished goods, as if the region already were a part of the Middle Kingdom's economy.

One day, China might want the globe to match the reality. In fact, Beijing could use Russia's own strategy: hand out passports to sympathizers in contested areas, then move in militarily to "protect its citizens." The Kremlin has tried that in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and most recently the Crimea, all formally part of other post-Soviet states, but controlled by Moscow. And if Beijing chose to take Siberia by force, the only way Moscow could stop would be using nuclear weapons.

Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Russia, especially Siberia, to a raw materials exporter beholden to Greater China. And as the Chinese learned from the humiliation of 1860, facts on the ground can become lines on the map. "
China does not want to use force unless it has to

if the intergration and economic takeover of siberia is going according to plan there is no reason for china to invade militarily

How many Chinese live in Russia?
Thirty thousands? Forty? Hardly more (and half of them live in Moscow). Russia (especially Siberia) is not nice place to live, and Russians are not very nice people to live with.
If you was a young Chinaman thinking about emigration, what career would you choose: to become a Siberian farmer or lumberjack, or a shop-owner in California?
And yes, Chinamen remember about Blagoveshchensk Massacre and Sixty Four Villages East of the River Massacre too good.
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once again " The 1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1.


The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow. "
once again " The 1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1.


The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow. "
There are reasons why Siberia is so low populated.
First of all because it is Siberia. It is cold, it is big and anyone have to waste too many resources just to survive.
Second (and may be even more important) - there are Russians. Even those of them, who live in the European part of Russia - are not very nice people by any civilized standards. Those who live in Siberia and believe that there is only Law of Taiga, and only a bear is a prosecutor...
Did you watch your own videos from Khabarovsk protests? How many China faces were there?
What about mixed marriages... You see, fruits of such marriages become Russians. Actually, Communistic part of China, Vietnam and Northern Korea is often called as "Yellow Russia".

once again " The 1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1.


The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow. "
There are reasons why Siberia is so low populated.
First of all because it is Siberia. It is cold, it is big and anyone have to waste too many resources just to survive.
Second (and may be even more important) - there are Russians. Even those of them, who live in the European part of Russia - are not very nice people by any civilized standards. Those who live in Siberia and believe that there is only Law of Taiga, and only a bear is a prosecutor...
Did you watch your own videos from Khabarovsk protests? How many China faces were there?
What about mixed marriages... You see, fruits of such marriages become Russians. Actually, Communistic part of China, Vietnam and Northern Korea is often called as "Yellow Russia".

once again " The 1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1.


The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow. "
There are reasons why Siberia is so low populated.
First of all because it is Siberia. It is cold, it is big and anyone have to waste too many resources just to survive.
Second (and may be even more important) - there are Russians. Even those of them, who live in the European part of Russia - are not very nice people by any civilized standards. Those who live in Siberia and believe that there is only Law of Taiga, and only a bear is a prosecutor...
Did you watch your own videos from Khabarovsk protests? How many China faces were there?
What about mixed marriages... You see, fruits of such marriages become Russians. Actually, Communistic part of China, Vietnam and Northern Korea is often called as "Yellow Russia".

China is now claiming ownership of Vladivostok
Ha! Do you really believe, that China can risk to lose Shanghai Pact (say nothing about their own country) just to get Siberia?
Ha! Do you really believe, that China can risk to lose Shanghai Pact (say nothing about their own country) just to get Siberia?
" Shanghai Pact " ask your Moscow buddies LOL))

The Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 - Hitler's foreign policy - WJEC ... › bitesize › guides › revision


The Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939 · it left Poland isolated · it destroyed attempts by the West to bring the Soviet Union into an alliance against Germany · Germany avoided ...
Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia, its clear that putin does care what will happened to Moscow ulus after him

1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1. The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow.

The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China's huddled masses, now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China. The land is already providing China, “the factory of the world,” with much of its raw materials, especially oil, gas and timber. Increasingly, Chinese-owned factories in Siberia churn out finished goods, as if the region already were a part of the Middle Kingdom's economy.

One day, China might want the globe to match the reality. In fact, Beijing could use Russia's own strategy: hand out passports to sympathizers in contested areas, then move in militarily to "protect its citizens." The Kremlin has tried that in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and most recently the Crimea, all formally part of other post-Soviet states, but controlled by Moscow. And if Beijing chose to take Siberia by force, the only way Moscow could stop would be using nuclear weapons.

Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Russia, especially Siberia, to a raw materials exporter beholden to Greater China. And as the Chinese learned from the humiliation of 1860, facts on the ground can become lines on the map. "
That would be hilarious to see because if the irony aspect, but not good for the world no matter how much fun it would be to watch.
Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Muscovy, especially Siberia, its clear that putin does care what will happened to Moscow ulus after him

1.35 billion Chinese people south of the border outnumber Russia's 144 million almost 10 to 1. The discrepancy is even starker for Siberia on its own, home to barely 38 million people, and especially the border area, where only 6 million Russians face over 90 million Chinese. With intermarriage, trade and investment across that border, Siberians have realized that, for better or for worse, Beijing is a lot closer than Moscow.

The vast expanses of Siberia would provide not just room for China's huddled masses, now squeezed into the coastal half of their country by the mountains and deserts of western China. The land is already providing China, “the factory of the world,” with much of its raw materials, especially oil, gas and timber. Increasingly, Chinese-owned factories in Siberia churn out finished goods, as if the region already were a part of the Middle Kingdom's economy.

One day, China might want the globe to match the reality. In fact, Beijing could use Russia's own strategy: hand out passports to sympathizers in contested areas, then move in militarily to "protect its citizens." The Kremlin has tried that in Transnistria, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and most recently the Crimea, all formally part of other post-Soviet states, but controlled by Moscow. And if Beijing chose to take Siberia by force, the only way Moscow could stop would be using nuclear weapons.

Putin's critics fear that this economic integration would reduce Russia, especially Siberia, to a raw materials exporter beholden to Greater China. And as the Chinese learned from the humiliation of 1860, facts on the ground can become lines on the map. "
That would be hilarious to see because if the irony aspect, but not good for the world no matter how much fun it would be to watch.

LOL, the horizontal state always wins, the hans are a great Khan´s slaves and have 0 chance against USA

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