Grandparents' Day 2021

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Well, yesterday was a rather sad day, but today we get to celebrate all of the grandmas and grandpas out there. :) Most of my grandparents are up in Heaven now, as I only have one grandmother (that I call Gram) left,.. but I still have LOTS of memories of my grandparents that keeps them alive in my heart. :)

One of my grandmothers used to go to bingo so she earned the nickname Bingo Grandma. I used to love to go over to her house to visit her and help her get the mail and weed and water the garden and my favorite things to do with her were playing hide and go seek and playing with Playdough. I also really liked to try on her sweaters in the winter and the house she lived in is currently the house that I'm living in myself! :D (Although it doesn't look exactly the same, otherwise it wouldn't really feel like our house.)

Then, I had my Grandma and Pawpaw when I was younger,.. and my Pawpaw died of cancer when I was about nine years old. :( So, although that was really tough on me, I still remember how he hated being wrong and used to let me get away with anything and everything lol! :p (In fact one time he let me have ice cream for lunch when Grandma went to the store, but she found the evidence later on in the trashcan and I don't think she left us alone again after that. XD)

My final memories of Grandma and Pawpaw is that they were really musical and Pawpaw made me some cassette tapes when I was a little kid and I still have some of them, but I'm glad that I can find a lot of them on YouTube and I don't think all of the ones I found are going to fit into one post so here's just some of the ones I found to start with. Happy Grandparents' Day to everyone!! :D

and, as usual, I won't hear from my grandkids

Aww,.. I'm sorry to hear that. Happy Grandparents' Day to you anyways. *Hugs* In their defense though Grandparents' Day is tougher to remember than Mother's Day and Father's Day. Anyways, I got some more favorite songs on here. :)

I always liked my grandparents. Unfortunately, they have been deceased for quite a few number of years. They were born in Poland and decided to come to America because they wanted to pursue entry level positions in the challenging field of bituminous extraction and transportation. They got in on the ground floor.

Very unlike immigrants today, coming to America for a Free Ride, food stamps, free medicaid, housing, etc.

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